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Word for Today, Thu, 22, May 2003: Needs Improvement

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today's message comes from Larry Davies' weekly Sowing Seeds of
Faith devotional series, and it probably applies to the majority
of us in one way or another. It describes a set of prescriptions
we need - beginning with Jesus Christ. The prescriptions involve
stopping our other activities, being quiet, listening, being
receptive to our need for something and someone else. That
someone is God, and that something is the presence of God's Holy
Spirit alive and at work in our lives, not just an occasional
rushed prayer, some memorized words, or a laundry list of

We all face various difficulties, therefore, we all need to
encourage one another, whether its with those we work with, our
close friends, our personal relationships, or our spouses and
family members.

This weekend, I celebrate the anniversary of my marriage to my
precious wife. We realize just how precious our moments are.
Having three children, and also having low income jobs that
require us to work extra, just to keep a roof over our heads and
food on the table, have given us a keen appreciation of the time
we do have. My prayer is that our present difficulties will
cause us to continually evaluate our priorities, and by the grace
of God, we will use the time we have more effectively, and that
will include putting God first in everything we do.

Our present report card is that we've started to do that, but the
mid term progress report has come back: "NEEDS IMPROVEMENT".

We will never be without fault as living beings. But, given the
gift of the eternal hope we have in Christ, we may live like Him,
as people who are humble, seeking to serve one another out of
gratitude and the same deep love that Christ exhibits toward us.

Will you take time to evaluate your priorities this week, and
maybe even slow down for a while, and give God the first place?
We've got a holiday weekend coming up. Perhaps that will allow
some of us to evaluate the choices we make.

Dear Lord,

I know that I offend others from time to time, and I've also
offended You. I confess that I do not always give You first
place in everything. Please forgive me for my offenses against
You and against others, and please also grant me a forgiving
heart, that I may not hold the offenses of others against them.
Instead, restore to each of us the full joy of Your salvation,
which comes to us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Renew my mind,
every thought within me, that my attitude may be right before
You, then transform that attitude, so that I may humbly and
gratefully serve You through acts of kindness to others.

Your Brother in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

-----Original Message-----
From: Busby, Dianne [Contractor]
I wanted to express my sincere thanks for such a beautiful
ministry. I have submitted a prayer request and feel such
comfort hearing from all the people that are praying for me and
my family. I know that the Lord is blessing and using this
ministry for his glory...Diane....

Are you receiving Sowing Seeds Ministry prayer concerns from
around the world? Join our prayer team today. For more
information click here:

Are you filled with a burning desire to express yourself and
your love for God? Maybe, you are a frustrated, unpublished
writer looking for a chance to prove yourself and gain an
audience? If so, try your hand at The Sowing Seeds Ministry
fourth annual writing contest. For more information, click here:

"Computer Crashes, Silence & Renewal" Part 2 Larry Davies

To read part one... click here:

Last week: After my computer crashed the doctor gave a lecture
on the importance of backing up files and avoiding unnecessary
downloads then prescribed five days of bed rest and therapy (for
the computer). "Five days!" I thought. "What would I do for five
days? There was important work to do!"

It was at this point I realized... there was a problem but not
with the computer!

For you the problem may be pressure to succeed at work. Maybe
you're feeling the daily grind of raising a family. You may
simply be watching too much TV. In other words, whatever is
sapping your creative energy and stealing your time is also
preventing you from becoming all God planned for you to be. What
are your priorities? Unfortunately, mine were out of order and
now in the shop for repair.

The first day was tough. Like an addict, I needed a computer
fix... bad. "How do I write my devotion? Where is my schedule?
What if I borrowed someone else's computer? Maybe, I'll buy a
new one." The hours seemed to drag on and on. I was feeling lost
and vulnerable, obviously where God wanted me.

"Maybe I should read? Yes, that's good. Read!" I picked up a
story by Arthur Gordon about another doctor giving advice to
someone going through a desolate period in life: "Find an
isolated area, leave your beeper and telephone behind and take
one of these four prescriptions every three hours."

"Sounds easy enough," I thought. "It's late and I can't sleep
anyway." There were four prescriptions on four slips of paper.
The first prescription contained only two words: "1) Listen

"Listen to what? My telephone's turned off. The beeper is in a
drawer! There is no whirring computer in the background. What do
you mean?" This was going to be more difficult than I thought.
At first, I could only pace the room and fret... but slowly,
ever so slowly, I began to settle down. Finally something inside
me seemed to whisper, "First, read, but don't just read
anything. Read Proverbs."

The first chapter of Proverbs hit me like a bowling ball rolling
toward a perfect strike. Come here and listen to me! I'll pour
out the spirit of wisdom upon you and make you wise. (1:23) God
wasn't impressed with my productivity, my writing or my
ministry. Like a wise parent, God urged me to sit still and
listen... really listen. Lately, I've been too busy. Imagine
that and I'm a preacher! What about you?

As the hours passed, I slowly began to relax. Reading soon
turned to talking and talking seemed to lead naturally to
prayer. No longer in a hurry, I freely and openly shared work
frustrations and personal concerns. Then I began to patiently
and quietly listen for the comforting voice of God. Inevitably,
there would be a gentle nudge to read Scripture or write a note.
As the hours passed, I learned...

* ...being quiet and taking the time to listen is seldom a time
waster. It's excellent preparation.
*'s difficult to really understand someone until you first
make time to listen to what they say.
*'s impossible to hear the sweet, soft voice of God until
you slow the frantic pace and listen.

Are you feeling the pressure to succeed? Slowing down a few
moments each day, becoming aware of your surroundings, listening
to coworkers and most of all, listening to God's still, quiet
voice will calm your nerves and help you to discover new
insights. New insights become keys to spiritual growth.

Are you feeling the daily grind of raising a family? Taking the
initiative to slow down and really listen could even help you
understand your crazy teenager. (Nahh!! But it may give you more

Are you watching too much TV? Reading too many novels? Spending
too much time in the Internet chat room? Maybe you're
substituting entertainment for much-needed quiet and
contemplation time.

1) Listen carefully." Advice I needed to follow. Maybe you need
it too. Try listening carefully this week and if you get a
chance, send an email to and let
me know how you're doing. I will try to slow down and listen to
you more! Next week: Prescription #2.

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join
our prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

How can I regularly support your ministry? Become a Sowing Seeds
Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

Did you know? All money received from the sale of our books go
directly back into the Sowing Seeds Website or the printing
bill? When we say "Non-Profit" we mean... "Non-Profit!" Support
us today. Buy "Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's
Recipe for a Better Life" now on sale only through this website.
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