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Word for Today, Thu, 21 Sep 2000: New Thoughts

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I have a personal conviction that the things people say, though
they may sting sharply, will only affect me if I allow them to
affect me. I strongly believe that things of the mind are the
areas in which the Holy Spirit can have the most influence. It
is my heart's desire to continually renew my own mind by seeking
the counsel of the Holy Spirit. When someone is nasty to me, it
does hurt. Even so, the Spirit of God renews and refreshes me.
When I spend more time listening to Him than I do to the words of
others, especially those who like to tear down, I am renewed and
built up, instead of emotionally destroyed.

How about you? How are you affected by the things people say?
What do you think about what God says about you? (Do you know
what He says about you)? His Word tells me that I am deeply
loved, fully accepted, and completely forgiven. What more could
I ask than that? My response is to return that love to Him.

Brother Brian

WORD FOR TODAY with Bob Gass - Wednesday 20th September 2000

Free from the opinions of people



If you let it, criticism will steal your individuality... rob you
of your creativity... and stop you from fulfilling your destiny.
Insecure people will always criticise you if your choices are
different from theirs. Why? Because they're uncomfortable with
things that don't conform to their way of thinking. I know, I
used to be that way!

On the other hand, secure people can handle 'being the only' one,
doing something. They can allow others the liberty to be
different and to make their own choices. Why? Because they are
secure in who they are!

Listen, "[He] made Himself of no reputation..." (Phil 2:7).
Jesus obviously wasn't too concerned about what others thought of
Him. He had a goal - to do the Father's will - no more and no
less. He also knew that to do it, He had to be free from the
opinions of others!

To me the greatest tragedy in life would be to grow old, and know
that somewhere along the way I had 'lost myself' and never
succeeded at being who God called me to be. Paul says it this
way: "It matters very little to me what you think of me, even
less where I rank in popular opinion. I don't even rank myself .
. . The Master makes that judgment" (1Cor 4: 3-4 TM). Think it
over carefully!

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2000 (used by permission)

Printed copies of "The Word for Today" are available free from
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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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