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Word for Today, Tue, 08 Aug 2006: Living With Christ In Me

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 08 Aug 2006: Living With Christ In Me
Dear friends,

Yesterday I wrote to you about how every little bit counts, and I
shared both my own reflections and Larry Davies' comments about how
sharing even $7.43 can make a real difference - at least if we have
the servant heart of Jesus Christ.

Today, I would like to share with you from another favorite author of
mine, the late Oswald Chambers.

I want you to particularly ponder the words of Luke 2:49. Read them
in a few different translations if it will help you, then examine what
Oswald writes, paying particular attention to his very first paragraph. will allow you
to look up this passage in different versions of the Bible. Some
people believe that the Authorized King James Version, though dated in
its wording, provides the most trustworthy translation because it uses
the "majority text". Others feel that modern translations and even
paraphrases offer easier to understand renderings.

My personal view is that when you want to get down into a word for
word study of the Bible, it is important to look at the source and
determine whether the source is trustworthy or not. I have generally
found most translations to be adequate for general study, but I have
seen evidence that the majority text is worth consulting whenever
differences in content and interpretation are found.

I do read many modern renderings of the Bible and I trust God to give
me personal wisdom in believing His Word and digging deeper any time
anything seems remotely conflicting - for God's Word will NEVER
contradict itself. That right there is the perfect litmus test -
God's Word is trustworthy and true. If in doubt, examine it against
other scripture, you will never go wrong with that approach. Just
make sure it is the real Word of God and not some commentary - whether
mine, Oswald, or any fine preacher. Always check it against the
written Word.

Yours in Christ,


August 7, 2006


Wist ye not that I must be in My Father's house?"

Luke 2:49

Our Lord's childhood was not immature man-hood; our Lord's childhood
is an eternal fact. Am I a holy innocent child of God by
identification with my Lord and Saviour? Do I look upon life as being
in my Father's house? Is the Son of God living in His Father's house
in me?

The abiding Reality is God, and His order comes through the moments.
Am I always in contact with Reality, or do I only pray when things
have gone wrong, when there is a disturbance in the moments of my
life? I have to learn to identify myself with my Lord in holy
communion in ways some of us have not begun to learn as yet. "I must
be about My Father's business" - live the moments in My Father's

Narrow it down to your individual circumstances - are you so
identified with the Lord's life that you are simply a child of God,
continually talking to Him and realizing that all things come from His
hands? Is the Eternal Child in you living in the Father's house? Are
the graces of His ministering life working out through you in your
home, in your business, in your domestic circle? Have you been
wondering why you are going through the things you are? It is not
that you have to go through them, it is because of the relation into
which the Son of God has come in His Father's providence in your
particular sainthood. Let Him have His way, keep in perfect union
with Him.

The vicarious life of your Lord is to become your vital simple life;
the way He worked and lived among men must be the way He lives in

MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST - by Oswald Chambers //
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This devotional is copyright Oswald Chambers Publications,
< >.

Brian Masinick, masinick at yahoo dot com
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