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Word for Today, Thu, 28 Sep 2000: Prayer Challenge

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

When we feel powerless over our circumstances, or the
circumstances of others, there is one thing we can do: pray. I
believe, with all of my heart, that God knows our needs. Just
the same, it is a humbling experience when we admit our neediness
and speak to God privately in prayer. For those of you not real
familiar with prayer, there is nothing particularly unusual about
it, except instead of talking to a person across the room, you
talk with the Creator of all things. He is Spirit. He is real.
He is God.

My friend, Larry Davies, has the same passion for prayer as I do,
and both of us have been eye witnesses of the power of prayer -
in our own personal lives, and in the lives of others. Larry not
only pastors a church in Lynchburg, Virginia, he also is an
author, and has an online, worldwide prayer ministry. If you are
interested in prayer, feel free to examine Larry's Web site. If
you have an urgent prayer request, Larry's site might be a place
to consider sharing.

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
Subject: "Prayer Challenge, Jimmy Carter & A Pastor Imprisoned in
North Korea" Sowing Seeds Devotion 9/28/00

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Sowing Seeds of Faith

45 Day Prayer Challenge, Jimmy Carter and A Pastor Imprisoned in
North Korea

Larry Davies

During a recent worship service we agreed to pray every day for
45 days. Prayer journals were passed out to keep track of our
prayers and provide ideas. We were praying for and expecting
something to happen. But we were simply praying for people in our
community. God had something else in mind.

Distraught, Ester Kim walked into our church one evening looking
for a place to pray. However, she soon found herself wandering
the halls, unsure of where to go or what to do next. We found out
later that her pastor-husband is being held prisoner in North
Korea and she herself has just returned from a grueling session
of chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer. Tired, frustrated
and feeling abandoned by the world, Ester needed the comfort and
reassurance only God could give.

Normally, she would not have been noticed. The Bible study
classes had already started and were in their rooms. No one was
supposed to be in that particular area. But, a prayer group,
running a little late was hurrying to their room and noticed
Ester Kims confusion and asked if she needed help. Ester handed
them a letter and between anguished sobs told the following

This is to ask you to join the lifesaving movement for my
husband, Pastor Dongshik-Kim, who opened up Little Mens Church
for the physically handicapped and has taken care of refugees in
China for the past twelve years. Last year, Pastor Kim helped
thirteen prominent refugees escape North Korea and travel 2200
rugged miles through China to Mongolia and secured their
protection as United Nations refugees. Shortly after that, my
husband was lured from our house, arrested and imprisoned.

I am in this country to work for his release and attend Liberty
University in Lynchburg, Virginia. Shortly after my husband's
arrest, doctors discovered that I have breast cancer. I had
surgery and continue chemotherapy. Please pray for us. I have
been here nearly a year and I dont know where else to turn.

At this point she began to cry, as did the prayer group. They
continued talking and listening and finally they all began to
earnestly and fervently pray for an answer from God. Sonya
Prillaman, one of the prayer group leaders drove Ester Kim home
assuring her that something would happen but what?

There is nothing on earth more powerful than heartfelt prayer.
There is no ministry more important.

U They devoted themselves to prayer. (Parts of Acts 2:42)

U Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a
thankful heart. (Colossians 4:2)

U I urge you first of all, to pray for all people. (1
Timothy 2:1)

The next day, Ester Kim returned and repeated her story to a
local Korean pastor, Boohang Jung and us. She brought photographs
of her family and newspaper articles of her husbands dramatic
rescue of the thirteen refugees. We found and telephoned a North
Korean official at the Olympics in Sydney, Australia who knew
Pastor Kim. He refused to listen or help. Now what do we do? I
asked. Ester recited a telephone number from memory and quietly
said Call Jimmy Carter. There was a long pause before I asked:
Do you mean, former President Jimmy Carter? Yes. Call him. I
sent him a letter. He will know what to do, she said
confidently. So we called and reached Brett Lacy at the Jimmy
Carter Center for Health and Peace. After introducing myself, I
began to explain our situation but before I could finish Brett
said, I have Ester Kims letter on my desk now but we didnt
know where to find her. Can you send us more information? We are
concerned and want to investigate the circumstances behind her
husbands imprisonment. After sending the information, I looked
at Ester Kim and asked: How did you know? She smiled and with
absolute confidence replied, Prayer! Will the Jimmy Carter
foundation get involved and appeal for Pastor Kims release? I
dont know but I do know that prayer has brought us this far so
Im praying for a miracle. Will you join me and pray for Ester
Kim and her imprisoned husband? If you would like to write
encouragement, send it to or care of
Timberlake UMC, 47 Greenwell Ave, Lynchburg, VA 24502.

Larry E. Davies

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