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Word for Today, Thu, 6 Sep 2001: Restaurant Food and Attitude

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I am hungry for the opportunity to be an encouragement to others.
I am learning more about the attitude of encouragement every day.
Being RIGHT about everything is NOT a fundamental part of the
equation. Instead, a love of people, a desire to serve, and an
attitude that is not always part of who I was, but who I have
become, as Christ is changing me from within - those are the
things that matter to me. Being right? There are only a few
things I am sure of:

1. God loves me greatly, and gave His Son for me
2. I NEED God's love
3. God desires me to love Him completely
4. God wants me to love others, too

Larry Davies writes about a couple of hotel restaurants, and
applies a useful lesson today. I hope you enjoy the story and
find it useful.

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: "A Tale of Two Restaurants"

Sowing Seeds of Faith

A Tale of Two Restaurants Larry Davies

Mell (my wife) and I were attending a conference in Florida. It
was only 11:00 AM but we were hungry and wanted lunch. Would
you like a seat for breakfast? The greeter at the hotel
restaurant asked.

No thank you, we would like to eat lunch. I replied.

Im so sorry, but this restaurant will not serve lunch for
another half-hour. However, another restaurant in this hotel is
serving lunch now. Let me show you where it is. Immediately she
left her workstation and walked with us down the corridor until
we came in sight of a sandwich shop. She then smiled and said,
I hope you enjoy your meal... and returned to her station. We
were impressed but not for long.

The sandwich shop was quiet and empty. We saw only one employee
at the other end of the restaurant who seemed to be busy
adjusting a big screen TV. He was making no attempt to notice us
so we walked over and I asked him, Where do we go to order
lunch? He slowly turned around and gave us one of those, why
are you bothering me? looks and pointed to the counter across
the room.

Humph! So, we turned and walked to where he pointed and then
kept on walking through the door and back down the corridor to
the other restaurant. Why?

a) We didnt like the station he chose on TV.

b) Sandwiches just arent for me.

c) The wallpaper colors clashed with our clothes.

d) We wanted a restaurant that sincerely wanted to serve us.

Of course the answer is d) unless you happen to be a gourmet chef
or a fashion designer. Then choose e) all of the above.

We felt welcome in the first restaurant and decided it was worth
waiting a few extra minutes. But the best is yet to come.
During the meal, the waitress tripped and spilled a tray filled
with glasses of ice water all over our table, barely missing us.
It could have been a disaster, but she was so embarrassed and
apologetic we all ended up laughing. Later, the manager offered
her own apology and free desert.

We were impressed enough to eat most of our meals there and told
others at the conference about the good food and extraordinary
service of this restaurant. Often we waited in line to receive a
seat but we always found the experience worth the wait.

Occasionally we would pass by the sandwich shop and see the same
guy, still watching TV alone.

Why am I telling you this? The story of the two restaurants
illustrates the difference between magic moments where you feel
appreciated or tragic moments that leave you feeling neglected.
The secret to offering magic moments is to understand what
someone needs and then try to exceed his/her expectations. One
restaurant succeeded because it specialized in magic moments.

We have the same opportunity to specialize in magic moments by
offering a loving relationship with God and with fellow
Christians. In other words, we work as the church to understand
someones needs and through our best efforts combined with Gods
grace strive to exceed their expectations. The last thing Jesus
said to his disciples was, go and make disciples of all the
nations. (Matthew 28:19) Its a great challenge for individuals
and churches to offer magic moments through the power of God.

Question: If someone encounters you on the street or enters your
church will they be offered

a) Tragic Moment? What are you doing here? Why are you
bothering me?

b) No Moment? Maybe if I dont speak, he/she will go

c) Magic Moment? Im so glad to see you? Tell me how you
have been doing

Can you imagine the difference this attitude would make in your
church, in your home in your life? All this talk of magic
moments has made me hungry. Anyone know where I can get a

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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