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Word for Today, Thu, 31 Jan 2002: Encouragement REALLY Matters

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I encourage you to read this week's Sowing Seeds of Faith.
First, I thank Larry Davies for being a personal encouragement to
me. He has helped me in obvious and not-so-obvious ways through
the things he has said and done over the years, starting with
$7.43 - a story he once wrote about spreading out what you have
and making it useful everywhere you go, even if it's not all that
much to have or give. The message certainly got through, and
I've always appreciated it.

Today's story mentions a man, Fred Brown, who owned a restaurant,
and became a model of encouragement for Larry. I have been
extremely blessed, and I have NANY models like that in my life,
beginning with my parents, but certainly not limited to them.
I'd like to tell you today about two of them, and then encourage
you to read Larry's story.

In the early 1990's I was mired in a deep depression, mostly
because my marriage and my family were not what I had hoped they
would be, and I was seemingly powerless to do anything about it.
Two men from my church made a HUGE difference in my life (there
were others, too, but these two really stuck out). Ernie Frens,
a man about my father's age, and Fred Burgher, a man who, like
me, is a software engineer, befriended me, had lunch with me, did
things with me, and most important of all, prayed for me and
stuck with me, even at times when I was a social zero. Because
of the kindness of those men, even though everything else in my
life collapsed - my job, my marriage, and my emotional health, I
was sustained just enough that God worked through their
faithfulness, and gave me just the trickle of hope I needed to
carry on.

Today, I still have frustrations, problems, and difficulties,
just like anyone else. But because of the encouragement of these
two pillars of spiritual strength, I have been renewed to the
point that I am now a pillar of spiritual strength. The strength
that I have is NOT my own strength --- every time I think that, I
fall. But my strength comes from the Lord, and His strength is
PERFECT, when our strength is gone. He carries us when we can't
carry on. Believe it, I LIVED it.

If you are struggling with anything today and it seems
insurmountable, take hope. There are Fred Browns, Ernie Frens,
and Fred Burghers around. Even more important, their is a God
who knows your deepest need, even if you don't. Your deepest
need is completely met in Him! How do I know? Been there, done

If you are able to encourage others and pray for others, even if
you're feeling low yourself, DO IT. There is nothing closer to
the heart of God than to love and serve one another --- not on
your own, but in the power of God's Holy Spirit.

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: "Encouragement and Cooking?"

Brian Masinick has been a friend and a source of encouragement
for many connected with Sowing Seeds of Faith. Almost daily his
ministry sends out devotions and provides a place for prayer. He
is also a regular part of our prayer team and writes letters of
encouragement to nearly everyone. I asked him to send me some
information on his ministry so here it is:

1 Corinthians 7, like the scripture passage, written by the
apostle Paul, is a mailing list whose purpose is to encourage
people in their relationships, especially marriage relationships.
Devotionals may be shared in this group, as may prayer requests,
questions, concerns, and inquiries regarding marriage
relationships. Members of the list are encouraged to contribute
to the list as often as they like. Please try to contain the
mailing to items concerning our relationships, either to God, our
spouse, or things generally germane to other people with those
interests. Since any mail sent to this list will go out to
people around the world, take that into account before
mailing. May God bless you thoroughly in every aspect of your
life, and may His Spirit continually be on your mind and in your
hearts! To subscribe, send ANY message to:

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" is now on sale on the web site for only $15.95.
That's a savings of $9. In addition, you can now buy three books
and get one free for an extra 25% savings. Click here:

Join our Sowing Seeds Prayer team and receive prayer needs from
all over the world. Click here:


Encouragement and Cooking? Larry Davies

It was near the end of my senior year in high school. I secured
a summer job at a local hotel to work in maintenance, which
really means I cut the grass. But two days before school ended,
I was told by the hotel they decided to hire someone else. I
went home upset, almost in tears and swore to my Mother: Im
going job-hunting and Im not coming back until Ive got one.

Brave words, but I soon regretted saying them, because after
several hours of fruitless searching, there were no jobs to be
found. The restaurants and stores had already hired their summer
help and were not looking to add any more. Discouraged and ready
to quit, I decided to try one last restaurant. Maybe they could
use a busboy or a dishwasher.

The owner, Fred Brown, agreed to talk to me and even offered a
cup of coffee as we sat in a booth near the back of the
restaurant. He seemed genuinely interested in my predicament and
unlike other interviewers; he was in no hurry to end the
conversation. At one point Mr. Brown said, I like your
attitude, son, so Im willing to give you a chance, but Im not
going to train you as a busboy or dishwasher. I want you to be
one of my cooks!

A Cook! A Cook!!?? I knew enough at that point not to argue
with the poor sick man, but my stomach was churning like a
hamburger grinder on high. What I knew about cooking was...
was... absolutely nothing! When I went home and told the
family, my sister started laughing, dad mumbled something about
never going to that restaurant again and mom looked at me with an
expression that can only be described as pure horror. At first,
they were right. I was no cook.

My first day on the job was a disaster. The manager responsible
for training me at one point became so frustrated during a
particularly busy time that he made me stand in front of the
automatic toaster and feed the bread. Toast seemed to be the
only thing I was capable of cooking. Every day for the first few
weeks, I either wanted to quit or be fired. It didnt seem to
make much difference. What stopped me was the steady stream of
encouraging comments from Mr. Brown. Youre doing better. I
can see the results. Keep up the good work!

By the end of the summer, I was a reasonably competent cook. For
the next few years, during breaks from college, I would return to
the same restaurant. Each time, Mr. Brown encouraged me to try
something new. One summer, I ordered supplies. Another time, I
managed employees and helped with bookkeeping. During my last
summer, Mr. Brown handed me the keys and said, My restaurant is
yours for three weeks. Then he left for a much-needed vacation.

Freds favorite motto which continues to motivate me: You will
never know what great feats you can accomplish until you try!

Why am I telling you this story? Two reasons:

1. Remember who encouraged you and thank them. Who was a Fred
Brown in your life and helped you accomplish more than you ever
thought possible? Have you ever taken the time to write or tell
them how much their encouragement meant to you?

2. Look for someone else to encourage. Who needs you to be a
Fred Brown in their life? Maybe its a teenager looking for an
opportunity. It could be your next door neighbor, a member of
your church or a coworker. Your act of kindness could turn a
life around.

The Bible gives specific instructions: Therefore encourage each
other and build each other up ... (1 Thessalonians 5:11) This
may be the single most important task we can undertake as Gods
church. In a world seeking to put others down, the church should
be a place where you can receive and give encouragement in order
to build each other up.

Thank you, Fred Brown, for being an encourager, when I needed it
most! You are an important milestone in my life. God, please
enable me to become a similar source of encouragement. Help me
become a Fred Brown for someone else. Amen. Now, whos hungry?
Im cooking!

Sowing Seeds of Faith... Weekly devotions with ATTITUDE, humor,
great stories and a down-to-earth Bible study.

Subscribe or check out our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in
me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me
you can do nothing. Anyone who parts from me is thrown away like
a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a
pile to be burned. But if you stay joined to me and my words
remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be
granted! My true disciples produce much fruit. This brings
great glory to my Father. (John 15:5-8)


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