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Word for Today, Tue, 04 Jun 2002: Desperately Crying Out!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This has been a disturbing week for those of us who care about
others. Once again, there have been people out there who seemingly
have lost hope, and are considering taking their life. Please
remember, in particular, the cry for help that came from Margaret
Norman, as she pondered taking her own life. I cannot think of
anything more urgent than praying for the needs of others.

Your Brother in Christ,

Update on Suicide Message and Weekly Devotion

From: Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer Needs from Around the World -
Tuesday <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 18:14:37 -0400

A message was sent out yesterday written by Margaret Norman, who
made it very clear she was planning on committing suicide very
soon. Thanks to your efforts she has been bombarded with hundreds
of encouraging emails and prayers. Just a few minutes ago we were
able to locate her and local law enforcement authorities are with
her. At this time we believe she is going to be okay. Rev.
George Hatmaker, the associate pastor of our church has talked to
her and assured her of our love and prayers. Please continue
praying for her because it will be touch and go for awhile but at
this time Margaret Norman is safe.

Sowing Seeds of Faith... Tired of Porn Spam? Read the message
below the devotion.

"Letters 2002" Larry Davies

Sowing Seeds Ministry has grown during the past year. Our weekly
devotions now reach nearly 8,200 subscribers including over
twenty-five newspapers, magazines and e-zines. When you add
letters from our world wide prayer network we send nearly 15,000
emails every week. No wonder my fingers are so tired. Once a
year, I share comments from people who have been affected by our

Larry, how you can turn a mistake into another lesson is amazing.
-- Charlie (Is this good?)

Thank you for your help. As I type this, tears are rolling down
my cheeks for the support that I feel from you all. Yesterday
afternoon, I received a call back for a second interview! Your
prayers helped me get this far and I guess it's up to me now but
please don't stop! I will keep you posted. My prayers are with
you all for without you, I wouldn't have this glimmer of hope. --

While reading your article, "Help, I Can't Control My Dog!" I am
thinking, Jesus told Peter three times to "Feed the sheep." One
other thing? "Get a cat!" - Mary (Not a bad idea.)

We took my mother a copy of your book. She started reading it one
night and was planning to read just a few pages but she read over
a hundred pages and could not put it down. She was telling me
different stories and things you wrote. I told her I would tell
you how much she liked it. I think she would join your fan club
if you had one! - Linda (It's shameless advertising but I
couldn't help myself.)

Your story about Carl is so sweet. My mother's younger brother
has Down syndrome. My three cousins and I grew up with Uncle Jim,
in our lives. My grandparents kept him at home until he was
unable to be at home. I'm sure it was not easy to care for him
almost 60 years. What a gift Uncle Jim was to all of our family.
He was funny, happy and so very loving. Our family shares stories
when we're together of some of the sweet, comical things that
Uncle Jim did. - Marian

I came across "Oh Lord, I Pray? Help Me Lose Some Weight Today."
I was just wondering if you lost the weight you wanted. (That
hurt!) Please let me know. I am searching to lose weight as well.
I know I need to get close to God again in prayer and reading my
bible. Thanks, Karen (Well, back to the diet.)

I cannot remember when I first asked for prayer, but you
personally wrote me and said you would pray. I have quite a
testimony. The story of Joseph really hit home for me. I have
learned to follow Jesus no matter what. I am graduating from
College in June (social work, counseling). -- Marleen

Your church's willingness to help the church destroyed by the
tornado is phenomenal and so Christ-like. We need to see past our
differences and find common ground. -- Hope

I am taking a course on healing. I have been at this particular
church for almost 16 years and can never remember a service of
healing. I felt uneasy and remembered reading about your
experience of going to a service of healing and then having a
healing service at your own church. I took that devotion to my
small group. We had a great discussion and concluded that we
should be open to the fact that faith is a mystery and healing
can occur in many ways. - Ann

I prayed for forgiveness and protection from the desire to use
pornography. I am sure that the Lord answered that prayer because
instantly the little voice of temptation was gone. That little
voice was driving me crazy! Now I feel Gods loving arms around
me, protecting me. -- Wayne

When I complained about my church, all I saw was what I wasn't
getting. But it isn't about what I get? it is about what I give.
I enjoy greeting people so I am going to do that starting Sunday.
-- unknown

I have already received touching messages to express support and
offer prayer. I had so much self-doubt and felt so alone with
four children and no career. I agonized about supporting them and
keeping them healthy and happy. I cried as I read some of the
notes I received. I am not alone. I will place myself in the
Lord's hands as there is no better place to be. - April (Amen!)

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Masinick []

I think this is a campaign worthwhile enough to pass along to
you. Naturally, it is completely up to you what you choose to do
with this effort, but I'm hoping that most of you take stuff like
this as seriously as I do, enough so to do something about it.
This is one possible step to consider. Take a look at it and then
decide for yourself. Thanks! Brian

--- "" <> wrote: has just launched a NATIONWIDE CAMPAIGN against
Internet porn and one of our top goals is to outlaw unsolicited
pornographic e-mail messages (PORN-SPAM). If you are sick and
tired of being bombarded with unsolicited PORN-SPAM, please stand
with us by clicking below:

(AOL Users click the line below, all others use the above link:


If you like our devotions you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world-like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

Thank you for your prayers.


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