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Word for Today, Thu, 17 Aug 2000: Fwd: "All I Want Is A Bag of Mulch..." Sowing Seeds Devotion 8/17/00

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Attached is a message from my friend, Larry Davies. If you have trouble
reading the attachment, go to Larry's Web site at to read it. Remember Janice? Well, she
is struggling a bit, but she is still alive and doing a LOT better. Thank
God and give Him praise for that, and continue to remember Janice and others
in your prayers.

In this message, Larry also writes about getting an unlikely chance to
share his faith - in a store, when all he wanted to do was buy some
mulch. Did he share his faith? Well, you'll have to either read the
attachment or go to Larry's Web site to find out! 😉

Friends, I struggle with how to share my faith. If my actions and
attitudes are bad, I wonder what kind of lousy image I am sharing with
others. I am discovering, however, that it is much more important to
share who I am, and why I need God, personally, than it is to be perfect
in every way. God calls me to seek Him and to fit into His plans, but
He also knows what I am made of. That is why He gave me (you too!) Christ -
because we need someone and something outside of ourselves to account for
our shortcomings and failures, someone who is pure, whole, and knows what
we need. That is who Christ is, and what He has done for me - and you.
I know that I fall short. Sometimes I fail to share my faith. Sometimes
I do things I ought not to do, or fail to do what's needed. That is not
right. When I am ready to admit my errors and seek help, then God is
prepared to offer it to me. That is my testimony to you.

Please remember one another in prayer. If you are not sure what to pray,
and you haven't dumped those devotional messages sent earlier this week,
you could start with them. Another good resource is Larry's devotional
site. Still another is the Gospel Communications Network, They even have an online bible there at I hope that you either have your own resources,
or you take advantage of these online resources. They are helpful tools
to know who God is, and why He is worth our complete love and devotion.

Mulch is OK, but it is far better to feed on God's Word every day!

Peace be with you all!

Brother Brian

Sowing Seeds Devotion 8/17/00

Note: forwarded message attached.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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