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Word for Today, Tue, 03 Aug 2004: White Lies and Real Truth

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 03 Aug 2004: White Lies and Real Truth
Dear friends,

Today's message is the second part of the message from last
week. Larry Davies introduced to us the Sowing Seeds writing
contest, which is held every year around this time. It is a
great idea because it causes people to think - and sometimes
write about their own experiences.

As I thought about Lisa's story, I also wondered if there wasn't
a second hidden message to the story. I wondered if God, in His
Sovereign and gracious way, wasn't providing a way out of a less
than honoring situation in more ways that one. I don't know what
the movie was about, but it was rated "R". Could it be that the
content of the movie was questionable as well? I leave that
point as an unanswered question, but something we, too, ought to
consider, whether we are children or adults. It matters what we
put into our heads. Could it be that more timeless truth from
God's Word and less questionable media is something to consider -
maybe for you and for me?

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

This is part 2 of "White Lie" written by Lisa A Nichols of
Anacortes, Washington State, the winner of our 2004 Sowing Seeds
Ministry Writing Contest. We have included part two of her
devotion below and hope you enjoy the story. Her complete story
is published on our website along with the listing of our other
writing contest winners and also those who received honorable
mention at
Lisa Nichols is only twenty-three years old and has already
published a novel. I think you will really appreciate her
writing and her message. If you would like to send an email of
encouragement you can use this address:

"White Lie" Part 2 -- 2004 Sowing Seeds Ministry Writing Contest
Winner Lisa A. Nichols

Four youth tried to save money at the movie theater lying about
their age. "Four youth tickets please," one said but the ticket
guy hesitated as he looked us over with a raised eyebrows. "I'm
sorry but this movie is rated R which means you have to be
seventeen to see it." By lying about our age to get into the
movie at a cheap price, we denied ourselves entrance. Well, we
sure hadn't seen that coming!

Speechless, we could do nothing but stare at each other with
desperately entreating eyes as if willing our thoughts to tiptoe
out of our heads and silently plot a solution to our dilemma. I
suppose each of us were wondering how we might still make it into
the theater without looking like complete fools.

Michael overlooked that pointed fact because and took matters
into his own hands and declared, "Well we really are seventeen.
Actually two of us are eighteen." I wanted to slap him. How
idiotic did that sound, after we said we were sixteen? Sure
enough, an eyebrow popped up and lips pursed. Michael continued
to our humiliation. "We said we were sixteen to get the youth
admission price."

The disbelieving look didn't go away. I was suddenly aware of
the long line of people forming behind us,
waiting... listening... witnessing... I wanted to shrink. "Do
you have ID?"

Once again we turned to study each other. Did we all have ID? I
did, my sister did but the others didn't. "Not all of us do,"
Michael responded.

"Well, without ID to confirm your ages I can't let you into the

I was ready to bolt but once again the four of us eyed each other
as if there still might be hope and one of us might hold the key
to that hope and miraculously get us into the theater. It seems
we spent a lifetime contemplating our options but in the end we
could only hang our heads in dejection and walk away, still dazed
by what hit us. We didn't count on being beaten at our own game.

Once we were safely out of earshot, hanging on a street corner
opposite the theater, we finally took a moment to talk over our
dilemma and came to the conclusion that we had lost and were not
going to see our movie. "Well," I burst out, "that will make us
think twice about lying about our age next time."

"Yeah, that sure was ironic," Erin said with a nod.

"Rebecca chuckled, "So, do you think God is trying to teach a

"Well, you wouldn't think it would be such a big deal!" Michael

But we all knew our consciences had been nicked. Why else had my
heart been beating nervously when we walked toward that ticket
booth with our fib in our open palms, ready to hand out and why
else had I wanted to shrink once we'd been caught. "A lie's a
lie, I guess."

We laughed it off and crossed the street, heading for the ferry
dock, all of us convicted in heart and vowing to ourselves there
never would be a next time because from then on out we knew

That night while sifting through my Bible I was unable to stop
recollecting our moment of failed integrity. People say little
white lies are harmless because they don't hurt anybody. They
stretch or expand the truth or perhaps leave out a piece of
information to advance causes and benefit ourselves. It's like
telling your parents you're going to church when you're really
out with friends or telling your gym teacher you ran four laps of
the mile when you really only ran three.

No big deal, right? Yet the motivation for such "harmless"
behavior is selfishness... and integrity is at stake. As I
pondered, I absentmindedly flipped open to the book of Proverbs,
chapter 12. Peering down I noticed verse 19: "Truthful lips
endure forever but a lying tongue lasts only a moment."

I couldn't help laughing. "Okay God, I get the point."

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world-like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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