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Word for Today, Thu, 5 Jul 2001: Can you help Larry to spread his mulch?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Larry Davies and I have been collaborating for a couple of years
now. We first met when I had requested prayer. Someone who was
praying for me directed me to Larry's Web site and also suggested
that I write to him because we had faced similar struggles and
difficulties. That was the beginning of a friendship that has
lasted for some time. Sadly, we have not yet met face to face.
Yet, had we not had access to the Internet, more than likely, we
would have not even heard of one another. So our association,
while distant by miles and physical sight, has instead been a
bond of grace and spirit, united by a love of our Lord and a
desire to encourage, love, and care for others, as well as
encouraging one another.

The message that follows is one of Larry's favorites. I have
read it before, but it remains a good one to remember. It is
about a willingness to "Sow Seeds of Faith", even in unlikely
places and unusual circumstances. It is not our job to make the
"seeds" grow (to continue the metaphor) but it is our job to
either plant seeds or water them. It is God's job, and the work
of the Holy Spirit, specifically, to cause things to grow.

A good question to ask, though, is whether or not we are willing
to be used by God in that manner? Do we FEEL equipped? Some
might say, "Yes", others might say, "No". But what if God asks
us to plant seeds? Will you do it? I might be inclined to say,
"But I'm not a farmer or a gardener, I don't even know how to do
that stuff!" What if God responds, "True, but if I give you the
seed, and if I show you where to put it each day, will YOU be
obedient to throw it whereever you go?"

If God were to ask you, "If I give you some water, will you water
my seeds that your suster planted, will you water them for me?"
How would you respond?

Larry's story might help to give you reasons to think about these
things. Do you NEED the answers to these questions? I suggest
that you do NOT need any answers whatsoever, only a willingness
to respond to whatever God is asking you to do.

So one question might be, "Will you plant my seeds for me today?"
Another question might be, "Will you water my seeds for me

It might happen right in your office, or your local store, or
your home, or... on the Internet. Larry's Web site has an online
prayer ministry. It gets inundated with requests; many people
with needs, ranging from job needs, broken marriages, suicidal
cries for help, and the whole range of emotions. Sometimes, just
letting someone know that you care, (without having to prescribe
the answers for their problems) is just what's needed.

Michael W. Smith once wrote these words to a pop song:

One thing I know, everybody's got a seed to sow...

How about you? Are you willing to "sow a seed?" Will you
respond, not with "The Answer", but with a simple, willing,
childlike faith?

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: "All I Wanted Was A Bag of Mulch..."

Today an eleven month old baby in our congregation named Jacob
Bruce begins a dangerous round of chemotherapy. Please say a
prayer for him and the family today. If you have time, send an
email of encouragement to

For a picture of Jacob click:

July is a Sabbath month for Sowing Seeds ministry: A time for
rest and charging our batteries. This week's devotion is a repeat
I hope you will enjoy. Next week we will announce and publish the
winners of our 2001 writing contest.

Sowing Seeds of Faith:

"All I Want Is A Bag of Mulch!"

Larry Davies

All I wanted to do was purchase some mulch at the discount store
and go home but the checkout cashier discovered a hole in the bag
so someone was sent to bring us another bag of mulch. Meanwhile,
we waited. Then, another item was missing a price tag so once
again someone was sent to find the correct price. We waited some
more. While we waited the cashier talked - boy did he talk.

While filling out the check, I asked: "What is today's date?"

"I don't know. I don't care. All I know is that today is
Friday!" he said with emphasis and a grin.

In a feeble attempt to be polite, I replied: "So, you like

"Oh yeah," he said with obvious enthusiasm. "I love Fridays'
because it's party time and I love to party! I live to party!"

Before I could respond, he continued: "I drink and party all
night long! Yep! My friends and me love to have a good time. We
try to do it every night. That's what I live for: friends,
drinking and partying."

I thought to myself: "Why is he saying this to me? Should I
respond? Should I tell this young man he's making a big mistake?
Should I tell him there is another way to enjoy life? Should I
talk about God in a crowded department store to a stranger? I
really don't want to be a witness right now Lord. I just want to
make my purchase and go home. Is there anything wrong with

Yet, if I say nothing it looks as if I approve or at least
condone his outrageous behavior. But if I say something, how do
I say it without sounding judgmental and arrogant? In essence, I
was in a fix.

There is a great verse in the Bible that seems appropriate: "And
now dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ so
that when he returns, you will be full of courage and not shrink
back from him in shame." (1 John 2:28) I needed a dose of Godly
courage and wisdom to say something appropriate to this young man
and let him know I did not approve his actions but loved him as a
child of God.

After a pause, I looked at the young cashier and flashed my
biggest smile. "I want to thank you for telling me about your
parties. You just made my day!"

This time, it was his turn to pause. 'What do you mean'' he
asked with a look of confusion.

"Well, I'm a preacher looking for someone who needs prayer, and
my friend, you are the one!"

His mouth opened in astonishment and he stared at me for a long
moment before a smile began to appear. Then he laughed and said:
"You won't believe this but my preacher said the same thing!"

For the next few moments my new young friend talked about his
minister and church. Recently, He had left home to make it on
his own. You could see a trace of loneliness in his eyes as he
said: "My pastor is a great guy. He writes me occasionally and
the church still sends newsletters."

I left the discount store with a bag of mulch, a smile on my face
and a new perspective on the importance of creatively
communicating God's message to each other. What we say, how we
choose our words and our attitude behind those words can
literally spell the difference between healing and hurting.
"Evil words destroy one's friends; wise discernment rescues the
godly." (Proverbs 11:9)

Whether you are standing in line at a department store or
participating in a church committee meeting God is continually
offering opportunities to witness your faith. What will you say?
How will you say it? Take a deep breath, pause, say a short
prayer and remember God's promise, ''continue to live in
fellowship with Christ and you will be full of courage'' As for
me, I have a new friend to pray for and a valuable lesson to
remember and practice. Now, if I could only find someone to
spread this mulch!

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