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Word for Today, Thu, 18 Jan 2001: A Letter of Faith

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today's Word for Today comes from one of my favorite Christian
writers and someone whose soul really connects with mine, even
though we have never personally met. I'm talking about my
friend, Larry Davies and his weekly devotional ministry, "Sowing
Seeds of Faith". In addition to the weekly devotional, which is
available through a mailing list subscription or on the Web,
Larry has an international prayer ministry, is an accomplished
author, and, oh by the way, he just happens to have a job as a
full time pastor. My friend is a real "down to earth" guy. He
has the same problems we all do, and he is open and caring enough
to write about them. Good things happen around Larry, because he
is a humble man and he understands the wonderful grace of God and
the power of prayer.

I'm not trying to pump up Larry, I'm just trying to explain to
you, from my perspective, why my friend Larry has peace in his
heart. You see, I'm telling all of this from my own perspective,
because I have found my own peace by making peace with God and
earnestly seeking Him every day.

Please read the story about Esther Kim and her husband, Pastor
Dong-Shik Kim, and remember them in your prayers. I really
believe when we connect with the needs of others, we are closer
to the heart of God, because He cares for each one of us. Let's
also show care for one another, even those we do not know
personally. The apostle James reminds us that the prayer of a
righteous one is powerful and effective. Well, I have no
righteousness of my own, but I do claim the complete
righteousness of Christ, so that applies to me, and there is no
reason it cannot apply to each one of us. Please join me in

Dear God,

You know each of our needs, and You understand our hearts
completely. We ache for people like the Kim family, who are
separated and isolated, even held hostage for who knows what. We
know that our own lives have been held hostage, slaves to sin.
We also know that our deliverance from that lifestyle comes from
You and only You. We know that Jesus holds the key to life and

Forgive us of the things that separate us from You, and draw us
to Your throne of grace.

Coming to You with that humility, yet a quiet confidence, we
approach you now, asking for Your deliverance from the things
that snare us. Guard over and protect the Kim family, be their
source of protection, sustain them, and bring them peace. May
not only Korea, but each of us, find peace because of You. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <
To: <>
Subject: "A Letter of Faith..." -- Sowing Seeds Devotion --
January 18, 2001

This devotion is about world events in Korea but more importantly
it is about a family and a community that believes in the power
of prayer. For more on prayer you can click here:

Sowing Seeds of Faith

A Letter of Faith
Larry Davies

Tired and discouraged, Esther Kim recently finished a grueling
round of chemotherapy and drove to a nearby church, looking for a
quiet place to pray. She ended up at our church but couldnt find
the chapel. She was miraculously discovered wandering the halls
by one of our prayer groups and within minutes all of them were
crying and praying together as Esther shared her struggles with
cancer and told the incredible story of Pastor Dong-Shik Kim, her
husband held prisoner in North Korea.

For months we have been in contact with governments and
organizations around the world urging Pastor Kims release. Above
all, we have prayed. On the one-year anniversary of the
kidnapping, representatives from the Korean church and others
throughout the community joined us in a special service to pray
both for Pastor Kims release and the peaceful unification of
Korea. As a part of the service, Esther Kim wrote and read a
letter of love and continuing faith in God.

On January 16, 2000, North Koreans kidnapped Pastor Dong-Shik
Kim, my husband. I appreciate those who have joined the prayer
movement for him. I wish for you to pray not only for my husband
but also for the people who are suffering in North Korea.

My husband was inspired by the biography of Pastor Ju Kichul. He
attended the Ungchun Church in which Pastor Ju ministered.
Ungchun church was also the place he prayed about marrying me.

My husband lived for the smallest. In 1986, he was involved in a
serious traffic accident, which left him unable to walk without
the use of a cane. After that, he began to emphasize that he and
I should take better care of our five adopted children than of
our own three children. He believed that if every Korean church
adopted at least one orphan, they would no longer need foreign
adopters and Korean churches themselves would benefit. He himself
led such a life.

Pastor Kim worked for handicapped people. He opened a talent
conference and a ski camp in Korea for the handicapped. He
interpreted To Live is Enraptured by Dahara Uneko and Dream of
the Wheelchair by Jang Heduck into Korean. With the help of
several South Korean churches he built noodle factories in North
Korea. He sent containers of clothes and socks to protect people
from harsh winters. He supported several orphanages and
kindergartens in North Korea and sent provisions.

While working in China, Pastor Kim began taking care of escapees
from North Korea and looked for ways to bring them into South
Korea via a third country. On November 30, 1999, he miraculously
succeeded in leading five families (13 people) into South Korea
through Mongolia where they were detained for seven days. He
reentered China on January 15, 2000. The next day, shortly after
worshipping at church, he was kidnapped by North Korean spies.

Each year my husband chose for our family a hymn such as: The
Lord Who Helps Me Behind My Back in 1997, On a Hill Far Away
in 1998, God is Our Refuge Strong in 1999, and We are Bound
for Canaan Land in 2000. He wrote Scripture verses on our
calendar. His favorite was 2 Kings 6:16,17: Dont be afraid.
Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.

After surgery for rectal cancer on September 30, 1999, when his
body became weak, people urged him to look for a successor. He
said, There is no one who would die for this work. We should
make up our mind to die for the LORD if we really want to do the
work of the LORD. He continued to take care of the weak without
taking care of his own body.

I dont know where my husband is or how he has been. North Korea
is a country in which people have no freedom and do not know God.
Would you, who enjoy freedom and know the Gospel, pray for the
evangelism of North Korea and the unification of all of Korea? It
is what my son, Heaven, and I and my husband Dong-Shik Kim want.
As for us, there is nothing we can do but pray. In Christ,
Esther Kim.

World events and politics are often hard to comprehend but we can
all appreciate a devoted wife and family who want their loved one
home and the country they love reunited. Will you join us in

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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