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Word for Today, Thu, 28 Feb 2002: Abortion: From Debate to Ministry, Part 1

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Here is a controversial topic for us to think about. No matter
which "side" of this issue you happen to support, you are bound
to find opponents to your position. Larry introduces the topic
this week, and will be following up in future messages with more

For those of you uncomfortable with the topic, that is
understandable. Just about everyone is. Please read Larry's
introductory comments, and make this a matter of prayer, for we
need each other, no matter where we stand on issues so close to
us. If you don't think this matter affects you, all you have to
do is look around your community, in the place you work, or on
the street where you live. I suspect this issue touches someone
very near to you.

Dear God,

It's always difficult to confront issues that bring about
disagreement and confusion in our lives. You helped Mary to deal
with her issues of confusion, as we read in the scripture of
Luke. You also comfort us when controversial stuff goes on.
Please season our hearts with Your grace and understanding as we
begin to look at a topic that makes almost everyone
uncomfortable. Even if we disagree with one another, help us to
look at one another as You do. That's hard for us, Lord. But
You are the God who can do immeasurably more than all we can ever
ask or imagine. So pierce our hearts with Your Word, and enable
us to respond to it, even in our hardened state. May You be the
One who can shape us. I ask these things humbly, in Jesus'
Name. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

Most articles on abortion concentrate on the debate. Yet, in the
midst of the debate there is a tremendous need for the church to
be in ministry. I hope you will find the examples and the story
helpful. A previous article on abortion is still the most read
single page on our website. Click here for "Abortion: A Personal

More, "Hot Issues" such as abortion, divorce, suicide and
homosexuality are also part of Sowing Seeds Ministry's latest
book: "Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe
for a Better Life." On sale now exclusively at our web site.
This 316 page hard back lists for $24.95 is on sale for only $15.
You can also conveniently use your credit card or be

Sowing Seeds of Faith.

Abortion: From Debate to Ministry Larry Davies

A local church group was meeting regularly at their pastor's
house to pray. One concern was a high school senior named Jody,
a star volleyball player and honors student who recently
attempted suicide. "Why? She seemed to be doing so well. It
doesn't make sense!" said one group member.

"I visited her in the hospital today. She's pregnant," the
pastor replied. "Her boyfriend abandoned her. She's afraid to
tell her parents. Jody feels that she has no hope. When she
leaves that hospital, she may try to commit suicide again." the
pastor forlornly told the group. "We really need to pray for

Judy Trimmer was in the group that night and while in prayer she
felt an urging to visit Jody and share her own experiences.
"I've never felt this way before but I really believe that I can
help her," Judy said.

The next day, Judy went to Jody's hospital room after work. "How
are you doing, Jody?"

"Who wants to know?" Jody said with sarcasm and suspicion in her

"My name is Judy Trimmer. I'm a member of a church group that has
been praying for you this past week. As I was praying, I felt
led to come and talk with you. I heard about your pregnancy."

"Whoa, hold it a second. I don't know you and I certainly don't
want to talk about my pregnancy with you or anyone else. I don't
need your 'high and mighty' church folks interfering with my
life. As soon as I get out of here I'm going to have an abortion
and that will be the end of all my problems. So, take your
judgment and your religion somewhere else. I don't need you,
your prayers or your church!"

Mention abortion in a crowded room and you will instantly start
an argument. So, why write a story on the subject when the likely
result will just be another squabble. For me, there are three

1. Abortion is about when life actually begins and as people of
God we must always be concerned about other people's lives.

2. Abortion now affects so many people. Some statistics estimate
as many as 55 million abortions per year are done world wide.

3. A story I wrote over three years about a young lady who had an
abortion has consistently remained the number one, "most read"
page on our Sowing Seeds Ministry website. Why?

Yet, for all the emotion involved the subject of abortion is
usually only treated as a heated debate between pro-choice and
pro-life. Pro-choice argues for the right of the mother to
choose what is best for her family. What is removed is only a
fetus and therefore regrettable but secondary to the needs of the
mother. Pro-life argues for the basic rights of the unborn baby.
Life begins at conception, not birth. So, an abortion is killing
an innocent child. But you cannot argue pro-choice or pro-life
positions in a vacuum. Real people are dramatically altered by
each decision. Real people like Jody and her baby.

There was a long moment of silence after Jody's outburst. Judy
quietly prayed for God to give her the wisdom to use just the
right words. Finally, she said. "Are you finished?"

Feeling a little sheepish and uncomfortable, Jody nodded.

"Not long ago, I was in much the same position as you. I had
just moved here and was working hard to make it on my own. I was
recently divorced and terribly lonely. My first husband came to
visit our daughter but I decided to join them for dinner just for
old time's sake. I made a huge mistake that night and later
discovered that I was pregnant. I was embarrassed and simply
could not afford to take care of another baby. So, taking what I
thought was the most sensible solution, I had an abortion."

Jody, by this time, was listening with intense interest to Judy's
story. "So having an abortion was a good thing for you. right?"

Next week: Part 2. "Abortion: From Debate to Ministry"

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

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Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me,
and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can
do nothing. Anyone who parts from me is thrown away like a
useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a
pile to be burned. But if you stay joined to me and my words
remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be
granted! My true disciples produce much fruit. This brings great
glory to my Father. (John 15:5-8)


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