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Word for Today, Thu, 6 Dec 2001: Directing the Choir

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

In this week's edition of Sowing Seeds of Faith, Larry Davies
writes about his debut performance as an accomplished Choir
Director. Wait a minute... do I have the RIGHT story? Isn't
this the same guy who used to be a Used Car Salesman, and now he
shares his faith as a pastor in Virginia? Yeah, that's the guy,
all right.

I've had my experiences leading organizations. You know, when
you attempt to lead anything, you'd better have an idea where you
are going, or either people will get lost along with you (if they
manage to stay with you), or something disatrous will happen.

Anyone who attempts to lead or direct in anything has taken on a
great responsibility. That is one reason why I personally treat
sharing my faith online and sending out regular messages with a
great deal of humility, prayer, and responsibility.

In this week's edition, Larry lays "bare" another area of his own
life that he surrendered to God. In a future edition, Larry will
share the outcome of his adventure and an application to the
lesson. For today, let's just agree that we need to learn ... I
do, that's for sure!

Lord Jesus, I look to You each day, to continually refine my
attitudes and actions. The more people watch me, the more I want
to let go of my own ways and instead point to Your ways, and seek
Your way myself, in everything that I think, say, and do. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: The Minister and the Choir

Please accept our apology. Last weeqk we introduced a special
order on our newest hardback book: "Breaking the Peanut Butter
Habit." For some unknown reason our credit card processor did not
work. It has since been fixed with an added convenience of
accepting checks. For more information on the book simply click
here: Thank you
for your patience. God bless. Larry Davies

Sowing Seeds of Faith'

The Minister and the Choir: A Lesson on Talent and Humility Larry

Recently, I stopped the director just as she was about to lead
the choir during one of our Sunday morning worship
services. 'Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt but do you mind if I
take over the choir'?

With some hesitation and a puzzled expression she replied, 'No,
not at all.'

I said to the choir: 'I've always wanted to lead the choir so
today I'm going to do it. Will you help me'?

You could hear the mumbling as first one then another choir
member finally replied, 'Sure, okay.'

My hands went up just as I had seen the director do so many times
before. 'Are you ready'?

'Wait!' a voice from the choir shouted interrupting my
directorial debut. 'What are we singing'?

To be an effective choir, it helps to know what you are going to

'Oh, that's a good question.' I replied but already beginning to
lose my confidence. Maybe this job wasn't so easy after
all. 'Let's do something familiar and Christmassy. Let's sing,
'The First Noel'!

The murmurings among the choir began again but stopped as soon as
I raised my hands high. With a flourish I brought them down to
begin the rhythmic side to side motions I watched so many Choir
directors use. I was confident that my inspired direction
combined with the solid voices of our talented choir, would
create the finest performance of 'The First Noel' ever rendered!

What really happened was an explosion of noise, off key singing
and unrecognizable words. Some choir members were singing loud,
some soft. Others seemed to be singing a different
song. 'Stop'. Stop'! I screamed. 'What version of 'The First
Noel' are you singing'? I soon found out: 'I'm singing from the
Hymnal,' said one choir member. Others quickly chimed in.

'I'm singing from an arrangement I brought from home.'

'I decided to start with verse two.'

'I wanted to sing in Spanish!'

'What are we singing'?

To be an effective choir, we need to sing from the same music.

At this point, I didn't think it could get any worse but I was
wrong again. An argument broke out: 'Larry, This piece calls for
a soloist and I will gladly volunteer my voice.' Others quickly
chimed in:

'Now, wait a minute. I'm the one that sings the solos here. I've
been doing it for thirty years.'

'It's been twenty years too long if you ask me.'

'Why does Dan always have to play the organ? I want to play the

'I'm confused. What are we singing again'?

To be an effective choir, we need direction and leadership.

At this point, choir members were arguing, the congregation was
mumbling and I was bewildered. 'What's wrong with our choir'? I
wondered. Actually, the problem was not with the choir but with
me. I was about to receive a lesson on spiritual leadership
courtesy of God and the real choir director.

Next Week: The conclusion and lessons learned for the choir and
especially for the church.

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