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Word for Today, Thu, 2 Aug 2001: Dealing with my own blindness

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

One of my favorite times of the week has arrived - the time when
I get to share the prose from my Internet friend, Larry Davies.
It is my sincere desire that Larry and I will one day get a
chance to meet in person. I really believe that we see many
things from a similar perspective.

Hmm, have I ever felt blind? Oh yes, on many occasions. Even
right now, as I struggle to find a job in the software industry,
I find myself wanting to do what God wants me to do, but not
completely sure where I will end up next. Instead of racing
ahead to try and find my path, I am trying to discern what God
may be doing right now in my life. I do know that I have had
time to pray, time to spend with my young children, and time to
reflect. I consider those blessings.

Am I blind? By myself, yes, you'd better believe it! I cannot
possibly do anything at all on my own. Perhaps I have gotten a
bit wiser, realizing that my strength does not come from more
education, a newer car, or a higher paying job. Those things are
useful, but they can get in the way, if they are not kept in the
proper perspective.

So this is a good message for me. I hope it is a good message
for you, too. Let's turn to the One who can heal our blindness,
the One who gave His life to save us. It sure wasn't me. That
One is Jesus Christ, my Lord, our hope.

Let's read Larry's entertaining message about being "blind".

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: "Help, I'm Blind..."

Important note: My server has changed and my email address may
have changed slightly but it's critical. My new one is The online must be added to nesbe now
or it will not go through. Thank you for your patience. God
bless. Larry

Sowing Seeds of Faith

"Help, I'm Blind!" Larry Davies

"Pick a partner. One of you will be blind and the other will be a
guide," the teacher said. All went black as I slipped on the
blindfold and allowed my partner to nudge me forward and lead me
by the hand. A once-familiar classroom was now a breeding ground
of desks and chairs to bump into or trip over. No longer
self-secure, I was utterly dependent on my guide for directions
and safety. The worst was yet to come.

Leaving the classroom, we staggered down the hall. Other senses,
once ignored, began to provide clues where we were. Laughter and
talking meant other students were nearby. We must be in the
hall. Ouch! There's a doorway. The hard surface under my feet
meant a sidewalk. Automobile sounds fading in and out, suggested
nearness to a road. Wait a minute! We're on a road- with cars-
Isn't that dangerous?"

"You are stepping off the curb and onto the highway," said the
teacher. Suddenly, my body lurched out of balance as the ground
under my feet dropped eight inches. Imagine eight tiny inches
with the power to disrupt everything that was secure in my
life. Knowing exactly where I was never seemed to matter before,
but now it was crucial. How could I take the next step if I
didn't know where it would lead?

"Stop and listen," commanded the teacher. I heard the familiar
sound of an automobile engine only this time it was getting
louder. Alarms in my brain screamed, "You idiot, run. That car
is heading straight toward you!" But the sound went safely by
only to be quickly followed by a similar sound from the opposite
direction. Again, the voice inside me screamed, "Run!" But again,
nothing happened. We removed the blindfolds and found ourselves
standing in the middle of a busy road: A terrifying lesson.

I never before apprehended the fear and helplessness that
accompanies blindness.

Could this lesson also illustrate our spiritual blindness? At
first, you manage okay as other senses provide clues but
suddenly something shifts and you are thrown off balance. Alarms
in your brain scream out as you sense approaching danger. Your
spiritual eyesight now becomes crucial but you seem to be
blindfolded. How can you take the next step in life if you
cannot see where to place your feet?

Spiritual blindness can also produce feelings of helplessness and

God always offers hope to the blind. Oh, the joys of those who do
not follow the advice of the wicked, But they delight in doing
everything the Lord wants. (Psalm 1) Not an everyday promise of
joy as in eating ice cream. This is indescribable joy that only
comes from God. How do we obtain it? We begin to open our
spiritual eyes and carefully watch where we place our feet. No
shortcuts but look at the benefits.

There are two opposing principles within Psalm One. First is the
promise: They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never
wither, and in all they do, they prosper. The storms still exist
but God gives strength to withstand and continue bearing fruit.
Second is the warning: But this is not true of the wicked. They
are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. They will be
condemned at the time of judgment. Most of us would not quickly
claim to be spiritual trees but none of us want to be chaff. So,
what do we do? How can we improve our eyesight?

The experience of being blindfolded and Psalm one yields four
valuable lessons:

1. Appreciate what you already possess. Oh the joys of those!

2. Learn to develop other senses. They are like trees- bearing

3. Avoid crowded highways. Do not follow the advice of the

4. Know and trust your guide. The Lord watches over your path.

Psalm One ends with a promise and a warning: For the Lord watches
over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to
destruction. Are you struggling with spiritual blindness? Has
your equilibrium been knocked around lately? Are you sensing
approaching danger? Maybe it's time for a new Guide: One who
knows exactly where you need to go and can be depended upon to
lead you safely. What are you waiting for? Open your eyes and
pray for God to guide your next steps. It sure beats an oncoming

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