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Word for Today, Thu, 2 Dec 2004: We Are Saints

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Thu, 2 Dec 2004: We Are Saints
Dear friends,

Today's devotional message comes from Neil Anderson's Daily in
Christ series. This message challenges all of us who count
ourselves true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ to move past
the "... just a sinner saved by grace" mentality to our real
calling, beloved saints of God, saints who occasionally sin, but
are no longer imprisoned by the bondage of sin.

I need this message and I pray that it will encourage you as well
to remember your calling as people who are deeply and dearly
loved by God.

Yours in Christ,

from Freedom in Christ Ministries

December 2


To all who are beloved of God in Rome, called as saints: Grace to
you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
(Romans 1:7).

Have you ever heard a Christian refer to himself as "just a
sinner saved by grace"? Have you referred to yourself that way?
What do sinners do? They sin! If you are no different from a
non-Christian, or even if you perceive yourself as no different,
what will happen? Your Christian life will be mediocre at best,
with little to distinguish you from a non-Christian. Satan will
seize that opportunity, pour on the guilt, and convince you that
you are doomed to an up-and-down spiritual existence. As a
defeated Christian you will confess your sin and strive to do
better, but inwardly you will admit that you are just a sinner
saved by grace, hanging on until the rapture.

In Scripture, believers are called "brethren," "sons of God,"
"sons of light," and "saints." You are not a sinner; you are a
saint who sins. "For you were formerly darkness, but now you are
light in the Lord; walk as children of light" (Ephesians 5:8).
According to that passage, we don't have an identity problem; we
have a walk problem.

We become saints at the moment of salvation and live as saints in
our daily experience as we continue to believe what God has done
and as we continue to affirm who we really are in Christ. If you
fail to see yourself as a child of God, you will struggle vainly
to live like one, and Satan will have little trouble convincing
you that you are no different from who you were before Christ and
that you have no value to God or anyone else. But appropriating
by faith the radical transformation of your core identity from
sinner to saint will have a powerful, positive effect on your
daily resistance to sin and Satan.

Lord, open my eyes that I may see myself as You see me. Then
enable me to walk as a child of light.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

Additional devotionals are available from

Freedom in Christ Ministries (FICM), who brings you these Daily in
Christ devotionals through Crosswalk, is asking you to prayerfully
consider how you can help financially during these future months. If you
have been touched by these devotionals, a monthly pledge or even a
special gift of any amount during this time would be greatly
appreciated. Please use the link below to give as the Lord leads.
Thank you so much for your prayerful consideration of this need in
helping others discover the treasure of Freedom in Christ.

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Brian Masinick,
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