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Word for Today, Tue, 1 Feb 2005: What Can I Do?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 1 Feb 2005: What Can I Do?
Dear friends,

Today's devotional message comes from Larry Davies' weekly Sowing
Seeds of Faith devotional series. Larry has just returned from a
trip to Sri Lanka, where he had a chance, first hand, to assess
some of the situation in southern Asia and establish some
contacts in order to assist with the ongoing relief efforts that
are needed there and the need for prayer.

My friends, those of us who are believers may sometimes ask
ourselves, "What can I do?" There are always things that need to
be done, there are always people in need, there are always those
who need encouragement. We certainly need not look all the way
to Sri Lanka or other parts of Asia to find needs. Many of us
can find needs right in our own homes. However, the God of love
does not distinguish between one place and another. Both near
and far, He cares for all people. He desires that no person
would ever perish without the opportunity to find forgiveness
from sin and to be saved from a life of separation from God.

I believe that God wants to work through each of us in the lives
of those in our midst and also in the lives of people all over
the world. But even more importantly, I believe that God first
wants to work in US - that's you and me. He wants us to have a
personal relationship with Him. Once we know at least something
about the nature and the heart of God, we can readily see where
He wants us to serve. Without realizing that all that we have
comes from God and that we owe everything to Him, the things we
do have little eternal meaning and purpose. When we admit that
we need Him, though, that opens the doors of a relationship that
God has desired from the very beginning.

We ought to want to help those in Sri Lanka. We ought to want to
help those in our own household and in our own communities.
Without Jesus Christ, however, our deeds are empty and
meaningless. The people of Corinth responded because they
understood and appreciated that Jesus Christ gave His own life
for them. We understand that He gave His life for us as well.
Knowing these things, we then desire to help others in need,
becoming the arms and feet of Christ to a lost and dying world.

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

This week, I returned from a trip with several Aid organization
officials to Sri Lanka to see what we can do to help. The next
few weeks will describe the trip and hopefully provide answers on
how each of us can help those in need. I also pray you will find
how your donations do make a difference.

Sowing Seeds Ministry set up their web site to accept donations
toward those affected by the Tsunami Tragedy. The site is credit
card secure. You may also donate to Sowing Seeds Ministry as we
keep our prayer and devotional web site active and helpful. Click
here: Once on this
page you need to click again to the actual secured giving area.
This is for your protection.

"Visiting Sri Lanka & The Tsunami Tragedy" Part 1 arry Davies

After ten frantic days of preparation our mission of mercy to
visit Sri Lanka was ready.

The idea occurred shortly after Tsunami's struck throughout the
Indian Ocean. Called the greatest natural disaster of the last
one hundred years, more than eleven countries were struck by the
massive waves with a loss of life estimated at more than 260,000
people. Within two weeks our church raised over $10,000 to help.
Now what? How could we know if our help was actually going where
it was needed and how could we become more directly involved?

We asked several church leaders to find a special project. As
part of their research they visited "Gleaning for the World," an
aid agency in our area that specializes in getting equipment and
supplies no longer used by industry to other areas where these
same supplies were still needed. Rev. Ron Davidson, the founder
and CEO offered two ideas which caught our attention.

The first involved our church receiving twenty-two large bales of
used hospital linens, sorting still usable material and then
boxing garments to be shipped to third-world countries. We
accepted, so within days a tractor trailer loaded with hospital
linens appeared behind our church where we had hundreds of
dedicated adult and children volunteers waiting. The second
project involved shipping from Vietnam to Sri Lanka, 40,000
pounds of rice, enough to feed at least 150,000 people several
meals and all for only $6,000. Once again, we accepted his

Hours later, Rev. Davidson called back and asked: "Would you like
to go with me and see the rice for yourself, assess the damaged
area and look for opportunities to help Sri Lanka in the

Paul asked others to help a sister church in trouble: "For I can
testify that they gave not only what they could afford but far
more. And they did it of their own free will. They begged us
again and again for the gracious privilege of sharing..." (2
Corinthians 8:3-4) As followers of God we are judged not by
church attendance, Bible study, Hymn singing or the size of our
offering. Pursuing these aspects of our faith will help us become
better Christians. But in the end we will be judged by how
generously we respond to the needy in the world around us.

What could I say but "Yes!" Ten days later, I secured a passport,
received my shots and began a series of flights that would last
over twenty-six hours and take us half way around the world. Four
of us would make the trip: Rev. Ray Buchanan with "Stop Hunger
Now," Rev. Ron Davidson with "Gleaning for the World," Len
Stevens, anchor of our local news television station and myself.

A guidebook describes Sri Lanka as, "The Teardrop of India: a
tear of sheer joy frozen in mid-air." Others describe it as the
original Garden of Eden and proudly point to places named after
Adam, the first man. Adam's peak which some believe contains
Adam's footprint although Buddhists claim the footprint as
Buddha's but either way this is one of the holiest mountains in
the world. A narrow stretch of islands between Sri Lanka and
India are all that is left of "Adam's Bridge." God is said to
have broken it into pieces after banishing Adam from the
"Garden:" Sri Lanka.

For all practical purposes, you travel to Sri Lanka by air which
means you first arrive at the only airport located twenty miles
from the capital city of Columbo. T his is where I discovered my
first lesson about living in Sri Lanka: traffic. The small
narrow roads are jammed with bicycles, motor bikes, cars, bajajs
or auto rickshaws, cows, dogs, pedestrians, trucks and sheer
maniacal drivers who only seem to know how to drive fast and keep
one hand constantly on the horn: beep, beep!

My second lesson was about the people of Sri Lanka: No matter
what chaos may be swirling, they always seem to be smiling. There
is an atmosphere of sincere politeness and a genuine interest in
wanting to know who you are, what you do and where you live. I
found it appealing.

Next week: We travel to a beach front town nearly destroyed by
the Tsunami.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

Brian Masinick,
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