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Word for Today, Thu, 30 Aug 2001: The Rest of the Story

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

For those of you eagerly awaiting Larry Davies' next message, it
is included in today's letter. I remember the original letters
when they came to the Sowing Seeds prayer chain. I have
personally written to several people who were despondent. At one
time in my life, I almost lost hope myself, so I can appreciate
how even a normally optimistic person can get down when the
circumstances of life are overwhelming.

That's why we need each other so much. Certainly God could come
down and make things right - He HAS done that already in the
person of Jesus Christ, but He has also given us each other to
encourage one another. Do you really know the Creation story, or
have you just glossed over it and missed the key points?

God created man and woman because He knew that they each had
something the other lacked. He also knew that a community of
people need each other, and we ALL need God, for we could not
last even a moment without His provisions. Everything around us
is His creation.

But let's bring this back to those with crisis situations. It is
so important that we look around us for signs of discouragement
in those around us, and offer encouragement to others. It is
often because we fail to do so that others get to such a point of
discouragement that they question the value of their own lives.
May we BE that encouragement and source of love to them, that
they can know and understand the true love of God. What larger
purpose in life could we possibly have than to love one another?

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: "Three Suicide Letters: The Conclusion"

Sowing Seeds of Faith

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Three Suicide Letters: Conclusion Larry Davies

1. Im sick of it all. Why should I bother trying anymore?
Im not even afraid of dying.

2. I can no longer go through this any longer. I will take
my own life.

3. I guess Im writing for prayers because I know I
shouldnt kill myself but

Three emails crying out desperately for understanding and hope.
I was fervently praying for three miracles yet I had no idea what
to do or how to begin. This problem was too big for one person.

Bianca Tate of the Trauma Resource Network wrote: People consider
suicide because they don't know or believe God loves them. There
are so many lonely people in the world today clinging to
everything but God. People who are suicidal need the love of
God for once you know and feel His love, you will never be
incomplete again! Everyones life is valuable for it was worth
the blood of Christ. Just see the cross! It's all there.
Bianca (

Later that same night, I sent an email to our Sowing Seeds
Ministry subscribers: Here are three prayer requests that need
your closest attention. Each person is seriously considering
suicide and urgently needs your prayers and possibly an email
offering encouragement. Will you bow your heads for a moment?
Dear God, we need a miracle for three precious lives. Show us
the way to get involved and let us trust in your love and power.
Amen. The response was immediate and effective

I went online to write my final farewells. Imagine my surprise
when I found 60 emails from people I'd never met before. The
tears flowed as I read the words of encouragement for me...
someone I didn't think mattered. Do you know how long it's been
since I cried? I can't remember the last time.

Sixty emails! Can you imagine receiving that many letters
offering encouragement and love? One example: We haven't met
but I offer this prayer: May Our Lord bless you. May Our Lord
hold you tight. May a Host of Angels hasten to your side. May
your heart slowly open to good things? May your pain decrease as
your amazing grace increases. May you be surprised with tiny
bits of joy. May you look at a mirror and smile at the precious
image. May you picture yourself wrapped in a Heavenly Blanket of
Love, Calmness, Gentleness, Understanding, Peace, Patience,
STRENGTH and Openness to better days ahead. May you embrace the
prayers that are being said on your behalf. May you go forth
with renewed faith. May you remind yourself that you are
SPECIAL. May your tears wash your soul clean. May your
happiness sneak around the corner and pop up when you least
expect it.

Guess what? I have decided not to commit suicide. Everything
was planned and I wanted to end it all, but after all the many,
many emails and words of encouragement received by literally
hundreds of praying friends, I decided to give life another shot.
I know it wont be easy but I am willing to try. I have a lot of
hurt and problems to sort out but praise God; I know they will
come out right. I didn't know God and so many others cared about
me! Please keep praying and don't stop those encouraging emails!

Other letters shared their own tragic stories: I understand how
it feels to be at the bottom of a deep dark well with no hope of
getting out. My grandma passed away and I went through a
heartbreaking split. I was lost and felt so alone. I was ready
to die. When a roommate found me, I was unresponsive. They did
not expect me to live through the night. I wondered why I was
still alive and tried to accept the struggles ahead. I heard
Michael W. Smith sing "this is your time." The words struck and
I fell on my knees and prayed God would forgive me. I have now
fully recovered and given my life back to the Lord. An 18 year
old friend of mine was contemplating taking her life and came for
help. We spoke for hours, talking and crying. She called me two
days ago so that we could go shopping. Shopping!

Larry there is no way to express how opening your note today
touched me. I have felt SO alone in this struggle. I can't lean
on those around me because they all look to me for their
strength. NOTHING compares to the feeling of knowing there are
prayer warriors out there on my behalf.

How do we help someone who may be considering suicide?r

1. Watch for signs. If someone speaks of ending it they are
usually serious.

2. Pray for guidance.

3. Get involved and offer

4. Ask for help.

5. Continue to pray and follow up.

6. Whatever happens dont blame yourself.

God comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort
others. (2 Corinthians 1:4) Is this Gods answer for getting
involved? Maybe there is a purpose for all my suffering...
maybe someday I will help someone else. I would certainly like
to try. It seems the only time Im happy is when I help others.

Hi Larry... just wanted to let you know I'm still around...
still praying. Things are still hard, but hey, God never said it
would be easy... only that it would be worth it.

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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