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Word for Today, Thu, 17 Jan 2002: Gone To The Birds?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This week, I am convinced that my friend Larry Davies has finally
gone to the birds - in Paris, no less! He has managed to write
yet another crazy story about Cuckoo Birds and somehow apply it
to something real and practical! Do you see why I like Larry so
much? He's way over the edge, just like me, but his stories are
memorable - practical, too!

Larry's message adds additional support to the study we've been
doing about the importance of Bible Study, prayer, and
cultivating a personal relationship with God, and also how to
train ourselves to be effective, not only for our own lives, but
to be useful servants of God. This message is a natural (oh
really? 🙂 ) continuation of Larry's message from last week. I
hope you enjoy the more humorous (yet practical) approach that
Larry uses. (Hey, it lightens ME up, so it must be OK, right?)

Dear Lord, I am grateful for the opportunity to laugh and joke,
yet think about something so very real and practical for every
day of my life. I pray that You would bring clarity to Your
Word, that You would help each of us as we yearn to understand
how to live for You as we battle with the personal things that
continually distract us. Thank You for Your patience with each
of us.

Please help us today to strengthen the faint-hearted, support the
weak, help the afflicted, love and serve You, rejoicing in the
power, wonder, and might of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: "Shopping in Paris"

Larry's newest book is already paying for itself, so as promised
we're reducing the price again. You can purchase "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit" at nearly 40% off the retail price. In
addition you can receive a free prayer journal from ministry for any purchase. Check it out by
clicking here:

Sowing Seeds of Faith,T

$(CSh(Bopping in Paris$(D b(By Larry Davies

Here is something new and fun to try. Are you with me? Stand up,
answer these questions and have some fun. It is important to
follow the instructions carefully and do all the movements. Are
you ready?

1. $(CGu(Bess where I$(Bve(B been?$(D
(B Answer: (Where?)
$(CIB$(Bve(B been to Paris!
(What did you do in Paris?)
$(CI (Bwent shopping.
(What did you buy?)
$(CA (Bpair of scissors.$(D
(B (With your right hand make a scissors movement.)

Go back to 1 while doing your scissors movement and start the
verse again then add to the scissors:

2. $(CA (Bsewing machine with a foot pedal.$(D
(B (Move your right foot up and down.)

Keep going back to 1 while doing all the movements and add each
of the new ones. Are you getting twisted up yet?

3. Start again and now add,T $(CA (Bfan.$(D
(B (Fan your face with your left hand.)

4. Start again and now add,T $(CA (Brocking chair.$(D
(B (Rock back and forth.)

5. Start again and now add,T $(CA (Bnew Hula Hoop.$(D
(B (Swivel your hips.)

Are you with me so far? Are you doing all the movements? You are
so coordinated and so insane!

6. $(CGu(Bess where I$(Bve(B been?$(D
(B (Oh no...not again!)
(Please don$(Bt (Btell me what you did?)
$(CYo(Bu guessed it, I went shopping!$(D
(B (No more buying....please!)
$(CYe(Bs I bought a brand new Cuckoo Bird!$(D
(B (Shout to everyone,T (BCuckoo! Cuckoo!)

Now, if you actually managed to do all of these motions you may
be feeling a little $(Ccu(Bckoo...cuckoo,$(D b(But you can get
even with me by lining up four friends and enticing them to join
you in this crazy stunt.

$(CWh(Bat$(Bs (Bthe point...Larry?$(D T(Bhere is a very important
lesson here.

A young minister named Timothy was having a difficult time
convincing the people in his church the importance of
maintaining their faith in Jesus. Christians were being
arrested, beaten and even killed for their beliefs. Other
so-called leaders were advocating an easier way to be Christian
and avoid the persecution: The equivalent of a shopping trip in
Paris. Timothy knew it was a path for $(CCu(Bckoo Birds.$(D

(BPaul sent Timothy a letter of encouragement and warning. $(CHa(Bve
nothing to do with godless myths and old wives tales; rather
train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some
value, but godliness has value in all things, holding promise for
both the present life and the life to come.$(D ((B1 Timothy 4:7-8)

$(CHa(Bve nothing to do with godless myths,TB$(D I(Bn other words,
be extremely careful to whom you listen and follow. Timothy$(Bs
(Bpeople were blindly following $(Ccu(Bckoo bird$(D l(Beaders and
ignoring God$(Bs (Btruth. Paul$(Bs (Bsolution involves the spiritual
version of an Aerobic exercise class.

$(CTr(Bain yourself to be godly,TB$(D A(Bs Christians, we train
through prayer and studying God$(Bs (BWord. It is this training to
become godly that protects us from the charismatic con-artists
who offer quick and easy solutions to life$(Bs (Bdifficulties. We
become more able to judge for ourselves the right way to follow

What$(Bs (Bthe point?

Be extremely careful to whom you listen and follow. Continue to
develop and strengthen your faith in God through prayer and
Bible study. Then you become more able to make your own solid
choices. The alternative is that you may end up on a shopping
tour of Paris, making your body do strange gyrations and end up
looking like nothing more than a giant cuckoo bird. $(CCu(Bckoo!

(BSowing Seeds of Faith... Weekly devotions with ATTITUDE, humor,
great stories and a down-to-earth Bible study.

Subscribe or check out our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me,
and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you
can do nothing. Anyone who parts from me is thrown away like a
useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a
pile to be burned. But if you stay joined to me and my words
remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be
granted! My true disciples produce much fruit. This brings great
glory to my Father. (John 15:5-8)

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