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Word for Today, Thu, 19, Jun 2003: God IS Working

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

My friend Larry Davies and I seem to have a common interest, and
the timing of that interest even seems to coincide rather
closely. For me, in 1995, I began attending a small church in
Concord, NH while living about 20 miles south of Concord in
Manchester, NH and working in Nashua, NH, around 25 miles south
of my home. Needless to say, I traveled a 40-50 mile distance on
a regular basis.

Occasionally I'd get time to sit on the balcony of my tenth floor
apartment and look out over the downtown area of Manchester. I'd
wonder how many people around me actually knew Jesus Christ as
their personal Lord and Savior. I'd often think the same thing
as I traveled between Concord and Nashua.

I remember having small, intimate times of prayer at my church in
Concord with either my prayer and accountability partner, a man
named Paul, or on Wednesday evenings with small groups. But I
really remember sitting on that balcony, praying and wondering if
there would ever be a way to reach people in my area for Jesus
Christ, not knowing either them or their specific needs.

All I could do at the time was pray, look for opportunities, and
act whenever something came up. A couple of things did come up.
First, there was an interest in getting a few small radio
stations operational that made full time Christian programming
available. To me, that was a direct answer to prayer. I
remember specifically praying about that very thing, even though
I had no personal means of doing much of anything about it
myself. The second thing that came up was a chance to share
things about my faith to others in small ways at work in the
lunch cafeteria, and also sharing my own comments and opinions
about some online devotional messages with a few friends online.

Those were the initial seeds in my heart for what eventually
became an online devotional ministry to share encouragement with
other people. To complete the story would take up a lot of
space, though if anyone is interested, perhaps the story can be
continued. What interests me about all of it is that God has
been doing a work in the hearts of people in geographically
dispersed areas, and we've come together, not because of us, but
because of what He has done within us.

Dear Lord,

As I read Your Word and think about it, replace the things that
distract me from Your Spirit, free my life from sin, help me see
my own tendency to sin, and to turn away from it, so that I may
live a full life that is pleasing to You and helpful to others.

Your Brother in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

"Sowing Seeds of Faith: Yesterday, Today and Beyond"
Larry Davies

In 1995, I wanted to reach out to people other than those who
happened to attend our church so I approached our local
newspaper: "The Amelia Bulletin Monitor" and received permission
to write a weekly religious column. When asked for a name, I
chose "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." patterned after a Bible parable
about a farmer who sows seeds and is blessed with a crop many
times larger than what was planted. The plan was to write
simple, everyday stories anyone could enjoy and understand which
would also teach the Bible while offering seeds of encouragement
and hope.

What started as a few seeds slowly began to grow. Today...

. Sowing Seeds of Faith is emailed to nearly 11,000 subscribers
including individuals, newspapers, churches, magazines and other
websites around the world.
. The weekly devotions accumulated into three books. "Breaking
the Peanut Butter Habit" is the latest and only book still
available. The others are sold out.
. Sowing Seeds of Faith, the website receives hundreds of
visitors daily and contains over 300 pages of devotional
material on almost any topic.
. Our prayer network counts almost 7,000 prayer partners who
pray for nearly one hundred requests each week received on the
web site or through email.
. Our Sowing Seeds Ministry annual writing contest offers
publishing opportunities for Christian writers in four
categories: Devotion, Prayer, Poetry and Sermon.

The numbers are impressive but the letters I receive each week
tell an even more amazing story:

"I am South African working in Kuwait and wanted to thank you
for your weekly devotions. They are a blessing and contain so
much wisdom for life. Reading the weekly prayer requests is a
humbling experience and makes me realize how blessed I am to
have a family, a good job and my health. I pray Jesus will guide
me to help... be it through prayer, time or finances." Richard

"I'm proud to be a part of this ministry. Your site was a breath
of fresh air. I was encouraged by how real you are. As a Brit,
sometimes we feel our American cousins are not in touch.
Instead, I saw people in the SAME position. This made me want to
pray. Can you imagine your website reaching people like me just
outside of London? I'm amazed!" Chimeme

Then there are the miracles: potential suicide victims stopped
by the outpouring of hundreds of emails offering prayers, love
and godly encouragement. People struggling with finances,
emotional and relationship problems, depression, facing surgery
find comfort and hope.

"I went to church as a child but never understood God and what
He could do. Since contacting you, I have come out of a deep
depression that can only be through the power of prayer. I want
to do what God wants me to do now. I need him so very much.
Larry, this has changed my life. If not for your ministry, I
would have given in and taken my life. Thank you." Denise

Yet, requests for help and prayer continue. Here is a sampling
from just one week:
. I found this site as I was looking up suicide. I have
already taken my pills...
. I have hit bottom and wonder if God is hearing my
. My sister is a missionary to China and has broken out
with blisters...
. He did not want marriage. I turned my back on him and he
took his life...
. Please pray for my daughter who left home to be with a
bad crowd...
. My husband is torturing me emotionally, mentally and

The prayer requests continue by the hundreds every week, far
beyond our ability to meet them. Our ministry is looking for
ways to expand our outreach and capability. Please continue to
pray for us. Some of you have signed up as ministry financial
partners and we thank you. I am humbled daily by the miracles
witnessed and the lives changed. "Sowing Seeds of Faith" has
multiplied and grown a crop many times larger than the seeds
planted. We have been richly blessed. Thank you Lord.
If you would like to support Sowing Seeds Ministry there are at
least five ways:

1. Include Sowing Seeds Ministry in your regular prayers.
2. Sign up for our prayer ministry:
3. Consider buying our latest book:
4. Become a ministry partner:
5. Buy gourmet coffee at

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join
our prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

How can I regularly support your ministry? Become a Sowing Seeds
Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

Did you know? All money received from the sale of our books go
directly back into the Sowing Seeds Website or the printing
bill? When we say "Non-Profit" we mean... "Non-Profit!" Support
us today. Buy "Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's
Recipe for a Better Life" now on sale only through this website.
Click here:


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