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Word for Today, Tue, 1 Jun 2004: Dealing With Despondency and Suicide, Conclusion

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 1 Jun 2004: Dealing With Despondency and Suicide,
Dear friends,

Last week, Larry Davies shared a message about suicide. Though
the names were changed, the situation was very real. I've been a
part of the Sowing Seeds prayer ministry for quite a while and I
know that there are many people who become despondent enough to
actually commit suicide. Larry knows it, too, he's experienced
it in his own family. There was once a time in my own life when
I was despondent enough to want to give up on everything, but I
was afraid to take my own life. Fortunately for me, God had His
hand on my life and brought about changes within me that gave me
a new hope.

Even today, though, there are times when I get despondent. I
really believe that to get deeply depressed, though there can be
physical reasons to feel depressed and there can be real life
situations that are depressing, to remain in that condition
happens because of a failure to call upon God and to fully trust
in Him in all things. I know this because there have been times
in my own life when I've failed to call upon God and fully trust
Him. Occasionally, I still fall into that rut. Don't let it
happen to you, but if it does, recognize it quickly, call upon
God, and allow Him to lift you up. Call upon friends to pray for
you. If you don't know anyone, check out Larry's Sowing Seeds of
Faith prayer ministry - it's a good ministry, whether you need
prayer or whether you want to pray for others.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

The following two-part devotion was first written several years
ago and was a primary factor in our ministry becoming involved
with people contemplating suicide. For part one of "Suicide &
Janice" click here:

Information on how you can support our rapidly growing ministry
through prayer or financially is also located below. Our expenses
and our prayer needs continue to escalate. God bless. Larry

Suicide & Janice- Conclusion Larry Davies

"I know I just sent in a prayer request but I'm scared. I am not
afraid to die. I'm afraid to live!" A real person sent this email
seeking help and there are thousands of others around the world
who feel exactly the same way. According to recent estimates,
ninety-six people a day or thirty-five thousand real people a
year in America commit suicide. Actually it gets worse because
suicides are often falsely or mistakenly reported as automobile
wrecks, household accidents and homicides. Also, for every death
by suicide there are at least ten attempts made. As
Christians... what should we say or do?

Because there was a suicide in my family, I was confident in
knowing the right answer needed to help her. I was wrong... so
wrong! My mistake was in relying on my experience instead of
God's wisdom. I said many prayers for Janice but neglected the
most important part of all: listening for answers.

Paul wrote advice to a struggling church: "Don't worry about
anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need
and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will
experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the
human mind can understand." (Philippians 4:6-7)

If I really wanted to help Janice and others, then I needed to
spend more time listening to God's direction and less time
worrying about my response. So I finally slowed down and began to
really pray and listen. During those quiet peaceful moments an
idea began to take shape. "Share Janice's story through email and
allow a community of faith to pray and be used by God to reach
out to her."

Within minutes, copies of Janice's letter were forwarded over the
Internet to thousands of people who promised to pray for anyone
in need. The response was rapid and incredible. Many began to
pray immediately. Soon, Janice received dozens of emails and even
a few phone calls from people who shared their own struggle with
pain and depression and how God guided their recovery. For

* After my brother gave up his own life, I wondered if I should
do the same, I even stared at my gas oven for a while. However,
I know that GOD HAS A PLAN for my life (and yours), and that we
are here for a reason. I am not a professional counselor, but I
have been praying for you... that we would seek God's wisdom
and allow His spirit to work in your life and mine.

* I remember VIVIDLY what my struggle was like. I encourage you
to hang on. God has heard the cries of your heart. You are
important! You are unique. You are deeply loved, fully
forgiven, and completely accepted. You might want to repeat
those words. I had a "tape" running in my head, "It's hopeless,
why keep trying?" We need a new message of hope. Remember John
3:16. "For God so loved the world..." Well, the world includes
you and me.

* I was touched by Janice's story and felt the need to give her
my phone number. She called once and we talked for several
hours ... I don't know if I helped her or not but I did feel
the need to reach out to her. Please let me know how she is

* I felt compelled to respond and send encouragement. I'm only 18
years old, but I've struggled with depression
before. Everything was wrong with me, nothing was
right. Someone told me..."When you are sad, Jesus is sad
too. When you cry, so does He." They told of God's amazing love
for me, how NOTHING can separate me from His love (Romans
8:38-39). It was what I needed to hear. Here's my prayer for
you.... Father, I come today with a special person on my
heart. I pray your love will surround and fill her heart. I
pray that her hurts, sadness, feelings of unworthiness be taken
away. May Your blessings be poured upon her and may her heart
be touched with grace and mercy. Amen. You are special...don't
ever forget it.

Janice felt alone and abandoned so I responded to her
plea... alone. In many ways, Janice and I both, needed to hear
the same message from God: You are important but never alone. You
are a unique and vital part of a vibrant community of
faith. Learn to replace your worries with prayer and you will
experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the
human mind can understand.

Janice wrote: "I wish I could say your prayers are a success and
I have won this battle. I wish I could tell you I feel joy and
hope again. But I just can't, so I continue to pray for God to
help me and He does by keeping me alive another day: one minute
at a time. Thank you for your support and prayers."

Our family has personally experienced suicide. For the story and
more information please click here:'s.htm. Have you considered
suicide an option? Please think again and click on the website
above for more information.

Today, Sowing Seeds Ministry has over 9,000 prayer partners who
regularly give their time to pray for the hundreds of prayer
requests that come through our website. You can ask for prayer
for yourself or someone else by simply clicking here:

Sowing Seeds Ministry is making a difference around the world. We
continue to need your help. Become one of 9,000 prayer partners: and/or become a
financial partner: Most of
all we need your prayers if our ministry is to continue making a
difference around the world.

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join our
prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

How can I regularly support your ministry? Become a Sowing Seeds
Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world-like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our

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