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Word for Today, Thu, 19 Jul 2003: Looking Forward and Following

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The Christian life is about obedience, listening, looking
forward, and following the direction of the leader. Jesus Christ
Himself, God's very own Son and the very essence of God, came to
be the One that we follow. Though we have had the Law, the Ten
Commandments, and the historical scriptures for thousands of
years, two thousand years ago Jesus came, not only to interpret
that Law, but to completely fulfill it, and also to free us from
it's judgement. For not one of us is completely innocent in
every way. The Bible clearly states that there is not a person
who never sins and never fails, except of course for God Himself,
and God in the flesh, Jesus Christ.

Today, Neil Anderson writes a message about these issues, about
approaching God. We have no right to approach God on our own,
but thanks to God, He came to us.

Hail to the King

You came to us
A man in very nature, God
Pierced for our iniquities
When You died upon the cross

But God exalted You
To the highest place
And gave to You the right to bear
The name above all names

That at the name of Jesus we should bow
And every tongue confess that You are Lord
and when You come in glory
For the world to see
We will sing

Hail to the King
In all His splendor and majesty
Hail to the King of Kings
Lord Jesus our God

Larry Hampton

(c)1995 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing

Dear Lord,

I find my true hope, the real place of satisfaction, right in
You. Yet I confess that it is SO easy to think of other things,
to get distracted, and to allow my eyes or my mind to wander to
other places.

Help me to continually place my hope and trust in You, to rejoice
in You at all times, to share the reason for my joy with others,
and to also find my place of rest securely in You alone.

Your Brother in Christ,

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No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is
fit for the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62).

Imagine, if you would, a door in the path ahead of you. God's
will is on the other side of that door. We crave to know what it
is. Will God show us what's on the other side of that door? No
Why not? Because we have to resolve an issue on this side of the
door first. If He is Lord, He has the right to determine what's
on the other side of the door. If we don't afford Him that
right, then we are not acknowledging Him as Lord.

Why do we want to know what's on the other side of that door?
Isn't it because we want to reserve the right to determine
whether or not we will go through it? Some boldly walk halfway
through, but keep their foot in the door just in case they don't
like what they see and want to go back. It's going to be awfully
hard to continue walking with God if your foot is stuck in the
door. Jesus said, "No one, after putting his hand to the plow
and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God" (Luke 9:62).

One man probably spoke for many when he said, "I'm so used to
running my own life. I'm not sure I even can or want to trust
someone else. Besides, God would probably haul me off to some
mission field I can't stand." What we need to realize is that if
we did give our heart to the Lord, and God did call us to that
mission field, by the time we got there, we wouldn't want to be
anywhere else.

Do you believe that the will of God is good, acceptable and
perfect for you (Romans 12:2)? That's the heart of the issue. In
the Lord's Prayer we are taught to approach God with the intent
that His will be accomplished on earth. It makes no sense to
petition God if we are not predisposed to do His will.

Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Lord. I open my
heart for You to enter and accomplish Your purposes in me today.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

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