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Word for Today, Thu, 21 Nov 2002: There's a New Song in My Heart

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Do you sing much? I love to sing. Some of us are good at it,
some of us are so-so, some of us can barely hold a tune. The
message from the PCCWeb Daily today is not so much about
literally singing songs, though I think that literally singing
songs is a good thing, and applicable here. But there's a deeper
principle behind it, and that's what both the writer of the
devotional and I would like to bring out.

No matter what we do, if we don't occasionally refresh ourselves
with a new song, a new approach, a fresh attitude, a change in
our hearts, we are bound to take a tumble, and if we continue to
avoid that new song, new approach, fresh attitude, and change in
our hearts, we are heading for an extended free fall to the
depths of what will most certainly end in despair.

I've known Psalm 96 for many years. When I was 16 years old, I
joined my local church choir, and not long after I joined, we
sang the song:

O sing unto the Lord a new song
Sing unto the Lord all the earth
Sing unto the Lord, bless His Name
Show forth His Salvation from day to day!...

Those words ring so true in my heart today that even 30 years
later, I can still hear some of those choir voices - and I can
most certainly hear that message.

The words are ancient, their message is timeless.

Do you have a song to sing today? If, by any chance, you happen
to be discouraged about anything at all, purposefully and
prayerfully sing out a song of praise to God. He knows
everything you're doing, everything you're going through, and He
cares... deeply.

Hey, that reminds me of another "new song" of praise we used to
sing "way back when...". It goes like this:

There's a new song in my heart
Since the Savior set me free
There's a new song in my heart
It's a heavenly harmony

I pray for the Savior to bring both salvation and harmony in your

Lord, I thank you for music, but beyond that, I thank you for the
message it brings - one of encouragement and hope.

Your Brother in Christ,

PCCWeb Daily

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Today's Devotional

A New Song

Psalm 96:1 - O sing to the Lord a new song. Sing to the
Lord, all the earth. (NRSV)

My soul becomes parched and dry; my mind fills with hunger
for something new, inspiring, and filling. No matter how
hard I try to stay in my structure, fulfilling my role in
life, the daily routines have a way of becoming dull and
boring. I ache for new songs to sing, a new spark to
ignite, a new stream in the desert, to make me want to move
forward. I tire of the same colours, the same tunes, the
same food, and the same routines.

The Psalmist recognized this need in humanity. He says that
the way to sing a new song is to sing to the Lord of all
the earth and bless His name. When we thank Him for what we
have, He will refresh us with a new song. Our God is one of
action. Finding God is not an ending -- it is a
beginning. It is a lifetime of new songs, new structures,
new truths, and new glories.

Psalm 96:2-3 - Sing to the Lord, bless His name; tell of
His salvation from day to day, disclose His glory among the
nations, his marvellous works among all the peoples. (NRSV)

A new song may require profound moments of personal
self-examination. It may mean renewing our commitment to
God and to serving others in new and different ways. It
will come when we sincerely seek to serve God and to put
Him first in our lives.

Prayer: Lord, we ask You for a new song and a new
life. Grant us courage and strength to open our hearts to
Your renewing, life-giving presence. In Jesus' name we
pray. Amen.

Ivie Bozeman
Thomasville, Georgia, USA

Today's Canadian Bible Society Scripture Reading: Psalm 100:1-5

Brian Masinick,
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