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Word for Today, Thu, 31 Aug 2000: Fwd: "Will It Take Six Strong Men to Bring You Back?"

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Here is this week's message from my Internet friend, Larry Davies.
In this week's edition of Sowing Seeds of Faith, Larry discusses many
of the reasons that people choose NOT to attend church services. Then
he offers several good reasons why we ought to go to church. To me, the
best reason of all is to honor God. The Bible itself offers a sound reason:
to encourage one another (Hebrews 10:23-25). But in my own way of thinking,
here are my personal compelling reasons:

1. I love God. I want to use every available resource I have to know Him
better, honor Him, share what I know about Him with others, and continue
to learn.

2. I want to worship God.

3. I want to identify with others who share a common set of beliefs.

I could go on and on, but I think that Larry's message has some compelling
reasons as well. Do you love God? Do you want to know about Him? Do you
want to worship Him? Churches are not perfect places (because PEOPLE
show up. But we are all people, and we need each other. I hope you are
active in attending a church near your home.

Brother Brian

Note: forwarded message attached.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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