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Word for Today, Tue, 04 Feb 2003: What's a Healing Service?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

You may recall that last week, Larry Davies introduced the topic
of a healing service. Being a pastor of a mainstream
denomination, I'm guessing that "Healing Service" probably
doesn't describe what people typically think of when they attend
a Methodist church service. Then again, I don't think that
either Larry or I confine our thinking in terms of denominations,
even though I happen to attend a very fine Baptist church and
Larry is the pastor of a fine Methodist church.

In this week's message, Larry brings the topic of healing to a
really practical level. You see, we CAN be involved in healing
the broken hearted, we can help to set the captives free. God,
in His wonderful, merciful way, has included us in His kingdom as
partners in spreading His Word of comfort and hope, permitted us
to approach Him in prayer, and He offers everyone hope and
encouragement through these (and many other) means. Larry does a
very nice job of explaining this to us. It may be a weird thing
to some, but only to those who do not understand the ways of God
and the power of prayer. To those who do believe, regardless of
the label you place upon your expression of faith, there is most
certainly a place for healing, and it begins with an appreciation
of who God is and what He desires to do in the lives of people
and through people. Can we be healed in that manner?
Absolutely, yes!

Your Brother in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Losurdo []
Dear Rev. Davies, My mother committed suicide when I was just a
child. The stigma followed me into adulthood. I had no father or
brothers and sisters. I have little family to speak of. Rather
than have this hanging over my head, isn't it better to do it
now before I have a chance to develop any lasting

"What's A Healing Service?" Part 2 Larry Davies

Did you miss part one? Click here:

"I don't know whether he (Jesus) is a sinner but I know this: I
was blind and now I can see!" (Jesus healing the blind man...
John 9:25)

Last week, I utilized the story of Jesus healing a blind man and
receiving criticism instead of gratitude to write about a
healing service that seemed to offer miracles but left me with
more questions than answers. Are special services necessary for
God to heal? How did the preacher know so much about me? Was the
woman healed of a blood disorder simply because hands were
placed on her? Did Jesus really heal the blind man? What about
those who are not healed? Are there other, less dramatic ways we
can be involved in a healing ministry?

For years, I struggled with feelings of inadequacy as a pastor
and Christian. Should I be leading healing services? Could God
heal others through me? In other words, why was I so afraid to
take action? So, recently, along with several leaders of our
church, we began to look into the miracle of God's healing. Our
first Step was to study scripture. Here are a few clear

1. God heals. "He forgives all my sins and heals all my
diseases..." (Psalm 103.3)
2. Jesus heals. "...and he (Jesus) healed all the sick."
(Matthew 8:17)
3. The disciples heal. "Then he (Jesus) sent them out... to heal
the sick." (Luke 9:2)
4. We can heal. "Are any among you sick? They should call for
the elders of the church and have them pray... and their prayer
offered in faith will heal the sick." (Ja. 5:14-15)

Step two: Several months ago we invited leaders from another
church to talk about their healing ministry. They emphasized
that as Christians we are already deeply involved in God's
miracle of healing. Every time we visit someone in need, send a
card, deliver a basket of food, bake a cake, offer a prayer or
simply share a conversation over a soothing cup of coffee we are
offering God's miracle of healing. We could stop feeling
inadequate and start learning how to improve.

* Healing is... a loving act of God's compassion and mercy...
not a performance or circus act.
* Healing involves... spiritual, emotional and physical
wholeness... as much as a physical deed.
* Healing occurs... in God's way and in God's time... not simply
because of what we say or do.
* Healing can include... human responses such as nursing care,
counseling and acts of friendship.
* Healing may... mean courage to endure suffering and hardship
rather than instant reprieve.
* Healing ultimately... trumpets our earthly death as a victory
ensuring eternal life in heaven.

"Jesus went to the blind man and asked, 'Do you believe in the
Son of Man?' The man answered, 'Who is he, sir, because I would
like to.' Jesus said, 'You have seen him and he is speaking to
you!' The blind man responded, 'Yes, Lord, I believe!' And he
worshiped Jesus." (John 9:35-39)

After months of preparation and prayer our church and I reached
a critical turning point. During Sunday worship, I shared what
our leadership had discovered and how we hoped to expand our
healing ministry in several spiritual and practical directions.
At the end of the service, several leaders stood with me as we
offered the opportunity for anyone who needed healing to come
forward and we would pray with them. For the longest moment,
nothing happened...

Then the miracle of God's healing began. First one woman needed
help in dealing with Osteoporosis. Right behind her was another
person suffering from chronic back problems. One man confessed
an addiction and asked for help. The line grew as we gathered
around each person, heard his/her request and took turns
offering prayers to God. The recorded music stopped and for
several minutes, all you heard were sounds of people sobbing and
praying. In thirteen years of ministry, I never before witnessed
such a spiritual and emotional outpouring.

Over the next few days, several who came forward told me of
dramatic changes and yes... even miracles! Understanding and
believing the miracle of God's healing was a critical turning
point in my life and the ministry of our church. Have I
successfully answered all the questions and concerns about
healing? Of course not! But like the healed blind man, I can now
emphatically say to Jesus and to you... "Yes Lord, I believe! I
was blind and now I can see!"

We have witnessed miracles and healing through our world-wide
prayer ministry. You can join our prayer ministry by clicking

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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