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Word for Today, Thu, 26 Apr 2001: Can You "Name Drop"?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Have you ever had the chance to spend time with someone who is
influential? Have you ever had a chance to "drop names"? Like
Larry, I have had a few of those opportunities. In music, I have
had a chance to spend time with several of the musicians in the
Woody Herman Big Band. In computers, I have walked the halls and
had private chats, and even a party, with the Executive Director
of Linux International, Jon Hall. So what?

In this message, my friend Larry Davies writes about poking fun
at ourselves. I have learned to do this, too. If I forget this
for too long, my head gets far too inflated and heavy to carry
around. I'm reminded of this "heavy head" by my infant son.
Like many young infants, his head is somewhat disproportionately
large, at this early stage, for his body to support it for long
periods of time. My own sense of worth and value becomes
distorted in a similar manner whenever I think too highly of
myself - or of anyone else - except my Creator and Sustainer.

As Larry mentions below, Jesus got this right. He, if anyone
ever did, had the right and the authority to claim supremacy over
everything. But instead, He took on the humble nature of a
servant, and called us to do the same thing. Larry mentions the
Gospel account in Luke, where Jesus is having dinner, and notices
that some people are trying to get "the best seats". Another
excellent passage that addresses the same issue is Philippians
2:1-11, one of my favorite scripture passages of all, which
describes the humility of Jesus Christ - which ultimately
culminates in real honor - everyone confessing Him as Lord, to
the glory and honor of God.

What does this say to us? First of all, I think Larry has it
right. We don't need to be always somber. Lighten up, learn
from humor. But then look back, and take the deeper message to
heart. A humble attitude, recognizing who we are, and the fact
that we are the creations, NOT the Creator, is the first step in
that direction. A grateful attitude, one in which we are
thankful for what our Creator has done for us, is another
appropriate response. A yearning to know the One who has
fashioned and made us, a desire to be like Him, seems a more
appropriate response than knowing some computer geek or an aging
golf player. It's not wrong to like the attributes and
characteristics of others, to admire them, and even model
ourselves after them. But to me, it is much better to first seek
the ways of Jesus Christ, and pattern our attitudes and actions
after Him. If we see His attributes in others, then, by all
means, emulate them. But He is the object of my affections, and
remains my first love. It is when I forget that fact that I
start to lose proper balance and focus.

Dear Lord,

Thank You for this reminder. You are my Creator, and You will
always be my first love. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
Subject: "Spring, Arnold Palmer and Humility!"
Sowing Seeds Ministry Devotion April 26, 2001

Sometimes it's good to poke a little fun at yourself. After all,
I'm usually my safest satire victim. After you read this you may
feel led to share your own story of how God taught you a lesson
in an interesting or funny way. Who knows? I may even share a

Sowing Seeds of Faith

"Spring, Arnold Palmer and Humility!"
Larry Davies (804-239-1348)

Spring is in the air. Can you feel it? Birds are singing.
Flowers are blooming. Honeybees are buzzing and stinging. Ouch!
The house needs spring-cleaning and the grass needs cutting. (To
capture the mood, go outside, take off your shoes, put on a straw
hat and read this aloud, while leaping wildly in the air, and
gaily flinging dried flower petals.) Yes, spring has arrived, the
season for romance, long walks, pollen induced allergy attacks,
barbecue grills and golf. (Pause) Why golf?

I don't want to brag or anything, (Yes, I do!) but did you know
that I once played eighteen holes of golf with the one and only,
Arnold Palmer and won by three strokes? (No, not a golf klutz
with the same name. No, I did not cheat. No, I can't afford to
bribe him! Yes, his health is good!)

We played at Harbourtown in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
Its a beautiful golf course if you stay in the fairway, but full
of water hazards, huge sand traps and thickets if you mess up.
Can you imagine how intimidating it is to stand on the first tee
with one of the great legends of golf? Yet, Arnie (his friends
call him Arnie, I call him sir) was kind and gracious but he was
also determined to win.

For the first 13 holes it was nip and tuck as we struggled to a
tie score. He would win one hole with a spectacular birdie then
I would win with another. But on the 14th hole, I sunk a 35-foot
putt to go ahead by one stroke. Am I good or what? On the 17th
hole, I made another birdie. And finally on the 18th, Arnie went
for broke on a long putt and missed. Victory was mine. Let the
celebration begin!

Yahoo! I beat Arnie! I shouted while pumping fists into the
air and performing a version of the funky chicken! (Wouldnt you
like to see that?) Hey, its not every day you beat Arnold

Are you getting sick and tired of my arrogant boasting yet? Of
course you are even if this crazy story is true and it is sort
of. But here is the point. When you hear someone sound off like
this do you have an urge to hug him or do you want to slug her?
No one enjoys the company of a bragger or a famous namedropper.
Yet, could a little of this obnoxious tendency be in all of us?

When Jesus noticed that all who had come to the dinner were
trying to sit near the head of the table, he gave them this
advice: "If you are invited to a wedding feast, don't always head
for the best seat. What if someone more respected than you has
also been invited? The host will say, 'Let this person sit here
instead.' Then you will be embarrassed and will have to take
whatever seat is left at the foot of the table! "Do this
insteadsit at the foot of the table. Then when your host sees
you, he will come and say, 'Friend, we have a better place than
this for you!' Then you will be honored in front of all the other
guests. For the proud will be humbled, but the humble will be
honored." (Luke 14: 7-11)

Jesus is talking about more than good table manners, isn't he?
The most important people at a wedding feast are, of course, the
bride and groom. Not you! What would a wedding be without them?
By maneuvering to get the best seat you detract from the couple's
happy moment and look like an insensitive jerk or worse. We see
it in others, but do we notice it in ourselves? Not always.

By trying so hard to beat Arnold Palmer, I missed the opportunity
to enjoy his company and admire his unique abilities. Likewise,
our arrogant attitude detracts from the God we all claim to serve
and prevents us from appreciating and learning from the immensely
talented people who surround us.

Our society applauds a win at any cost mentality and expects us
to revel in the victory. Yet, Jesus clearly demonstrates another
answer. It is in our humility not our boasting that we truly
discover God.

Now Larry, what is the truth about that celebrity golf match?
(Pause) Did you know that it is simply amazing what computers can
do? They can simulate almost anything even a game of golf.
Yes, I did play Arnold Palmer at Harbourtown, but from the
comfort of my office and computer screen. Sorry!

Just think, in one story, I've been exposed as arrogant, boasting
and slightly deceitful. At one time or another haven't we all?
Maybe this is why we need God and from the sound of my bragging
me too.


Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer challenge for 2001: Prayer of Jabez
1 Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez called on the God Israel saying, "Oh, that You would
bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would
be with me, and that You would keep me from evil." So God granted
him what he requested.

Nearly 4,000 subscribers.

Do you need prayer?

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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