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Word for Today, Thu, 18 Jul 2002: Practical Faith and Ministry Responses

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I had already composed a message by the time I located this week's
edition of Sowing Seeds of Faith, and yesterday I was preoccupied with
some software work, so I managed to delay formatting and putting
together a message with Larry's weekly Sowing Seeds of Faith message.

Last week, you may recall that Larry announced the winners of his
annual writing conference. Typically, in the middle of the summer,
Larry takes a break from writing new work and shares works from other
people and then it's "rerun time"!

This week, Larry writes about how to ask useful questions about
practical aspects of putting one's faith into action in ministry
opportunities. It does not take a great theologian to share in
ministries, but it does take a heart seeking after God. Without
God at the center of our thinking, our efforts become vein and
stale, lacking real purpose, and then they become a burden. But
when we view everything we do in life as an opportunity to
respond to God out of love and gratitude in our hearts for what
He has already done for us, life itself takes on new meaning and
purpose. Once we have that perspective, then the ideas that
Larry shares below can be very useful indeed.

So let's start with Larry's list and work on Step 1.

Dear Lord,

I long to know You more. I want to do much more than go through
the motions of life. You have placed within my grasp everything
I need, not only to survive physically, but how to live in
healthy ways, both emotionally and physically. Your Holy Word is
the basis upon which a solid foundation of principles can be
established. Please renew a passion in me every day to know Your
Word intimately so that I can know You. Then help me to gain an
understanding and appreciation of Your ways, so that I may become
like You, both in attitude and in deed.

Lord, I'm needy. You know as well as I do that though I desire
these things, I stumble. It seems the more I realize my state,
the more I want to change. Help me to change to become more like
You, but also encourage me, lest I grow discouraged.

Please help each of my friends as they think about You and
decide, privately and personally, to what extent they will choose
to serve You today. I pray that my own actions and words will
not be an impediment to anyone, either on these Email lists or in
my home or community. Forgive me for the ways I fall short,
Lord, and lead me continually back into Your Presence, that I may
experience the joy of living in Your Spirit.

Thank You for teaching us with Your Word and in every day
experiences, such as the ones that my friend Larry shares with
his local church and his online friends. Please strengthen my
friend, Larry, for I'm sure that he faces the same struggles that
we all face, sometimes gets tired, maybe even occasionally
discouraged. Please bolster Him up and constantly remind him of
Your love. (I'll tell him, too --- Larry, I love you as a dear
brother in Christ)!

Lord, please be with those who are traveling this summer. Keep
them safe, no matter where they may be. Please help our leaders
and all who are in authority over us. May we all find our
strength, not in acquiring wealth or power, but in knowing Your
Holy Preseence. I ask all of these things with great humility,
in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

The next few weeks while Larry is taking a writing break will
include favorite columns from the past year. I hope you enjoy
them and have a great month of July. God bless. Larry

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

As with any successful ministry, there are expenses. One creative
way you can support Sowing Seeds Ministry is to sponsor "key
words" used to advertise on the internet. Our latest sponsor,
Fred and Christy Glidden are sponsoring the word "Jesus" in honor
of their son Spencer. We thank you and many other sponsors who
give regularly to this ministry. Earl and Judy Adams sponsor,
"Devotion" and "Prayer of Jabez." Gene and Connie Campbell
sponsor "Grief" in memory of Mary Crew. Sue Soyars sponsors
"depression." For more information and to see a list of our
current sponsors you can click here:

Ten Questions of Faith and Ministry Larry Davies

People often ask: Larry am I doing what God wants me to do? I use
ten questions to regularly guide my ministry and spiritual
life. Recently, I shared them in church and several people asked
me for a copy. (Well, actually it was just mom but she seemed
genuinely interested.) So maybe you will find the questions
helpful too. Warning: Don't think you have to check off
everything or feel guilty about what you are not doing. These
questions are simply meant to be a practical guide for you or
your church.

1. Do I pray regularly? It sounds so simple yet nothing happens
without prayer. When I am struggling it is often because my
prayer life is not what it should be. Does your church emphasize
prayer as a regular and critical part of their ministry? Prayer
is always step one.

2. Do you have a vision? It's difficult to shoot an arrow if
there is no target. So how can you function without a vision from
God and goals to help you fulfill the vision? What talents and
resources are available to you? to your church? What is needed in
your community?

3. Are we growing in faith? Spiritual formation is a continuous
journey of learning, experiencing and sharing the Word of
God. Young and old are discovering a passion for God's Word but
don't always know where to begin. Bible studies and small groups
play a key role in spiritual development. Take a class,
participate in Sunday school or join a prayer group.

4. Are you caring for others? What are you doing to maintain
loving contact with friends and family? Do you regularly offer
encouragement? What is your church doing to care for each other?
Most offer shepherd groups, support ministries or prayer
chains. Perhaps you can help. The simple gesture of sending a
card is a ministry that often works miracles.

5. Do you cultivate friendships above and below your own age? If
you don't? why not? Maybe you need to get a life! Just kidding
but it's important that you reach beyond your comfort level and
seek to understand other age groups. You will learn a lot and
probably have a great time. Young and old alike have so much to
offer but they need our love and respect.

6. Am I involved in a community ministry? Is there a Habitat for
Humanity near by? Am I doing anything for children at Christmas?
Are groups fixing broken down houses for people too poor or
sickly to make their own repairs? Is there a "Meals on Wheels"?
Every community has needs? To meet those needs God has given us
all unique talents. What am I doing with mine? It's usually not
that hard to find out what's needed and ask: "How can I help"?

7. Are you a witness? Do people really know what you believe? How
can you talk about God without others feeling intimidated or
offended? Do coworkers look upon you as someone they can trust?
Will you listen to their concerns with respect and love? Are you
praying for opportunities to share your faith? The best
definition for being a witness is the willingness to make a
sincere and honest attempt to be a friend in the name of God.

8. What about men? 61% of those not attending church are
men. Maybe you can help with starting a ministry for
them. Mission trips, building projects and sports have all proven
to be successful ways to include guys. Many come back to
participate in other church activities.

9. Are we reaching single adults? More than 56% of the unchurched
population is single. Surveys indicate that many single adults
believe in God but feel isolated from the church. We can start
recognizing their needs by changing our language. Family night
supper implies that you must be married to attend. Instead call
it a 'Fellowship and Fun' supper. Ministry ideas could include
divorce and grief recovery workshops or single parent programs.

10. What about children? Parents are struggling to provide a
wholesome environment for their children. It usually starts at
Sunday school and they often need your help as a teacher or
volunteer. There are other ideas such as: After-School Ministry,
Parent's Day Out or M.O.P.S.

I can't possibly do all that! True but you can do something. My
prayer is for these questions to stimulate your thinking. Then,
let God guide you. We all face a challenge to reach out in
ministry in creative ways. The main thing is to be open-minded,
be in prayer and celebrate the victories.

In the last few years, I have witnessed many people inspired by
God become involved in ministry. It has been the biggest joy of
my life. The excitement of doing something worthwhile for God is
more contagious than a flu epidemic and the results are far more
lasting and satisfying. So, what are you waiting for? Find your
ministry today and may God be with you!

Do you have a ministry story to share? I'm looking for unusual or
interesting stories where you have reached to others in the name
of Christ. Please write to

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world-like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)


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