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Word for Today, Tue, 07 May 2002: Contentment, Part Two

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I often enjoy reading Neil Anderson's "Daily in Christ" devotional
series. In fact, I subscribe to it online and I often share with you
the Email versions of his messages. Today, though, I visited the site,,,PTID106200|CHID241224|CIID,00.html
to read the message, and as often happens, the message immediately
struck a chord with me, personally.

First of all, the scripture that Neil uses is one that is near and
dear to my heart. This message affirms that God will enable each of
us to be precisely what He wants us to be. In yesterday's message, we
looked at being content. In today's message (coupled with the
Philippians text in yesterday's message) it is even more clear why the
apostle Paul was content in any circumstances.

It is easy for me to get caught up in the events of the day. But when
I consider what Paul realized, I have a much better appreciation of
why he was content, and it reminds me that I can share that same
contentment. It's available to you and me, too.

Your Brother in Christ,

by Neil Anderson
May 7


Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer
and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to

When you feel anxious in a task or a relationship, your anxiety may be
signaling the uncertainty of a goal you have chosen. You are hoping
something will happen, but you have no guarantee that it will. You can
control some of the factors, but not all of them.

For example, a teenager may believe that her happiness at school
depends on her parents allowing her to attend a school dance. Not
knowing how they will respond, she is anxious. If they say no, she
will be angry because her goal is blocked. But if she knows all along
that there is no possible chance of them saying yes, she will be
depressed because her goal will not be achieved.

When you base your future success on something that can never happen,
you have an impossible, hopeless goal. Your depression is a signal
that your goal, no matter how spiritual or noble, may never be
reached. Some forms of depression can be caused by chemical
imbalances. But if there is no physical cause for the depression, then
that depression is the expression of hopelessness.

No God-given goal can be blocked, uncertain or impossible. With God
all things are possible. If God issued a command that could not be
obeyed, it would undermine His authority. If God wants it done, it can
be done.

The real question is: What does God want done? The answer? He wants us
to be what He has called us to be. And if that's what God wants done,
no situations or circumstances of life can keep you from being the
engineer, homemaker, parent, or leader God has called you to be.

Prayer: Lord, help me keep my eyes on what You want done in my life,
not on the seemingly impossible hindrances that keep me from growing
in You.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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