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Word for Today, Thu, 22 Sep 2005: Making a Fresh Start

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Thu, 22 Sep 2005: Making a Fresh Start
Dear friends,

Even though we want to keep our most important relationship as
fresh as we can, let's be honest. At times, our friendships
fade, our priorities change, and at times, we lose some of our
closest, most cherished relationships. That can happen with our
Father in Heaven, but it is always we, not He, who forget

Yours in Christ,
PCCWeb Daily, Thursday, September 22, 2005
A Fresh Start

Psalm 5:3 - In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; in the
morning I prepare [a prayer, a sacrifice] for You and watch and
wait [for You to speak to my heart]. (AMP)

I so appreciate a fresh jar of peanut butter. A twist of the lid,
a peeling back of foil, and there it lies: smooth, level,
crumb-free, waiting for the dip of a knife and a slathering on

In a day or two, it won't be so appealing. Family breakfast use
will leave its mark. Bits and pieces of various breads will
linger. There may even be a fingerprint or two. Then once again,
I begin to long for a clean, new jar. The junk gets in the way of
my enjoyment of the food, and I yearn for a new beginning.

God likes new beginnings. He yearns to take our yesterday crumbs
of pent-up anger, fear, and disobedience, and help us make a
fresh start. When we come to Him in repentant prayer, He is oh so
ready -- and so willing -- to make our paths smooth once
again. Every day with God can be like fresh peanut butter!

Prayer: Lord, we have been careless in our walk with You. Our
failures, like toast crumbs, lie between us. Take them, Lord, and
give us Yourself instead. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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