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Word for Today, Thu, 7 Nov 2002: What Really Matters?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

There are times when I get discouraged. In temporary moments,
(though they tend to be short) I've even questioned the hope that
I have. Then I remember the words of scripture and the personal
experiences I've had that confirm to me that the words are right
and true, and I turn away from my discouragement.

I've not had a full time job for quite some time now. I've
recently managed to get part time jobs, here and there, to at
least get by until the right circumstances arise. Everything
about my faith has been tested, but it all comes down to this: no
matter what happens, will I choose to praise God or will I make
some other choice? Continually reminded of that, I choose to
praise God.

O God, forgive me, for I confess that I am needy. I confess that
I have insensitively shunned You and turned my back on You, and
that I have treated many people in the same way. I repent,
making no excuses for my behavior, only asking for Your
forgiveness and asking for Your strength to renew my own broken
spirit, which is empty and incomplete without You! Heal the pain
of the loss between us. As King David said, "It is against You,
and You alone, that I have sinned". David also pleaded: "Do not
cast me from Your Presence, but renew a right spirit within me".
I echo David's prayers today in my own life, and thank You from
the bottom of my heart for the intercession that You offer,
beautiful, wonderful Spirit of the Living God!

I also thank you for the reminders from Habakkuk - reminding me
that no matter what happens, even if there is nothing left, I
will rejoice in You. It reminds me of the days to come in
Heaven, when that will be even more true! I will rejoice in You
throughout eternity.

Your Brother in Christ,

PCCWeb Daily

Thursday, November 7, 2002

Today's Devotional

None Of It Matters

Habakkuk 3:17-18 - Though the fig tree does not blossom and
no fruit is on the vines, though the produce of the olive
fails and the fields yield no food; though the flock is cut
off from the fold and there is no herd in the stalls, yet I
will rejoice in the Lord. I will exult in the God of my
salvation. (NRSV)

My sister-in-law, Jean, collected fancy plates. She loved
pretty clothes. We often talked about being size 10s some
day. But on the day she died, I said to her, "None of it
matters, does it, Jean? Not the clothes or the money or the
size 10s?"

Barely able to speak, she whispered, "Oh, Brenda, nothing
matters but Jesus!"

We scramble after money, relationships, and
responsibilities. We let our energy trail to draining
places. What a terrible waste to wait till the end of our
lives and discover that all our efforts have been for
naught. All that really matters -- is Jesus.

Prayer: Father God, You let us choose our own way. You give
us the freedom to scurry away, but You also give us the
freedom to choose the love that forgives us. Remind us to
pause today and find true worship: Christ in us, the hope
of glory! In Jesus' name. Amen.

Brenda Wood
Sandy Cove, Ontario, Canada

Today's Canadian Bible Society Scripture Reading: Joshua 24:1-18

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