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Word for Today, Thu, 27 Jun 2002: Appreciating Blessings from God

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

As Christians these days, sometimes it is difficult to decide
which things we should support and which things we should oppose,
which things we should speak up about and which things we should
remain silent about.

To me, the Bible gives me a good set of principles from which I
can base my own actions. First of all, my life belongs to Jesus
Christ. He, in effect, bought and paid the full price for my
soul in His life, suffering, death, and resurrection. So
everything that I am and everything I will ever be belongs to
Christ. My actions should reflect that identity at all times.

I believe that God blessed the United States of America because
its founders made our nation as a place in which those who came
here could exercise their freedoms in a variety of ways - to choose
their own expressions of faith, recognizing that the freedoms come
from God. That is why we are "One Nation, Under God", regardless of
our faith, or lack of faith.

Please thank God today for the freedom we have... to choose Him,
to make our own choice. I choose to worship God as I know Him
in the Holy Bible.

Your Brother in Christ,

From: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: Independence Day, Tom Riddle and 'Remember Me?'

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

As we prepare for July 4th celebrations it's important to
remember why this day is so important. As Americans we are
reminded to be proud yet humble. We have been blessed but also
have a responsibility to share those blessings with others. I
hope you will join me in praying for our country and the world we
live in during this time of turmoil.

For those around the world reading this article, I pray this
expression of pride as Americans is only that. I pray every
nation would express the same pride in their heritage. I also
pray that the more we learn about each other the more we learn to
respect each other. God bless. Larry Davies

"Independence Day, Tom Riddle and 'Remember Me?'" Larry Davies

** "Some people call me Old Glory, others call me the Star Spangled
Banner, but whatever they call me, I am your flag, the flag of
the United States of America. Something has been bothering me, so
I thought I might talk it over with you."

When you walk inside you wonder if you are entering a showroom or
a museum. Two stories of glass highlight automobiles
inside. Beside each car is an elaborate booth complete with story
boards and a computer so any question can be answered. But it's
the front wall that really captures your attention.

** "I remember some time ago people lined up on both sides of the
street to watch the parade and naturally, I was always there
proudly waving in the breeze. When your daddy saw me coming,
he immediately removed his hat and placed it over his
heart. Remember? And you, I remember you standing there
straight as a soldier. You didn't have a hat but you were
giving the right salute."

You can't miss it. There is a two-story American flag on the wall
so realistically painted it seems to wave in the breeze. Within
and below the familiar stars and stripes are the words to this
essay: "Remember Me?" Most businesses display a flag but I?ve
never seen anything like this.

** "Remember your little sister? Not to be outdone, she was
saluting the same as you, with her hand over her
heart. Remember? What happened? I'm still the same old
flag. Oh, I have added a few more stars since you were a boy
and a lot more blood has been shed since those parades of long

"I'm proud to live here and I'm proud of what we stand for as
Americans," said Thomas F. Riddle, owner of the automobile
dealership and designer of the wall. "I grew up in rural North
Carolina. My family was poor but we were determined to live right
and work hard. This country provided me the freedom and the
opportunity to succeed and even influence others. Our business
was one of the first to publish a mission statement illustrating
the steps we are willing to take to treat our customers with
respect and dignity. As a business leader I have the opportunity
to encourage others to reach beyond their comfort zone, stretch
their imaginations and achieve the impossible. What a great

** "But I don't feel as proud as I used to. When I come down your
street, you just stand there with your hands in your pockets.
I may get a small glance but then you look away. I see the
children running around and shouting. They don't seem
to know who I am. I saw one man take off his hat and look
around. He didn't see anybody else with his hat off so he
quickly put his back on."

Mr. Riddle continued: "It bothers me to live in a country that
offers so much, yet so few seem to really appreciate the
benefits. I am proud to call myself an American and I'm
especially proud to remember the men and women who sacrificed
their lives for the freedom I enjoy. This wall is my tribute to

** "Is it a sin to be patriotic any more? Have you forgotten what
I stand for and where I've been? "Anzio, Normandy, Omaha
Beach, Guadalcanal, Korea, Vietnam, The Persian Gulf (Desert
Storm), Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New
York City, the USS Cole, most recently for the second time on
September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Center, New York City,
The Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and a hijacked aircraft
crash outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania."

"September 11, 2001," said Mr. Riddle, "serves as a reminder that
life and freedom are precious gifts from God never to be abused
or taken for granted. I am grateful for what God has given. I
have been blessed with a wonderful family; creative and
hard-working employees and I live in a country which has given me
the opportunity to make a difference in other people?s lives. God
bless America!"

** "Take a look at the Memorial Honor Rolls some time. Look at
the names of those who never came back in order to keep this
Republic free. 'One Nation Under God.' When you salute me, you
are actually saluting them. Well, it won?t be long until I'll
be coming down your street again. So, when you see me, stand
straight, place your right hand over your heart. I'll salute
you waving back. And I'll know you remembered."

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God?s Recipe for a Better Life"
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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don?t hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)


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