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Word for Today, Thu, 31May 2001: Our Source of Encouragement

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

As usual, my friend Larry Davies calls us to take a closer look
at our own lives to see where we are with regard to our attitudes
and actions, and how they measure up against the Word of God. As
always, Larry does not condemn any of us, but he does challenge
us, including himself. I offer the same challenges - to you and
to me.

There is a good opportunity embedded right in the text of this
message, if you would be inclined to encourage someone else. It
would be nice to let a family in grief know that the family of
God is praying for them. Will you be a friend, even though
almost every one of you do not know this family? Do you identify
yourself as part of the family of God? If so, then we ARE

Dear Lord,

So many times we are reluctant to reach out to others. Our
reasons vary: we are shy, we are busy, we are afraid to be hurt,
we have other things to do... the list and reasons are large.
But Your Spirit is larger than all of our reasons. I lift up
those in need today. While it is humanly difficult, if not
impossible, to mention everyone by name, You know all of us. I
do pray specifically for Jacob Bruce and his family, and ask that
you not only sustain them, but You fill them with Your hope, Your
comfort, and Your peace. You are the Great Physician and You
know what is best, so I ask for Your Presence for the Bruce
family today.

Help me to take an active role in everything You lay before me.
Help me also to seek You first, that I do not take on things that
are not in Your will for my life.

You are mighty, You are Holy, You are awesome in Your power. I
trust You in all things today, because Your Blood has cleansed
and given me life. Amen.

Brother Brian

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: "What's Wrong with my Parrot?"

This morning an eight-month old baby from our church named Jacob
Bruce is having a mass removed from his brain at University of
Virginia Hospital. Would you please join me and pray for him
today? If you feel led to send a note of encouragement... send
it to

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Sowing Seeds of Faith

Whats Wrong with my Parrot?
Larry Davies

Chuck Swindol wrote about a lonely lady who went to the pet store
to buy a parrot for companionship. She was assured that once the
bird began to feel at home, she would have a friend for years. A
week later she returned to complain that her bird was not

Did you buy a mirror? asked the owner. When parrots
look at themselves, words flow. Hoping that would help she
bought a mirror.

A few days later, she returned and complained that the bird still
hadnt uttered a peep. Well, did you get a ladder? Parrots
love to climb and need to feel comfortable. She bought a ladder.
The end of the next week, she returned grim and disappointed:
Same complaint no parrot talk. Well, have you bought a
swing? She attached a swing.

Three days later she came storming in, slammed the door of the
shop and demanded to speak to the owner. He died this
afternoon! she blurted out.

Died! Died? Did he ever talk? asked the owner.

Yes, she responded. He said just a few words as he breathed
his last. Dont they sell any food at that store?

Swindol added, We live in a day of religious mirrors, ladders
and swings, where the majority of hungry souls are given empty
promises and sold a bill of goods. There are lots of trinkets
and gimmicks but no food no solid substance to sustain life.
Its like the once-famous commercial featuring a sweet little old
lady standing at a fast food counter holding two buns and asking:
Wheres the beef?

As the summer begins it may be time to ask of your own spiritual
life: Wheres the beef?

The Bible says it even better: How sweet are your words to my
taste; they are sweeter than honey. Your commandments give me
understanding; no wonder I hate every false way of life. Your
word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. (Psalm 119:
103-105) Look at the promises:

1. How sweet are your words Gods Word offers hope and

2. They are sweeter than honey Gods Word adds purpose and
importance to our lives.

3. Your commandments give me understanding Gods word
teaches right from wrong.

4. I hate every false way Gods Word gives you the desire
to do what is right.

5. Your word is a lamp for my feet Gods Word provides a
sense of direction.

6. A light for my path Gods Word is a source of
encouragement during tough times.

Recently, I had the honor of attending a Bible study graduation
for a group of high school students. The best part was watching
each one stand up and participate in the service. You could feel
their excitement. Over the past nine months these young people
met every Wednesday evening and together they studied nearly
eighty per cent of the Bible. Isnt that amazing? Seeing their
enthusiasm and energy inspired me to renew my own commitment as a
pastor and writer. What about you?

* Have you fed the parrot?
* What are you doing to strengthen your spiritual life?
* When is the last time you participated in a good Bible
* Where is the beef? Is your spiritual life challenging?
* Does your church strive to teach Gods Word?
* How can you help?
* Do you have a disciplined prayer life?
* Are you sharing your food?
* Are you involved with a local church?
* Do you serve a ministry that is reaching out to the community?
* If someone had a problem, would they come to you?

Somewhere maybe just down the street, there is a heavenly
store waiting to serve you. You will find a few mirrors. They
may offer you a ladder or a swing but you dont notice those
right away because they are off to the side. What you
immediately discover is the main aisle. Like a magnet, you are
drawn to the bright lights and colorful displays but once you
enter you cant help but notice the mouth-watering variety of
delicious food: appetizers, vegetables, grains and yes: beef
lots of beef.

Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer challenge for 2001: Prayer of Jabez
1 Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that You would
bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would
be with me, and that You would keep me from evil." So God granted
him what he requested.

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