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Word for Today, Thu, 27 Jul 2000: What do quilts have to do with church and me?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

What do you think of when you contemplate church? Is it a good
thought? Do you want to be a part of a church? Or does the mere
thought of associating with people at a church bother you?

This week, Larry Davies resumes his writing with a message about
a quilt, and how a church family can be like a quilt. Churches
are filled with all kinds of people, just like you and me. They
possess many good qualities, but sometimes, just like you and me,
they have some bad qualities, too. Just when you think
everything is wonderful, something or someone disappoints you.
Or just as you are about ready to give up, something wonderful
and caring happens.

You see, a church is inhabited by people, and all of us,
regardless of how good intentioned we may be, have our good
moments and our bad moments. I would suggest to you, however,
that a church is a good place to gather together, for the purpose
of honoring God, and encouraging one another.

See what Jesus has to say in Matthew 6 about our priorities. He
suggests quite strongly that we put our concerns aside and seek
God first (Matthew 6:33). Also, in Hebrews 10:24-25, we are
encouraged to consider how WE may encourage one another: by
meeting together regularly, for the specific purpose of following
Jesus' direction from Matthew 6 --- to seek God and to love one

I have provided links (if they make it across cleanly to your
mail reader) of three passages of scripture, Matthew 6, Matthew
22, and Hebrews 10, which deal with each of these priorities. I
hope you take, not only the time to read them, but the time to
meditate over them, that is, think about how these things affect
your life.

Enjoy the message from my friend, Larry!

Brother Brian

Church Quilts & People Squares

Larry Davies

Mell and I were once surprised at Christmas with a beautiful
hand-made quilt. The contributors, some experienced, others just
wanting to help, made squares and signed their name. Each piece
was then carefully sewn together to form a lively mixture of
patterns and colors. The result is a quilt of lasting beauty,
which will always remind me of a special church and the love
given to our family.

Like my quilt, churches are a lively mixture of people-squares
with varying degrees of challenges, joys and sorrows. The list
below highlights some good and flawed examples of people-squares
who have helped form a church-quilt of beauty and color, pleasing
to God.

U Four children, with nervous giggles begin their first
Bible study. Their enthusiasm is contagious and questions are
penetrating. Upon hearing the story of Abraham and the miracle
birth of Isaac, which means laughter, there are visible
reactions of snickers and joy.

U Fifty-some folks hop into pick-up trucks after worship to
drive through mud and debris to a near-by creek bank. Singing,
Shall we gather at the river, they have come to witness the
baptism of three dedicated men who have given their lives to God
in the cold frigid waters near their home.

U The church board debates whether to buy curtains or
stained-glass windows with their $3000 surplus. One member asks
for $300 to purchase Christmas gifts for several needy children.
After a long silence, no surplus money is offered, but they do
agree to take up an offering. The children receive bicycles and
the church gets a new carpet.

U A man in the local community has a heart attack and
nearly dies. While in the hospital, he makes a commitment to
serve God by attending a small-struggling church. Within a few
months he is motivating and encouraging others through his
enthusiastic witness. Both are blessed.

U One thirty-something member feels led to start a new
Sunday school class for younger adults. Another wants to
reach-out to single adults. Soon, with encouragement, help and
prayer the two new groups combine and become one of the largest
classes in the church.

U A nurse asks a nearby church to build a handicap ramp for
an elderly patient in the county. The mens group sends a team of
volunteers who spend their Saturday building the ramp and making
a few minor repairs to the house as well.

U A new member attending her first leadership meeting
suggests the church occasionally sing more upbeat music, younger
people can relate too. Another member stands and makes it clear
she is not interested in learning new songs. The subject is
dropped. The new member no longer attends.

U A young man asks if he can play softball with the church
team. Before the season is over, God touches his life. The team
however, still finishes in last place.

U On two warm spring evenings, 24 students of all ages
gather to celebrate completing a demanding nine-month Bible
study. During the worship service the class members talk of
receiving life-changing love and support from God and the group.

Just as squares are stitched together to form a colorful quilt,
the church is made up of various individuals looking for an
ongoing relationship with God. There are a few mistakes made and
sins committed but there are also wonderful acts of love and
courage. The result is a church-quilt of lasting beauty, which
will always remind me of a special church and God gracious love.

Oops! I almost forgot. There is something missing. One square is
blank and needs to be filled in with your name. Because without
you and the unique contribution and gifts God has given you, our
quilt is incomplete. Gods church-quilt has plenty of space
available for people-squares just like you and me. Come join us
and bring your needle and thread.

Do you have a great church story? Please send it to me.

Larry E. Davies

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