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Word for Today, Thu, 20 Sep 2002: Part Two, Beverly Hillbillies Go To Church

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

You may recall that a little more than a week ago, Larry Davies
wrote a story about a rather unconventional church service with
the Beverly Hillbillies. Today, I'd like to share with you the
conclusion of the story. You can decide for yourself how many of
the things the Clampetts learned compared to the things we were
talking about... I'll claim you that there is more substance
in the message than you may first think.

There are some gems of wisdom found in the story. It has to deal
with faith, asking, receiving, and setting a proper attitude and

My seven year old son often expects certain things to happen. We
affirm to him that we always love him, and nothing will EVER
change that. At the same time, we tell him that he WILL NOT get
everything he wants in life; he certainly will not get his way.
He tells us he can't wait until he is a teenager, or he can't
wait until he is an adult. I respond to him that no matter what
age he is, at best, he will only get a few of the things he
wants. The right attitude is to appreciate what we have today
and do our very best to seek the things that are consistent with
what God wants us to do and be.

That's a hard message for children to accept, but it's true. I
would assert to you that it is also a hard message for many
ADULTS to accept as well, but that doesn't change its validity
one bit.

What does the Bible tell us? The Sermon on the Mount, from which
Larry quotes part of today's message, is as clear as can be about
all of this. There is no need to worry or fret about anything.
God is interested in each of us, He is capable of meeting our
material and spiritual needs, and He is interested in each of
us. God wants us to be interested in Him and to seek Him FIRST,
with all of our hearts.

What's so complicated about that? Jed and Jethro "get it". Do
we "get it"? Let's trust God for everything in our lives, even
when we don't see the solution or the answer we seek, and
particularly when we are getting a different answer than the one
we are looking for. Don't think that God isn't listening or God
doesn't care. Maybe that IS the answer!

My friends, I'm looking for a job that will support my family.
God has provided us with sufficient retirement reserves to live
off, but those are running out. For me, that is an every day
reminder that my faith is a combination of trusting God for the
answer and taking action myself. It's so easy to try to do
things on our own and only turn to God when we have a problem,
but it is an attitude of the heart and a new life when we look to
God for everything.

No matter what God chooses to do with my life and that of my
family, I know that God has been cementing His principles into
the fabric of my own life, and I am forever grateful for that.

Your Brother in Christ,

From: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject:"Beverly Hillbillies Go To Church" Part 2

Please forgive me if you are getting this twice. There was a
glitch in the program and only half of our subscribers received
this. We're trying to correct the problem now. There is no need
to respond. Thank you for your patience. God bless. Larry Davies

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Sowing Seeds of Faith...

You can read part one of this story on the internet and see a great
picture of the cast. Click here:

"Beverly Hillbillies Go To Church" Part 2
Larry Davies

"Jethro, why don't you read something from the 'Good Book'", said
Jed Clampett.

Jethro carefully opened the Bible: "Keep on asking, and you will
be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will
find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone
who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is
opened to everyone who knocks." (Mat. 7:7-8)

"That's wonderful, Jethro. But do you know what it means?" asked

"You bet I do!" shouted Jethro but then he paused and admitted:
"No, Uncle Jed, no, I don't know. What does it mean when it says,
ask for anything and you'll get it?"

"Well, I don't rightly know myself, Jethro. What do you think,

Granny replied: "Jed, all I know is that folks pray for food and
still go hungry and these old bones of mine still ache when I get
up in the morning. Every day, I've still got to get out of that
bed and cook enough fatback and hog jowls to feed all of
you. Like you say, Jethro, you don't get things just by asking
for them. There's a heap more to it than that."

"Granny, I think you're right," Jed added. We can't get
everything just because we ask for it. When Jesus said, "Ask and
you will receive..." it don't mean for us to give him a list. You
see Jethro: Faith in the Good Lord ain't some kind of magic
wand. Faith is more a way of living during the good times and the
bad times too. It means you respect life like it is not like what
you want it to be."

"You boys come in the kitchen so I can show you something," said
Granny. She walked into the kitchen and filled three pots with
water and put them each on a burner. In one pot, Granny put a
carrot. In another she put an egg and in the third pot she placed
a handful of coffee beans. "Jethro, when you put a carrot in this
pot and boil it... it gets real soft. But what happens to the

"That's easy, Granny. It gets hard and I love hard-boiled
eggs. Can I eat it now?"

"Settle down Jethro," said Jed. "But Granny, what about the pot
with the coffee beans."

"That's the best part Jed," answered Granny. "Look what happens
after you boil the beans."

Jethro jumped in again, "You get coffee, Granny and I love a good
cup of coffee."

"Jethro, you love anything that will fit in that big mouth of
yours," shouted Granny. "What I'm trying to say to you fellers is
that when times get tough, some people get soft like the carrot
and give up. Some folks, like the egg, look fine on the outside
but inside they're hard-boiled. But coffee beans somehow turn the
boiling water of trouble into a delicious fresh pot of
coffee. Now Jed, that's what I call faith!"

"Well, doggy" I believe you're right. When I look at life as a
hardship it's too much. But when you look at life as a challenge
it gets exciting, waiting to see how it all turns out." Jed
thought a moment and said, "It's like the words to my favorite
hymn: "Life is like a mountain railway, with an engineer that's
brave. We must make the run successful, from the cradle to the
grave. Watch the curves, the fills, the tunnels; never falter,
never quail. Keep your hands upon the throttle and your eyes upon
the rail...."

The "Beverly Hillbillies" worship service ended with the Clampett
family and everyone in the church singing the chorus together:
"Precious Savior, thou wilt guide us. Till we reach that blissful
shore: When the angels wait to join us in Thy praise
forevermore... in Thy praise forevermore. Amen."

"Well now it's time to say goodbye to Jed and all his kin. An'
they would like to thank you folks for kindly dropping in. You're
all invited back again to this locality, to have a heapin'
helpin' of their hospitality. Hillbilly, that is! Set a spell,
Take your shoes off! Y'all come back, here!"

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world-like a city on a
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light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)


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