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Word for Today, Thu, 22 Aug 2002, Vital Encouragement

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today I'd like to share with you a message from Larry Davies'
Sowing Seeds of Faith for this week's edition. This week,
Larry's message is a replay of one of his important messages
about those who have lost hope.

I remember praying for Margaret. I've prayed for many others.
There are so many prayer requests that it's not easy to pray for
every single one, but I take as much time as I can to respond,
when I'm able, and I urge others to pray, too.

But you know, praying through an Internet ministry is not the
only way to pray. I am grateful for the reach of the Internet,
and I use it every day. Even so, the most direct way to have an
impact on the lives of others is in the way we treat those around
us. Please be sensitive to hurting people around you. Chances
are good that someone is hurting right now within your personal
sphere of influence - a relative, a friend, a neighbor. Respond
while you can. But first, keep a short account with God, making
sure that you confess your own sins privately to Him, seek Him
for personal strength, and THEN reach out to others with the
strength that only God can provide - through the healing blood of
Jesus Christ, the perfect sacrifice of love for us.

If you're able, I'd encourage you to become a Sowing Seeds of
Faith prayer partner with Larry Davies. But even if you are
unable to do so, please be sensitive to those around you. Their
lives and eternal security may depend on it. Can God use YOU to
make a difference in someone else's life? He can if you will
allow Christ to fill you with HIS Spirit, so that you can
minister encouragement to others in the Name of Jesus Christ. To
me, no job is more important than that.

Have you had your own private appointment with your Savior today?

Dear Lord,

I am SO thankful for Your Word and Your assurance that You have
not turned Your back on Your people. No, You have been more than
a conqueror, for You have sent Your own Son to redeem us - a
completely lost people, those who have strayed from You. I ask
for personal forgiveness; I, too, have been guilty of turning my
back against You when I fail to acknowledge You in every detail
of my life.

Help me to become a faithful servant. Remind me of Your
promises. Continue, by Your Spirit, not only to urge me to read
Your Word, but fill me with understanding, so that I may heed its
message. There are many who need to have hope and are lost
without any hope at all. I know that I, too, need hope and
encouragement, but I have found these things in You.

Please continue to encourage me, that I, too, may be an
encouragement to others.

Your Brother in Christ,

Where were you on September 11, 2001? What do you remember that
day? What have you learned since? What has changed about your
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Sowing Seeds of Faith...

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"Contemplated Suicide... " Larry Davies

I receive hundreds of emails every day but this one really scared

Dear Pastor Davies: A few minutes ago I asked your prayer force
to pray for me about wanting to die. I don't have time now to
wait to be printed on a prayer list. I need to die tonight to be
closer to God. My husband is requiring me to see my psychiatrist
at 1:45 tomorrow. The last time I saw him he wanted me to go to a
hospital. I am alone tonight on the farm we are losing. I have no
friends or relatives to help. When I tried to talk to my pastor,
he said,

"I wouldn't be depressed if I had faith enough to trust God would
take care of me." He said, "I shouldn't take communion at the
church because of my lack of faith." Then he forgot about me. Do
you understand why I need to just die and be close to Christ's
feet? I don't have anyone else to turn to but God. I know others
will think this is a sin, but I don't know how God could. I love
Him so much. I hate the world this much.

I read your articles on suicide and how it affects your
family. My children already resent me because of this mental
illness. I have tried to mend relationships with my children and
parents and sister. I have no one to turn to here on earth. I
want to be with God. I pray you will read this soon and pray for

Yours in Christ, Margaret

Several of her statements made it obvious to me that Margaret was
determined to carry out her threat:

- "I need to die tonight..."

- "I am alone tonight on the farm we are losing..."

- "I have no friends or relatives to help..."

- "My pastor forgot about me..."

- "I want to be with God..."

Our Sowing Seeds Ministry web site contains devotions on suicide
so we regularly receive emails asking for help. We forward them
to our prayer partners around the world who flood each one with a
barrage of email offering prayers, love and hope. I answered
Margaret's letter and sent a copy to our eight thousand
subscribers around the world. Within minutes I received nearly a
hundred letters!

Dear Margaret, I want you to know that I read your letter and stopped
to pray for you. Who am I and how could I understand your pain? I am
who you would leave behind to carry that pain. I am your child! My
mother took her life when I was 17. I am now 47 and have carried that
pain all these years. The pain, the sense of abandonment, the feeling
that I was not good enough or worthy enough for her to want to live is
more than I can describe. Please do not leave that legacy to your
children. Our Lord is the God of all hope. Have faith, don't
quit. With Love and Prayer in Christ, Karin

Dear Margaret, PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP! I've suffered from severe chronic
depression in the past and am now mostly free. It is not a sin to be
mentally ill. God offers hope in the midst of darkest despair. There
are people everywhere now praying for you. What can be stronger than
that? Sharon

Dear Margaret! I hope you are reading this letter! That means it is
not too late. I am writing from Lithuania. I am begging you to listen
to your heart and find another solution. Recently my brother attempted
suicide. God did not let him die. Now he is happy to be alive. God
loves you! Aurika

Dear Father: Tonight, I lift Margaret up into Your arms, and Father, I
know You are aware of her circumstances, her desires to end her life
here on earth. Bless Margaret with Your love, and send forth angels to
encamp around her, to make her feel loved, needed and may she open up
her heart to You. Help her understand that Your purpose for her is far
beyond that she has realized. Bless Margaret tonight, her family and
bring them into Your wisdom, Your perfect plans for their lives. In
the name of Jesus, I pray, trust and believe. Amen. Sandra Lewis
Pringle, Author of "Singing Loudly as Lions Roar"

OH MY HECK! How are we supposed to know what happens to this woman? I
have spent all morning in prayer for her and will pass this along to
my pastor. I'm shocked and afraid for her. I hope she made it through
the night! I will keep praying until I feel at peace about it. Love
and Blessings, Jennifer

Next week: "Contemplated Suicide..." continues with an incredible

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world-like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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