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Word for Today, Tue, 05 Jun 2001

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

For those of you who are reading this from an Email program that
can process Javascript, you might want to check out some of the
articles at "Worthy News". This location contains a lot of
Christian news and items regarding the Middle East conflict, from
a different perspective, but it also includes links to things
like weather, comics, and the usual news. I check it out at
least a few times a week, more often when I can find time.

Speaking of finding time, today's message is fairly short, so
there should be time to look at it. I encourage you to consider
the attitude of the apostle Paul (who learned this attitude when
he came to grips with who Jesus Christ really is).

Finally, if you are a person interested in ministries, even if
you are not "pastor material", would you consider praying for
others? The Sound of Light group has a prayer group which
focuses on teens (but is by no means limited to teens). Then, of
course, there is the Sowing Seeds of Faith prayer ministry, of
which I am a part. You can find out more about it at

My friends, we all have struggles, and we all tend to be busy.
May I be so bold to suggest that it may be worthwhile to examine
our own priorities, and allocate at least some time to praying
for, and meeting some of the needs of others? I can tell you,
from first hand experience, that a self-serving, self-seeking
attitude not only looks bad to others, it is bad to oneself. It
is one of the most deceptive of all tools that the Evil One has
attempted to sink into our souls. The Good News is that it need
not remain that way forever.

Won't you prayerfully consider how God might want YOU to respond
to this today?

Your brother in Christ,

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Tuesday's Lightverses:

Check out the spotlight artist of the month, Superchick, at
Here is today's Lightverses;

Have you ever felt like you couldnt go on any more, you had lost the
battle. Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, that we are hard-pressed
on every side, but not crushed, perplexed but not in despair, persecuted,
not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed.
Paul felt overwhelmed in every area of his life. He felt like he was
defeated, but he had to remind himself that with God on his side, he was
not defeated. Do you feel like the battle is over, that you cant win, no
matter what the situation, be a Paul and stand firm,
knowing that God is your strength and you are not destroyed!

What is God saying to you?

How can you apply that to your life?

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The Sound of Light Team

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