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Word for Today, Thu, 5 Oct 2000: The Real Battle

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This message today touches very near to my heart - not so much
because I am looking to lose weight, though I could use some
"toning up", too. This message touches me most because the
underlying message is really about a relationship. What
relationship is that? It is about my relationship with Jesus
Christ, the one I spend the most time thinking about. I think
about my Lord whenever I can. I'm certainly thinking about Him
right now. It is my consuming desire to keep the Lord my God
within my thoughts and activities at all times.

The things around me, at the very same time, battle to take over
that time, to distract me in whatever manner possible. Make no
mistake about it, this is a battle - a battle of the will. You
see, there is no question that I love my Lord. Most of you would
probably say you love the Lord, too. But what happens when it
comes time to make a choice between giving Him first place in
what we think - and do?

I have to be honest with you. That is where the real battle
takes place. Don't be deceived, because it is a battle. The
enemy has a field day with those of us who believe in our Lord,
yet fail to recognize the constant conflicts that take place.

Larry has given us just one light-hearted example of where these
battles take place. But believe me, they pervade our lives. For
example, just try to sit down and read this. Even as I've been
writing this, there have been interruptions. Now, I'm not even
beginning to suggest that my words or Larry's words are the most
important things of the day. I am just attempting to point out
that we have all kinds of things that compete, not only for our
time, but for our priorities and our emphasis.

As someone who really loves Jesus, I want to make it a priority
every day to spend time listening to Him, talking to Him, and
reading about what He says. As far as my words, they are not the
Word of God. I merely attempt to draw our attention to Him. In
that way, I believe the issues we have about relationships,
struggles, the things we battle with, can be placed in the proper

Dear Lord, I am humbled because I struggle with the issue of
giving You first place in everything I think, say, and do. I
also have difficulty adequately expressing how much You mean to
me. Please encourage every thought I have. Help me to remember
You in everything I do today. Please be an encouragement today
to every reader of this message. May You be praised in
everything, and may we share our lives with You. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
To: <>
Subject: "Oh Lord, I Pray... Help Me Lose Some Weight Today!"
Sowing Seeds Devotion 10/5/00

Oops! Last week many of you pointed out that I mentioned my new
e-book and then the link provided did not work. Sorry about that!
Now there are two e-books available depending upon your needs.
For the church leader seeking new ideas, there is... "The Church:
Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit." If you want a Bible Study that
will explore some of the most sensitive issues of your life, you
can read... "Turning Points Within the Bible." Each book can be
downloaded into your computer for only $4. Better yet, go to our
brand new web-site recently redesigned by a talented young web
designer, Katy Hosterman of Red Eye Designs. The opening sequence
alone is worth watching.

Sowing Seeds of Faith
Oh Lord, I Pray Help Me Lose Some Weight Today!
Larry Davies

Prayer and dieting have a lot in common.

I have a confession to make. There has been too many
covered-dish suppers and too few fasts in my life lately: too
much sitting at the computer and too little running around the
church. My belly might as well be stamped Made by Budweiser,
which is not a pretty sight for a preacher who doesnt drink. If
you havent guessed by now, let me be blunt. Ive gained a little

But its not my fault. Im a victim of uncontrollable
circumstances caused by others:

My kids: It would be cruel not to buy them cookies for
snacks, deserts and lunches and it would be impolite not to eat a
few with them. (No more than six or eight at a time!)

My wife: She comes home from school hungry and needs a
refreshing snack so to be a good husband; I eat just a little
with her. (A whole bowl of popcorn is a little?)

My church: Can I help it if they have so many
covered-dish suppers with delicious food?

My house: Much of my time is spent in the house within
easy reach of the treats.

My job: I work so hard there simply is no time to

My lifestyle: There is no time to cook nutritional
meals; so quick-fix junk food is a necessity.

My Childhood: Can I help it if my parents spanked me at
a tender age, therefore, causing my uncontrollable urge to
consume large quantities of chocolate?

Are the violins softly playing in the background? Does anyone
out there feel sorry for me? How does the country song go?
Heres a quarter. Call someone who cares!

Whats the point, Larry?

The point is simply, I need to lose weight and there is really
only one basic way to succeed. Forget the latest fads and learn
the secret of the three Ds: Discipline, Diligence and Devotion
to exercise. All of my creative excuses fall flat because diet
and exercise will help me do more work, spend time with the kids,
feel better, live longer and have extra energy for fun. The
discipline practiced today reaps rewards of health, happiness and
a slim waistline tomorrow.

So, what does this have to do with prayer? Well, everything!

Charles Wheeler once said: Prayer should be like the steering
wheel of a car. How could a car possibly function without a
steering wheel? Instead, we more often treat prayer as a
spare-tire. We only use it when there is something flat in our
lives. But wait; Lord its not my fault. Im a victim!

We sound like the title of a recent book. O Lord, I Have Sinned,
but I Have Some Great Excuses! Our prayer life failures sound a
lot like my diet and exercise excuses. Were busy with the
children, the spouse, the job, the chores and a hectic lifestyle
that allows no time for God. I watch Touched By An Angel every
week. Does that count?

Gods attitude toward prayer is obvious: I love them that love
me; and those that seek me early shall find me. (Proverbs 8:17)
Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my
requests to you and wait expectantly. (Psalm 5:3)

The point is: God wants to have a relationship with us, which can
only happen through habitual prayer. This brings up those same
three Ds: Discipline, Diligence and Devotion to God. Again the
creative excuses fall flat because a good prayer life will help
us do more work, spend extra time with the kids, feel better,
live longer and guarantee us an extraordinary eternal life!

That was a good lesson, wasnt it? Now the million-dollar
question: (Is this my final answer?) Can the preacher practice
what he preaches? O Lord I pray... Please, help me lose some
weight today!

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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