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Word for Today, Thu, 5 Apr 2001: Understanding Real Forgiveness

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Do you have any idea just how much God loves us? I really think
the majority of us have had a flippant attitude toward God - even
some of us who claim to know and love Him. Too often I, one who
claims to know God - and have a personal relationship with Him -
have gone my own way. My friends, I love God deeply. Yet there
have been times (mostly in the past) when I have drifted off and
done my own thing. It wasn't that I stopped loving God, but
let's face it, and talk about it honestly, I wasn't showing my
love to God when I acted in that manner.

God is an extremely loving God, one who forgives. My arrogance
and ignorance are things that God forgives. At the same time, it
is extremely important that I recognize that when I do such
things, I am hurting the One who really cares for me. Turning
away from such attitudes and returning to God is what we call
"repentence". That is something that really pleases God, and He
is eager to hear from each one of us when we have turned away
from Him.

I think that we have to be really careful about this. As one who
has been guilty of this sin, I know that it is so easy to
gradually drift away, wandering like a sheep without a shepherd.
I am extremely grateful that "The Good Shepherd" is my guide -
but why wander off, risking getting harmed, or even destroyed?

Larry's message really touched a chord with me today. Perhaps it
is because I had heard another message on a similar subject, and
had been pondering this. But I really think it is the Holy
Spirit, alive and at work in our hearts.

Let's consciously come to God today. Even if we don't have any
particular requests, let's thank God for what we have. We cannot
even exist for a moment without His Word, for God spoke, and the
worlds came into being. Whatever He speaks ... is.

Dear God,

I come to You today, forever grateful, that You came to seek and
save the lost. I certainly was among the lost, but You have
found me. You have called me, and I have answered. Now my
heart's desire is to remain in Your love forever.

Please forgive me for the times when I have failed to come to
You, and those times when I have come to You, only to run off
again after You granted my request. How unthoughtful of me!
Your graciousness and patience melt my heart once again, and now
I humbly seek You, but I do so with joy, knowing that You are
pleased to hear from me.

Help me to listen to Your voice. Speak to me as I read Your
written Word. Grant me understanding. Help me to exhibit the
same patience toward others that You have exhibited to me. It is
Your precious Spirit that makes all of these things possible, and
I bring You praise. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
Subject: "Crucifixion, Letters and Forgiveness" Sowing Seeds
Ministry Devotion April 5, 2001

I receive more letters seeking God's forgiveness than any other
single topic. I chose four samples and simply let the verses
from the Bible speak for themselves. I can't think of a better
way to remember and reflect on the events of Christ's life
leading up to Easter morning.

Did you know that there are over two hundred pages of devotions
and ministry topics on the Sowing Seeds Ministry website? There
is also a search feature so that you can type any subject and you
will be led to an appropriate devotion. Find it at:

Sowing Seeds of Faith

Crucifixion, Letters and Forgiveness
Larry Davies

Jesus prayed, Father, if you are willing, please take this cup
of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will, not mine. Then
an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him. (Luke

It has been 15 years since my first abortion. I have recently
been coming to terms with my past and it scares me. I remember
the first one pretty vividly. I remember the date, sights and
sounds and the smell. The other two, I have no memory at all. I
need help with forgiveness but it is a daily struggle.

A servant girl noticed Peter in the firelight and began staring
at him. Finally she said, This man was one of Jesus
followers! Peter denied it. Woman, he said, I dont know
the man. (Luke 22:55-56)

I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face, thankful to
Jesus after hours of surfing the net and typing in the words
Christian & Divorce over and over again. Ive been reading
endless opinions (mostly condemnation and hopelessness) feeling
that perhaps my best bet would be to drive my car over a bridge
rather then face the rest of my life as a divorced Christian
woman who left her 20 year marriage to a Christian man. I came
across From Ashes to Soap about your divorce recovery and God
caused a tiny glimmer of hope to rise up in me. I love the Lord
with all my heart. When I originally left my husband of 20 years
I was not thinking of divorce but things have escalated to a
point of no return and the divorce is now final. I can't go back
but emotionally, I can't go forward either. I am hurting so
badly because like many Christians, I never believed this would
happen to me. Larry, I can relate to ashes. I see ashes all
around me and I just need to know that Jesus can take the ashes
of my life and restore me. I want to believe that the grace of
God can extend to even me. I have always taught others of this
grace but now I question it for myself. Please pray for me.

Jesus said on the cross, Father, forgive these people, because
they dont know what they are doing. (Luke 23:34)

I am the 33 year-old Kindergarten teacher who stumbled upon your
website as I continued my struggle to develop my faith in God and
Jesus. I asked you to pray that I would find my way to God and
let Jesus into my heart. I told you of my struggles and
conflicting thoughts and feelings and asked for help through
prayer. Thanks to your website, I received at least a dozen
responses. I never expected to have people write and try to help
me. The support and advice given to me by complete strangers was
nothing short of miraculous. When I sent my prayer request to
you, my faith in God and mankind was at an all time low. Being a
Kindergarten teacher, when everyday I try to instill positive
moral values and beliefs in my kids and teach them the importance
of being kind and polite to each other you can imagine the
torment my soul was in. I am learning the value of "praying
without ceasing," and I am slowly beginning to develop a
relationship with God and Jesus. Thank you.

One of the criminals hanging beside Jesus, scoffed, So youre
the Messiah are you? Prove it by saving yourself and us, too,
while youre at it! But the other criminal protested, Dont you
fear God even when you are dying? We deserve to die for our evil
deeds, but this man hasnt done anything wrong. Then he said,
Jesus remember me when you come into your Kingdom. Jesus
replied, I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.

I asked for you to pray because I thought I had done things that
could not be forgiven. Well, I want to thank every one of you
that took the time to pray. I went to church and accepted Jesus
as my personal Savior. Guess what: He forgave me. I feel so
wonderful now. I went to church not even thinking about getting
saved. We were in the middle of praise and worship and I cannot
even tell you the song we were singing. It was like the room got
quiet and I was sitting there arguing with myself. Then the most
wonderful thing happened. I said one last time: He will not
forgive me. Then I heard a voice that said, Yes I will. I
never felt so light headed in all my life.

Then Jesus shouted, Father, I entrust my spirit into your
hands! And with those words he breathed his last. (Luke 23:46)

Next Week: Forgiveness Continues with Resurrection Celebration
Christ Risen from the Dead!


Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer challenge for 2001: Prayer of Jabez
1 Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez called on the God Israel saying, "Oh, that You would
bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would
be with me, and that You would keep me from evil." So God granted
him what he requested.

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Do you need prayer?

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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