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Word for Today, Thu, 27 Sep 2001: A Response, Part 2 of the Sowing Seeds Message

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

My friend, Larry Davies, says these words, "Four weeks ago you
would think me crazy..." Well, I STILL think he's a bit crazy
🙂 --- but then again, so am I! Larry is a dear friend and a
brother in Christ. We see "eye to eye" on so many things, I wish
we lived near one another so that we could work side by side.
Yet, in some ways, we DO work side by side. Every day, we spend
time praying for others. Every day, we realize our own deep need
to be changed, renewed, by the power of the Holy Spirit, sent to
us by Jesus Christ. We can see, with our own eyes, the
transforming power that God has brought to our midst as He draws
people to Himself.

What about that phrase " would think me crazy..."? Well,
actually, I completely agree with Larry on what he's saying.
Opportunities for prayer and for ministry have never been more
open and available. Christians have been praying for revival,
and have wanted the opportunity to pray and share their faith,
right out in the open. Well, it took a horrible set of events,
but it has happened!

I do not believe that God planned for the terrorists to attack
our land, yet in His Soverignty (knowing all things), God knew it
would happen. God also knew that such a situation would give
people an opportunity to either harden their hearts even more,
seeking revenge, or show compassion to others.

As far as justice, God has given governments the authority to
bear the sword (or punish those who are unjust). God uses
governments as His earthly instruments of justice. God also
says, "Vengance is mine, I will repay". Our role is to pray for
one another, and to "turn the other cheek". I think Larry lays
out many of these principles clearly in today's message, and I
strongly encourage you to read it.

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: September 11, 2001: A Response Part 2

You can read part one by clicking here:

You can also read the powerful poem, "One Nation Under God"
written by Kirsten Porter by clicking here:

Sowing Seeds of Faith

September 11, 2001: A Response part 2
Larry Davies (804-239-1348)

Did you see the tears of Americans?
I thought I heard you crying with the country.
You were with us yesterday and today
when we move through the debris waking from a terrible dream.
(from One Nation Under God by Kirsten Porter)

Speaking of grade school, an elementary school student wrote
shortly after the terrorist attack: Dear God: We hope there will
be no war and no more plane crashes because we dont want anybody
to get hurt again! God bless America. How do we respond? Do we
turn the other cheek? Do we strike back with all the fury America
can deliver? What would God have us do as Christians as

Mayor Guiliani is on the screen his face is drawn like a dark
curtain; his shaking hand is squeezed by another leader and he
speaks sadly but proudly. Insists we go back to life. Live as
normal as possible. Eat at restaurants, drink coffee at cafes
talk, walk the streets holding hands but also pray, give blood,
pull the last of the living from the rubble.

Jesus says in the Gospel of Matthew, But I say, dont resist an
evil person! If you are slapped on the right cheek, turn the
other, too. (5:39) As my email friend wrote last week: Pretty
blunt! Maybe, Jesus is just talking about a personal
confrontation. Right? Hes not talking about our country
refusing to go after deadly terrorists! Is he? Maybe but what
Jesus may be more concerned about is our attitude. God you are
with us today and I need to feel you remember God, this happened
in my America but so did the saving, the prayer services, the
candlelight vigils, the long line to donate blood, the officers
giving their lives. You were with us yesterday.

Maybe the real answer is found later on in the same message from
Jesus in Chapter seven:

1. Stop Judging Others (1-5) Do not judge people of Arab
descent based on the terrorists.

2. Dont give what is holy to unholy people (6) Be
Realistic. We really are fighting a war.

3. Keep on asking and you will be given what you ask for
(7-11) Ask Gods guidance first.

4. Do for others what you would like them to do for you
(12) Seek justice not revenge.

5. Enter Gods Kingdom only through the narrow gate (13-14)
There are no easy answers. Fighting this war will take time,
persistence, patience and much courage

God, you are with us today and I need to feel you remember the
saving in my America because my dad said this is a crazy world
and I'm only 22, God learning to put trust in a world I can't
always trust so for now I'll put my trust in you and my trust in
America because this is still my America my waving flag of the
stars and stripes, my promised freedom.

Four weeks ago you would think me crazy but here is what you
should do. Look for coworkers, friends or even strangers and
sincerely ask them: How are you doing, really? Can I pray for
you? First thing in the morning, ask your fellow workers or
students to join you in a prayer group. Pray for each other.
Pray for guidance. Pray for our leaders. Pray for the
terrorists. Most of all pray for our country. Four weeks ago,
you would have thought I was crazy but today things change.
Things really change!

God I see you so clearly today. You are holding my America;
crying for my America; opening your hands. You set my America
free because we are ready to fly on our own because God was with
us yesterday and God lives in America today.

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