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Word for Today, Tue, 06 May 2003: How Are We All Disciples?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today I'd like to share with you another message from Larry
Davies' weekly Sowing Seeds of Faith series. This message is
about being a disciple. Larry's title says that we are all

That reminds me of an old Bob Dylan tune, "You've Gotta Serve
Somebody". In it, Dylan accurately noted that "You've gotta
serve somebody... it might be Satan, it might be the Lord, but
you've got to serve somebody".

Well, that's true, isn't it? What's encouraging about it is that
each one of us has the opportunity to serve God. What is scary
about it is that inaction really serves Satan, even if that's not
what we've intended.

I'm not a proponent of running out and doing everything that
someone puts before me. I'm not that energetic. I believe in
being continually prayerful about what God wants me to do and how
He wants me to do it. I believe in reading the Bible regularly,
then conversing with God about His nature and His ways, and how
we may respond to events right in the ordinary flow of life.

Occasionally something extraordinary comes along, but that's not
the norm, that's the extraordinary. We don't need some
spectacular circumstances to serve God. Every day, I have
children who need a father. Every day, I have a wife who needs
me, and I need her. Every day, I run into people everywhere I
go. Without a doubt, there are ample opportunities to serve - I
don't have to look very hard, especially if I'm in God's Word and
in tune with His Ways. On the other hand, when emergencies
arise, it's great to be available and willing to respond in a
loving manner, just like Christ.

Dear Lord,

Help me through each day, and enable me to be a disciple who is
not only willing to follow You, but one who is willing to serve,
to obey, to give, following Your wonderful humble example.

Your Brother in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

-----Original Message-----
From: cobrien1939 []
I read with great interest one of the prayer requests: I felt
the emptiness, marital & family problems, work problems and the
loss contact of friends (which was my fault & not theirs). So
many things I did were wrong. People were hurt by my actions. I
now pray that I can be a light for someone else, and put all the
"trash" in God's hands and ask Him to handle it. I started
reading the bible, watching the Christian shows and praying more
and longer. I'm starting to feel much better about myself and
other things. I think more of others than myself now. I pray
daily that I can bring a smile to one person a day. Getting
involved with "Sowing Seeds" was one of the best things I ever
did. I actually stumbled across it by mistake, I don't remember
why, but God must have led here. God Bless, Carol

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"We Are All Disciples" Larry Davies

Our Sunday message introduced the twelve disciples who followed
Jesus. Interestingly enough, twelve young people happened to be
joining our church. So, twelve empty chairs were placed up front
and as the name of each disciple was read, one child came
quietly forward to sit in an empty chair. The message was simple
but profound: Jesus said to the disciples and to each of us:
"Follow me!" As the names were called, and children took their
seats, I remembered very recent and vivid examples:

Friday night, Marge faced more chemotherapy because the cancer,
twice battled successfully returned. She cried, talked to her
family, gathered strength and then after a prayer announced with
a steely look of determination: "Larry, I'm ready! I'll see you
Sunday and I'm coming with a smile." The next morning, I visited
a family caring for their son dying of cancer. It's a sad
situation but no one is complaining as they rally their
resources and give him the best possible care they can. They too
continue to come to church secure in the knowledge they will
receive strength to continue on.

"One day as Jesus was walking along the shore beside the Sea of
Galilee, he saw two brothers--"

Rain now covered the windshield as I drove to check a house that
two churches, including ours were helping put up a roof. Jim,
the foreman of the project wrote: "I had visions of many youth
scurrying around picking up discarded old shingles. What really
happened was the other church showed up in force with an average
age of 60 plus. An 89 year old lady discarded her walking cane
and for over an hour stooped to pick up roofing nails, raked
shingles and inspired others to do the same. Other elder members
of the church would load them into trash cans and cart them over
to the dumpster. Not only was this an inspiration but it was
followed by lunch fit for a king. The fellowship was wonderful
and the conversations mixed in with the pounding of roofing
nails served to replenish friendships."

"...he saw two brothers--Simon, also called Peter, and
Andrew--fishing with a net, for they were commercial fishermen."

Coming back to prepare for Sunday worship I noticed a familiar
truck in the parking lot. Wallace was busy, working in the
garden. For months, he and a dedicated crew of volunteers have
been patiently planting, weeding and watering to turn a newly
finished construction project into a place of beauty.

Later in the afternoon, I joined Percy and Shirley to celebrate
their 50th wedding anniversary. Included with their friends and
family was a Sunday school class formed only three years ago.
This class in such a short time bonded and learned to support
each other through crisis as well as celebration.

"Jesus called out to them, 'Come, be my disciples, and I will
show you how to fish for people!'"

On Saturday evening, staff and volunteers came together to serve
twenty of our youth dinner before they left for various school
proms. The idea actually came from the youth themselves who
wanted to share this special time together and with their
church. So, they received a wonderful meal served personally by
the church staff and were treated like royalty. "We have a
surprise," I announced. Your limousine has arrived." There were
squeals of delight from the youth until they peeked outside and
saw the limo was actually our old church van driven by Donnie,
the youth pastor: "Maybe next time."

"And they left their nets at once and went with him." (From Mat

One by one, children playing the 12 disciples continued taking
their places. But we still had a problem. Who would be Judas
Iscariot? No one wanted to be the person who betrayed Jesus. So,
we left one chair empty signifying our hope there would be no
Judas at our church. Yet, this also meant one child would not go
up front. Who would be left out? Without hesitation someone
generously volunteered and we promptly gave her another role.
Our newest members received Holy Communion, the sacred gift of
Christ's body and blood and then helped us serve the
congregation. What an extraordinary moment!

You don't have to be special to be Christ's disciple. You simply
say, "Yes!" to God's call, "Follow me!"

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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