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Word for Today, Thu, 25 Jan 2001: A Button Called Faith

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I like messages with a story in them, perhaps that is one reason
I appreciate so much the messages from my friend, Larry Davies.
Another reason is that the messages always have a practical
relevance to them. A third personal reason is that Larry has
"been there" for me when I needed to have a confidant, albeit one
I communicate with over the Internet. As I've mentioned to you
before, however, ours is a relationship that I'm sure would
endure the "trauma" of seeing one another face to face (Oh God,
you mean I *still* have to like this guy, now that I really know
what he is like)? 🙂

Well, Larry and I have both had ample time to learn from life.
We have both experienced multiple tragedies in our lives, some
our own doing, others were things that simply "happened". We've
been down a river journey.

At this point, let me speak for myself. I have had some
wonderful times and I have had some times when I get so
frustrated, discouraged, and/or angry that I just want to leave
whatever it is that I am doing. I'm actually going through such
a time right now. What do I *DO* about it, then?

Well, what HAVE I done, what can I do, and what WILL I do?

In the past, I have often "lost it" completely. I have gone into
depression, rage, denial, you name it, I've probably been there.
Even today, with the pressure of a project deadline looming and
people blaming me for some project difficulties, anger and rage
are appropriate terms to describe the way I *feel*. Now the
question shifts. What will I do about my feelings? Will I blame
God? Will I lash out at others? Will I run from my problems?

I'll tell you this much. I will most certainly not blame God for
my problems. It is God who understands me better than anyone
else, He knows when I really am to blame, and who is responsible
for anything that may take place in any situation. Yet He is the
very essence of love. In spite of all He knows, He still
encourages our relationship.

I do sometimes lash out at others, barking like a wounded puppy.
When I have time to reflect, however, I realize that it is
usually others, the ones who blame, that are the ones in need of
encouragement and prayer. My own wounds may sting badly. I may
even leave a situation. I may respond unkindly. But in the end,
I will repent of all these things, to the point of praying for
those who persecute me. Why? That is the very essence of who
Christ is. The God who loves, the God who forgives, the God who
gives me a new hope.

Could it be that the circumstances I am facing are a reminder
that I am a New Creation in Christ, created in Him to be
decidedly different? What then shall I do? Why don't each of
you ponder that question for your own situations that you face
today? Let's seek the Lord for the answers.

Dear God,

You know just how much things can get to me, and yet You know
exactly what I need at every moment. You do not shield me from
the events of this world, but You ALWAYS sustain me through them.
I humbly ask for Your forgiveness for my impatience and
intolerance of anything that is not appealing to me. Please
renew my resolve to seek You first in every aspect of my life.
Heal the wounds of careless words spoken by others and by me.
Remind me of the ways Jesus endured opposition, and build up my
spirit, that I may become ever more like Him. It's not fun to be
opposed, even if it is with mere words. I know You know what I
mean, for Your Word records the intense opposition You faced and
the utter rejection You experienced.

May Your Spirit of grace, love, mercy, and acceptance bind all
wounds, and make me a humble and useful servant, for whatever
purpose You may choose for me. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
To: <>
Subject: "A River Journey, Waiting and A Button Called Faith"
Sowing Seeds Ministry Devotion January 25, 2001

I have a bad habit... yet it turned out to be pretty sound
theology. For another devotion on Faith during tough times click
here on "Hang in there: Bad Habit but Good Theology.

Sowing Seeds of Faith

A River Journey, Waiting and A Button Called Faith Larry Davies

Just before leaving, Jesus promised the disciples. But you will
receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you
will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and
to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8) A great promise but before
receiving the power of the Holy Spirit, the disciples must wait.
One way to understand waiting comes from an evangelist who told
the following story

Picture yourself standing at the wheel of a ship cruising down a
river. There is a forest on one side and fields of corn on the
other. The river is flowing smoothly and the scenery is beautiful
yet something seems strangely wrong. You look in the distance and
notice the ship approaching what seems to be a mountain. There
doesnt appear to be any way around it. This presents a problem.
What will you do? Meanwhile, you are getting closer and become
increasingly fearful.

The ship represents your life as it follows the river. The
scenery symbolizes events along the way. The mountain represents
the obstacles and frustrations that lie ahead. Sometimes
difficulties can appear to be so large you wonder if there is any
solution. You feel helpless and even hopeless.

As you come closer, you discover not a mountain but a lock. Once
inside, the ship comes to a stop. You can no longer go forward or
see what is ahead. Large steel walls on three sides block your
view. You are now faced with a dilemma. Everything you know and
understand about the river, your life and your relationship with
God is behind. You do not know what lies ahead.

This is one of those special moments. You can stop the journey
and say, I have traveled with God far enough. I do not want to
go any further. But deep down you know that God wants you to
keep going. To do that you must push a button near the ships
wheel. On the button is printed one word: Faith. But pushing that
button is scary because it cuts off the one thing you still
comprehend your past.

Somehow God gives you the courage to push the Faith Button and
immediately you regret it. Those great big steel doors begin to
close behind you so that you can no longer see in any direction
unless you look up and right now there doesnt seem to be
anything skyward. Its a scary feeling. The courage that enabled
you to push the Faith Button begins to weaken. Maybe you made a

Slowly water begins to flow into the lock and you sense the ship
beginning to rise. But it happens slowly, very slowly. Why does
waiting take so long? There isnt much to do while you are
waiting except clean the ship. (Not a bad idea!) After what seems
like forever the ship finally rises high enough so that you can
see again but since you are higher everything is much clearer

This is wonderful, you exclaim. As the front gate gradually
opens you feel exuberant and alive. Your journey with God seems
clear and the river ahead appears smooth. Praise the Lord! you
shout. Praise god in his heavenly dwelling; praise him in his
mighty heaven! (Psalm 150:1)

Yet before very long you spot an obstacle ahead and you sail
into another lock and the whole process starts over. Not again!
What will you do? Once again you can say that you have sailed
with God far enough. But to continue moving forward you must be
willing to push the Faith Button that will close doors to your
past. Again God gives you the courage to reach out and push that
button. Once again you are afraid but you begin cleaning the ship
and you wait. Why does it take so long, Lord?

The water flows and the ship rises. As the doors open you are
again higher than before. You are able to see further ahead and
more clearly than ever. You turn around and even your past makes
more sense. Your relationship with God is strengthened. Praise
the Lord! you shout and continue your journey. But your
happiness is short-lived as once again you sail into another

At any point during the journey you may be tempted to stop but
then you miss the tremendous opportunities God has for you. But
you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and
Samaria and to the ends of the earth. Meanwhile, we keep pushing
Faith Buttons, we clean the ship, we look up and yes we wait.

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