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Word for Today, Tue, 07 Jan 2003: Pearls

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Here's a resource that I've not seen or used before. As a change of
pace, I offer it to you as our Word for Today. This message is
loosely based on scripture from Psalm 139. Read it and see if you can
pick up the references from the scripture.

Your Brother in Christ,
PRAYER: Dear Lord, In everything that goes on in each of our lives,
whether it seems (in our own eyes) to be something positive or
something positively frightening, please accomplish your Holy
purpose, and use the circumstances of life - my circumstances, to
draw me closer to You and to accomplish your perfect will.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jane Larsen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 11:58 PM
Subject: [prophetic-school] The Pearl

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I had a vision of pearls. They were all in their open shells and some
of them moved to the left, right, center, with the top shell coming
down a little. It looked almost as if they were talking. Each pearl
had a circle of light centered on it, as the actors do at the theater.
I had the impression that there were many people listening to these
pearls, and that the people were growing bored and restless, and had
heard what these pearls were saying, many times before.

The vision shifted and I saw another pearl. This time the shell was
sealed shut, and it was in a quiet and deep place, away from the other
pearls. As I waited the Lord moved this in me:

You have focused on me and in the deep you were formed. There you
were prepared with my loving hand. I always knew everything about
you. I knew the thoughts you would think, I knew the color of your
hair. Do not worry when you see others moving and you remain
stationery. Do not worry about what you see happening around you.

There are many who speak of me, yet they do not know me. There are
many who have the glory focused on them. Do not fret. You have been
still and waited upon me. You have clung to me in the silent place.
You have searched for my heart and my face. You have sought only my
will and I have not left you there alone.

You are a pearl of great price. You have been paid for by the blood
of my Son. I am enlarging your territory and when the time is ready
for you to come forward, you will come with humility and peace. My
precious pearl, you are growing as you wait and are still. You are
being perfected through all this time. I will send you forth with
praise and clapping of hands. So great will be your joy. I will open
your gifts and many will be blessed in the name of my Son. Be still
and do not fret. Spend this time awaiting what is to be. It will be.
>From the deep I will call you. From the place of preparation, I will
bring you forth. From the silence you will come empowered. From the
testing you will be perfected.

In His Name and to His Glory

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