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Word for Today, Thu, 24 Jan 2002: Attitude Adjustment Time!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Have you ever really considered how much into "ourselves" the
majority of us can be - even sometimes when we think we are
helpful, cooperative people? Have you ever considered how much
stress and strain we place upon ourselves by setting so many
unspoken expectations about what we do and how we want things to
turn out?

Larry Davies, in his weekly series called "Sowing Seeds of Faith"
takes a look at a few of these issues, taking notes right out of
the current events going on in his life. Are we much different
than Larry? Probably not.

First Larry gives us an honest view of the way he sometimes
thinks - then he checks himself, thinks about God's Word, and how
his entire surroundings are a blessing from God. All of a
sudden, everything takes on a new perspective, and things that
are otherwise irritating become an opportunity for prayer and

I can tell you directly that there are many issues that irritate
me from time to time - probably more often than I'd like to
admit. The more irritated I become, the more out of sorts I
become, and the more I eventually realize that I need to include
God in the events that are going on. After God and I have a
"quiet chat", where I surrender my own agenda, God brings about a
work of peace in my heart. Do things change? Not always. Some
of the same chaos still goes on. But my attitude gets what is
often these days called an "attitude adjustment". I praise God
for the privilege of having a personal relationship with Him!

Your Brother in Christ,

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Sowing Seeds of Faith.

"The Stress Disease" Larry Davies

I don't mean to complain but the last few weeks have been pretty

. There have been staff changes at church and I'm training new

. So many people are visiting our church. I need to meet them.

. Several church members have experienced tragedies and I must be
there for them.

. My church has a bigger budget than ever and I have to help them
pay it.

. My dog's medicine keeps her awake all night and she's driving
me crazy.

. My computer has been in the shop which has kept me from doing
my work.

. I've been stretched thin trying to handle sales of my new book.

Moan and groan! Have you noticed all the emphasis on me?
Everything is about me! Whenever stress gets bad, it is often
because of a dreaded disease known as: ME, MYSELF AND I. You're
afflicted when you make statements such as: "I must do everything
myself if it's to be done right! You just can't find good help
now! No one ever volunteers but me!" Are you catching on to the

The "me, myself and I" disease infects most of us occasionally
but if you don't seek treatment you will suffer immeasurable
pain, not to mention losing a few friends. Fortunately, God has a
prescription for what ails us: quiet reflection, a measure of
prayer and a solid dose of Bible study. For example:

"Now there are different kinds of spiritual gifts but it is the
same Holy Spirit who is the source of them all. There are
different kinds of service in the church but it is the same Lord
we are serving. There are different ways God works in our lives
but it is the same God who does the work through all of us. A
spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the
entire church. (1 Corinthians 12:4-7)

The common interpretation of this passage is, "All of us are
different with various talents and abilities." But recently I
noticed another lesson. Look at the second part of each sentence:

.different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Holy Spirit.

.different kinds of service but the same Lord.

.different ways God works but it is the same God.

The emphasis was never meant to be on our gifts, however
good. Three times the author makes the point. "the same Holy
Spirit, the same Lord and the same God." In other words, we all
have different gifts but we are all coordinated and encouraged by
the same Lord. It is God who is ultimately in control, not
me. When I put the emphasis on me, myself and I the result is
always the same: chaos and stress. But with God in control there
is always another way. Look at my complaints again:

. There have been staff changes at church and I'm training new
employees. Every staff change has resulted in good things for our
church and for me.

. So many people are visiting our church. I need to meet
them. And this is supposed to be a problem? Come on Larry, get

. Several church members have experienced tragedies and I must be
there for them. Yet in the midst of those tragedies, I found God
giving comfort in so many ways.

. My church has a bigger budget than ever and I have to help them
pay it. Each time the budget grows we are touching another life
for God.

. My dog's medicine keeps her awake all night and she's driving
me crazy. But the medicine is also keeping her alive and I'm

. My computer has been in the shop which has kept me from doing
my work. Maybe this is God's way of giving me extra time for

. I've been stretched thin trying to handle sales of my new
book. The book is selling well so why am I upset?

As, Paul promised, "A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a
means of helping the entire church." Our church functions
smoothly and my stress level goes down considerably when I learn
to stop thinking everything revolves around me and trust God to
provide the people and resources we need. "Lord, please replace
my stress with faith. in You!" Now, if God would only help my dog
sleep all night.

Sowing Seeds of Faith... Weekly devotions with ATTITUDE, humor,
great stories and a down-to-earth Bible study.

Subscribe or check out our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me,
and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can
do nothing. Anyone who parts from me is thrown away like a
useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a
pile to be burned. But if you stay joined to me and my words
remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be
granted! My true disciples produce much fruit. This brings great
glory to my Father. (John 15:5-8)


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