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Word for Today, Thu, 28 Dec 2000: A Common Thread

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

There is a common thread in at least three of the devotional
messages I received in my Inbox today. I'd like to share two of
them with you. The first is one I usually share at this time
every week - the prose of my Internet pal, Larry Davies. He has
a confession for you below - I have my own confession. I need to
cut down on the number and quantity of snacks that I eat in the
evening so that I can fit all the new clothes I was given this
Christmas! 🙂 So let's resolve to be more frugal in our
eating, as well as our sharing. Larry, I will pray for you, my
friend. Please do the same for me.

The second message is about the love of God, and the response
this love deserves. I wanted to say "commands" or "requires".
In one sense that is true. But I would be leaving you with a
misleading attitude, and I want to avoid that. So instead, let's
just think about it a bit.

God is an all powerful God. He doesn't need us to do anything.
He doesn't need us to fix the things around us, He doesn't need
anything we may offer. That is because He can, just by a mere
word, create anything He wishes. He can create or destroy an
entire universe, just by speaking the word.

God is an all loving God. Because of His great love, He does not
force anything upon us, not even a response to love Him. He does
command this, in one sense, for if you read the Ten Commandments,
it is clear that we are to honor Him, love Him, and have no other
gods before Him. But God is so good that even when we fail to
recognize what He requires, and who He is, He is infinitely
patient with us.

I want to caution you. None of this is a license or an excuse to
ignore what God requires. It is only by His grace that we can
even exist. It is by that same grace that we have been forgiven.
Far be it from any of us to take that Amazing Grace for granted.

Instead, an appropriate response, in my opinion, one that can be
backed up consistently by scripture, is that we are to recognize
just how short we come of the expectation, come seeking God for
forgiveness for the ways in which we fail to honor Him, repent
(turn away) from those ways, and seek instead to be renewed and
filled with the ways of God.

Everything we need to do that has already been provided by God
Himself. He has given us the means of forgiveness (the blood of
Jesus Christ, His Son), the Word He expects us to follow (the
Bible), a means to understand His Word (His Holy Spirit), and a
way to communicate with Him (prayer). All of this is because of
His great love.

How do you choose to respond to all of that today?

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
Subject: "New Years Resolutions and M & M's" Sowing Seeds
Devotion December 28, 2000

Sowing Seeds of Faith

New Years Resolutions and M & Ms
Larry Davies

I love M & Ms!

You know: The candy that melts in your mouth, not in your
hands. I have a bag full in front of me. I dont want to keep
you in suspense. Im reaching in and taking out a handful and
setting each M & M on my desk. Do you mind if I eat while I
write? Of course you dont.

Do you have a favorite color? Is it Green? Let me eat one you. Oh
yes, green is good!

By the way, one of my New Years Resolutions for 2001 is to share
more freely with others. John the Baptist in Luke 3:11 says, The
one with two tunics should share with one who has none, and the
one who has food should do the same. I think we should all be
willing to share. Dont you?

How about brown? Do you like brown M & Ms? Uhm, thats good too!

In the Bible there is a verse from James 3:15 that says, Suppose
a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of
you says, Go I wish you well; keep warm and well fed, but does
nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? That is so
important! Dont you think so?

Have you tried red? Oh, heavenly morsels! Red is delicious!

Sharing is a New Years Resolution all of us should make. Jesus
said, When you give to someone, dont tell your left hand what
your right hand is doing. Give your gifts in secret and your
Father, who knows all secrets will reward you. (Matthew 6:3-4)
Isnt that a great attitude to have when you give? Remember, you
are never more like Christ than when you share of yourself and
your possessions.

Have you tried one of the new colors? How about blue? Oh my, what
a treat! Blue is good!

Wait a minute! What are you thinking? You dont expect me to
share my M & Ms? Do You?

Paul said in a letter to the Romans: Share with Gods people who
are in need. Practice hospitality. (12:13) Sharing with
hospitality must be accompanied by personal compassion. Not only
are we to give but give with a warm smile and a willingness to
become personally involved. Wouldnt you agree?

But nowhere in scripture does it say, Thou must share your M &
Ms. Does it? Im in deep trouble.

Sharing means:
* Individuals:
Sharing freely of what you own rather than what is convenient. It
means becoming involved in the giving process and treating those
who receive with love and respect.
* Business:
Giving back part of the profits to help others but also
creatively looking for ways to share your ideas, skills, training
and resources with the community.
* Churches:
Sharing starts with a food basket or donated clothes but
continues with a willingness to listen and include those we are
helping in the life and activities of the church.
* Government:
While recognizing that a program will not eliminate poverty an
attitude of concern and a willingness to look for real solutions
can offer genuine hope to those who are suffering.
* For me this means genuine sharing... (Oh this hurts) even my M
& Ms and more importantly giving with enthusiasm and a smile on
my face. (Now Ive gone from preachin to meddlin!)

If our world economy falters in 2001 as many are predicting, a
willingness to freely share will become ever more critical. So,
will you join me in a New Years Resolution to share with

New Years Resolutions like this are essential but impossible to
keep without help, which is why my other resolutions will include
prayer, more prayer and even more prayer. May God bless each of
you during the next twelve months and may you have a healthy,
prosperous 2001. By the way, after writing this, my next New
Years Resolution will be to lose 15 pounds. I really do love M &
Ms! Pray for me.


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Subject: Neil Anderson Devotional for Wednesday, December 27, 2000
To: <>
From: <>

from Freedom in Christ Ministries

December 27


See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we
should be called children of God (1 John 3:1).

Have you ever felt that God is ready to give up on you because,
instead of walking confidently in faith, you sometimes stumble
and fall? Do you ever fear that there is a limit to God's
tolerance of your failure and that you are walking dangerously
near that outer barrier or have already crossed it? I have met a
lot of Christians like that. They think that God is upset with
them, that He is ready to dump them, or that He has already given
up on them because their daily performance is less than perfect.

It's true that the walk of faith can sometimes be interrupted by
moments of personal unbelief or rebellion, or even satanic
deception. It's during those moments when we think that God has
surely lost His patience with us and is ready to give up on us.
The temptation is to give up, stop walking by faith altogether,
slump dejectedly by the side of the road, and wonder, "What's the
use?" We feel defeated, God's work for us is suspended, and Satan
is elated.

The primary truth you need to know about God in order for your
faith to remain strong is that His love and acceptance is
unconditional. When your walk of faith is strong, God loves you.
When your walk of faith is weak, God loves you. When you're
strong one moment and weak the next, strong one day and weak the
next, God loves you. God's love for you is the great eternal
constant in the midst of all the inconsistencies of your daily

God wants us to do good, of course. The apostle John wrote: "I
write this to you so that you will not sin" (1 John 2:1 NIV). But
John continued by reminding us that God has already made
provision for our failure so His love continues constant in spite
of what we do: "But if anybody does sin, we have One who speaks
to the Father in our defense--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He
is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but
also for the sins of the whole world" (verses 1, 2 NIV).

Lord, give me grace to correct my character defects and to help
meet the needs of others.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at
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