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Word for Today, Thu, 4 Apr 2002: Yes, It Matters!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Do you think that what we think, say, and do, makes a difference,
particularly when others are watching? I definitely think so. My
brother in Christ, Larry Davies, thinks so, too. Let's read today's
message and realize that what we think, say, and do definitely do
matter - a lot!

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: "New Car Rudeness: An Object Lesson

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

New Car Rudeness: An Object Lesson Larry Davies

The bright red finish and the cardboard license plates were clear
indicators that the car in the restaurant parking lot was new. The
owner must have panicked when he saw me park right beside his new
toy. Quickly he ran out, gave me a dirty look then moved his car and
parked it again at an odd angle blocking three parking places.

The plot thickens at this point because the manager of the restaurant
quietly asked the man to park his car correctly. He arrogantly
replied: "I don't want some jerk hitting my brand new car. Besides,
your food is awful." (Colorful language edited.) The manager smiled
and offered to refund his money. The man continued his cursing,
snatched the refund and left in a huff.

Unfortunately, the rude guy was accompanied by three young teenagers
who were watching and giggling. When told to leave they crammed the
rest of the 'awful' food in their mouths while laughing about the way
their father tough-talked a restaurant manager and received a free

Later the manager commented: "I don't get upset when people are rude
to me. It's my job to deal with all kinds of customers. As a
grandfather, however, I cringe to think what lesson the children
received from their father's intimidation tactics. They will likely
learn to behave like their father."

This is not an isolated incident.

"Nasty Drivers, Irate Parents, a 'National Problem" was the title of a
recent article in USA Today Newspaper. A survey revealed the level of
rudeness in this country has risen dramatically. Examples include:
"Yapping away on a cell phone in public places, weaving in and out of
traffic - at 60 mph. and obnoxious behavior by parents watching their
children's sporting events."

There is a verse in Proverbs, which should make all of us stop and
think. "Teach your children to choose the right path and when they
are older, they will remain upon it." (22:6) In other words, we as
adults have great influence on our children's behavior. Will our
influence lead children on the right or the wrong path?

To the father: "what did you teach your children? Do you want them to
act like you?"

. If you want to get anywhere in this world you do it by rudeness and

. I now own a new car so everyone should treat me special?"

. Managers aren't normal people with real feelings so talk to them

God offers another way and we all need to be reminded from time to

* "Love is patient and kind." (1 Corinthians 13:4)

* Jesus said: "Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should
love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world
that you are my disciples." (John 13:34-35)

* "But I (Jesus) say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute
you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father
in heaven." (Matthew 5:44-45)

* "Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you." (Ephesians

One reaction to this story would be to laugh at the rude guy with the
new car and go on your merry way. Yet, how many times have you been
rude when kindness could have been your godly witness? How often have
you allowed others to be rude without saying anything? "We ought to be
vigilantes for kindness and consideration," says etiquette expert,
Letitia Baldrige in USA Today.

Remember the kids who are sitting at another table whose eyes are upon
you. What kind of object lesson will you provide for them to imitate:
Kindness or Rudeness? "Teach your children to choose the right path
and when they are older, they will remain upon it."

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the Peanut
Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life" now on sale
only through this website. Click here for more information:

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light
under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all."
(Matthew 5:14-15)


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