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Word for Today, Thu, 28 Jun 2001: A Different Way of Looking at Jesus: Angry Part 3

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

After having had the opportunity to read the scriptures (did you
read Matthew 23, as Larry had earlier suggested?) we get a
different impression of Jesus than what is often emphasized.
Yes, Jesus can be the "Gentle Shepherd", who gently guides and
leads us through our struggles. There is a part of that side of
Him that comes out in the story. He is certainly compassionate
to those who long to know Him --- and know the truth. But He is
equally passionate about exposing and revealing injustice, and,
if necessary, bringing about justice.

My take on Jesus - the nature of God, is that God prefers mercy
to triumph over justice, kindness to prevail --- and it will.
But there is another side to it, as Larry has been explaining to
us over the past three weeks. It is the side of justice. God is
a righteous judge. He gives the just and the unjust alike the
opportunity to turn away from sin, seek Him, and be restored.
But make no mistake about it, those who scorn His righteous ways
and turn away from them will most certainly find out about "The
Wrath of God"!

Don't some things really "burn you up"? Things that you just
KNOW aren't right? You want them to change. You want them to be
made right. Well, God has a plan, too, His ways are right and
true. For those unwilling to seek Him, turn away from harming
others, and find refuge in God, there is no doubt that there will
be a price to pay.

Most of us are probably not openly defiant about things. Yet
there may be areas in our lives where we are resistant to what we
know, deep inside, is right and true. May I appeal to each of us
today (starting with myself, from deep within) to examine our
hearts, and to ask God to illumine the motives for our thoughts,
and to cleanse us and purify all unclean things. As we do that,
consider what Christ did for us, and accept His righteous
sacrifice on our behalf. Allow Him to purify us, once again.

Your Brother in Christ,

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Subject: "A Different Way of Looking at Jesus: Angry" Part 3

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Sowing Seeds of Faith

A Different Way of Looking at Jesus: Angry Part 3
Larry Davies

A few years ago, I watched an interview with Dick Morris. Dick
was President Clintons political advisor who resigned in
disgrace after pictures showing him with a prostitute surfaced in
the news. He wrote a book portraying his savvy political advice
as the secret weapon which saved Clintons presidency. Frankly, I
was not impressed but something he said during the interview
caught my attention.

There are two personalities at war within us, Morris said. One
is the hard working professional who handles everything with
ease. Another personality is addicted and cannot control his or
her desires whether it be sex, drugs, alcohol or other
pleasures. In other words, I confess to being caught red-handed
but please buy my book or watch my interview because I was sick
and couldnt help myself.

Excuses! Excuses may make good talk show material or books but
they do not impress God.

For the last two weeks we have studied a different side of Jesus:
angry. Why was he angry and who were the Pharisees Jesus was
angry with? Among the most religious folks in the community,
Pharisees could be your Sunday school teachers, members of your
choir, your pastor or even you. Jesus said, How terrible it
will be for you Then in the 23rd chapter of Matthew, he

1. Everything we do is for show We must really think we are
hot stuff

2. We are far too quick to condemn and way too slow to

3. We place a higher priority on serving the church than
serving God

4. Our word is no longer sacred even our contracts have
escape clauses

5. We major in the minors and completely miss the
foundations of our faith

6. We may be clean on the outside but inside we are filthy

7. We may look good on the outside but inside we are dead

We know how the Pharisees responded to their tongue-lashing.
Jesus was arrested, whipped, beaten and murdered. Wrong answer
but how should we respond? I have two personalities at war
within me? Give me a break! This is the crucial part of the
story. If the Pharisees were wrong what is right? Jesus is as
intense and passionate as you will ever see as he cries out to
the Pharisees and us:

O, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and
stones Gods messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your
children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings,
but you wouldnt let me. And now look, your house is left to you,
empty and desolate. For I tell you this, you will never see me
again until you say, Bless the one who comes in the name of the
Lord! (Mat. 23:37-39)

* You kill the prophets. No Excuses! Anger will do you no good.
God is looking for courage which involves absolute honesty and
integrity. Face your wrongdoing! Confess your sins!

* as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings. We expect and
deserve Gods wrath. What we receive is a loving parent eager to
shield a cherished child. Confession restores Gods love.

* But you wouldnt let me. An unwillingness to confess is
actually worse than the sin itself because you deny God the
opportunity to be a loving parent. Refuse to confess and you
reject God.

* your house is left to you, empty and desolate. As wrongdoing
accumulates, fair-weather friends disappear, leaving you to face
the consequences alone. Refusing to confess leads to isolation.

* Bless the one who comes in the name of the Lord! There comes a
time when all of us need to ask, Who should be in charge of my
life? Confession places ultimate authority with God.

Face your wrongdoing. Have the courage to confess your sins.
Accept Gods authority. At this point, I picture Jesus with tears
in his eyes as he describes a loving mother hen shielding her
chicks beneath her strong wings. What a beautiful portrayal of
Gods longing to comfort, protect and restore you and me. The
alternative is refuse to confess, reject Gods love offering and
face a future of emptiness.

Jesus was angry because people who should know better were
avoiding the truth. We may look good on the outside but inside,
we are filthy. The Pharisees responded with rage. Dick Morris
wrote a book filled with excuses. How will you respond? It may be
the most important decision you ever make.


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