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Word for Today, Thu, 29 Nov 2001: Peanut Butter Reprise

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today's message from Larry Davies is a reprise of an article he
wrote earlier, but he's making it available again because his
latest book, by the same title, will be coming out soon. I don't
have all of Larry's books, but I do have one of them... "When A
Used Car Salesman Becomes A Preacher... There Must Be A God!"
Great book!

Larry and I have collaborated now for a couple of years. We have
shared both joys and sorrows together. We have prayed for
numerous people together. We have exchanged stories and used
them in our respective ministries. We are real friends - two men
who have never met in person, but share many of the same
passions, faults, and definitely a common spirit.

In today's message, Larry makes a case that there is a better way
than our own way, it is the way that God prescribes for us. But
so many of us have trouble really understanding that, even though
it is right in front of us. So Larry uses a lot of great
illustrations that are contemporary and amusing, sometimes funny,
sometimes downright sad. The idea is to help us realize that we
cannot go through life dealing with matters on our own. We must
break our own habits, and seek God for answers.

I pray that this message will be memorable enough that it will
remind some and teach others the importance of a better way -
God's Way.

Your Brother in Christ,

Larry's latest book "Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit" is a 336
page hardback with over three years worth of writing will be
published December 15th. The devotion below is what started it
all. You can advance order on the book now and save 25 - 40% off
the cover price. The web-site address for ordering is below.

"Breaking The Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" Larry Davies

My son, Stephen, loved peanut butter sandwiches. Actually, love
is too mild. He LOVED peanut butter sandwiches. Every meal.
he wanted a peanut butter sandwich: no jelly. just a (well you
get the picture.) We traveled to restaurants with a paper bag
that contained. you guessed it: a peanut butter sandwich. "We
would like two shrimp dinners. My son brought his own food.
Nothing personal!" "Would you like a hot dog?" "No!" You could
see his look of determination.

"Have some spaghetti?" "No!" A tear was beginning to form in
one eye.

"Please eat the broccoli?" "No! I want my peanut butter

Something had to be done! (Remember, Stephen was my first, born
before I read the training manual.) He could end up in college
still eating those same peanut butter sandwiches. Can you
imagine his first job interview. over lunch? Oh, the shame!
Somehow. someway, Stephen needed to broaden his eating habits
and I was determined to help him. A showdown was brewing!

The day of the big battle started innocently enough. I quietly
said to my son: "I have to run a few errands. Why don't you come
with me, Stephen?" We pulled into the restaurant before the lunch
crowd arrived. "Let's get something to eat." I ordered the food
and began setting it on the table. The inevitable question
beginning the first skirmish soon came: "Where is my peanut
butter sandwich?"

"I didn't bring a peanut butter sandwich, son. Why don't you eat
this hamburger?" (Can you imagine having to force someone to eat
a hamburger? Is the world out of alignment?) That determined
look appeared on his face and the tears began. "No! I want my
peanut butter sandwich!"

"Son, there will be no peanut butter sandwich today. You are
going to eat this hamburger!" As father and son squared off in a
quiet restaurant, I recalled an old sales lesson. In a battle of
stares the one who looks away first, always loses. This time, I
would not, could not and dared not lose!

Slowly, with the trace of a tear trickling down his cheek, he
picked up the hamburger and took his first bite. His face,
little by little changed from a frown to a slight smile. Then he
took a second bite and a third. Then Stephen reached for a
french fry. Wow! As Mikey would say: "He liked it! He liked

Larry is there a point to this story? Of course there is. My
son settled for the security of peanut butter and overlooked a
smorgasbord of delectable food to savor. In many ways, don't we

* We seek security and pass on golden opportunities.
* He complains about his job but never goes back to school to
acquire new skills.
* She says: "I'm lonely" and stays homewatching TV.
* Our churches cry out, "We want to be alive! We
want to receive new families! We want to make a difference!"
Yet so few are willing to venture beyond what is safe.

It's time to break the Peanut Butter habit!

Jesus said this about food. "I have food you don't know about.
My nourishment comes from doing the will of God. Look around
you! Vast fields are ripening all around us and are ready now
for the harvest. The harvesters are paid good wages, and the
fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy
awaits both the planter and the harvester alike!" (Portions of
John 4:31-36)

* We receive nourishment doing the will of God.
* Vast Fields are ripening all around you.
* The fruit will be people brought to eternal life.
* What joy awaits the planter and harvester alike.

Are you settling for a peanut butter sandwich when God offers so
much more? Maybe it's time to take a hard look at your
relationship with God and with your church? Sign up for a Bible
study. Join a small group. Start a prayer time at work. Help a
neighbor in need. Serve on a mission project. Why settle for
peanut butter when God offers. steak, lobster, salads, chocolate
cake pizza. well, you get the picture. (And I'm getting
hungry!) There is only one problem. My son still won't eat

Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit. Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life: Larry's latest book is a 336 page hard back filled
with great stories, humor and a down-to-earth Bible study:
"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit... Following God's Recipe for
a Better Life." will make a great Christmas gift for your family,
friends and especially you. Publishing Date is December 15th.
Go to to order now
and save 25 to 40% off the cover price.

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