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Word for Today, Tue, 10 Oct 2000: Fwd: Weekly Verses from

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I find these short, daily messages useful. I sometimes use them to
supplement the other studies I do. I hope you find them useful
this week, too.

Brother Brian

--- "" <> wrote:
> Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 10:59:37 -0400
> Subject: Weekly Verses from
> To: <>
> From: <>
> Weekly Verses
> from
> 10/9/00
> These verses are taken from TODAY'S VERSE, by Phil Ware
> < >
> We hope they're a blessing to your week!
> ~~~~~~~~~
> Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the
> Lord is kept safe.
> --Proverbs 29:25
> New International Version
> Fear is such a paralyzing emotion. It robs us vitality,
> decision-making ability, and strength. Courage helps us step
> out of fear's paralysis and turn its nervous edge into power.
> But this kind of courage comes to us fully only when we know
> that all that Satan and his allies can really have of us is our
> bodies. He cannot take our mind, our attitude, our faith, and
> most of all, he cannot take our relationship with God, given to
> us through Jesus.
> O Savior, my Great Redeemer, thank you for triumphing over
> all that I fear through Jesus. You have not only given me a
> hero I trust, but a hope by which I can live victoriously.
> Through my Conquering King I thank you. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In
> his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope
> through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
> --1 Peter 1:3
> New International Version
> The great truth about Jesus' empty tomb is not that he is
> risen, but that he is living! His victory over death wasn't
> short-lived, it was ultimate. He now lives to make
> intercession for us until he can return and bring us to his
> home. Our life is hidden with him so that no one and nothing
> can take it from us. When he appears, we will get to share in
> his never-ending glory. How can we not praise God for such
> grace?
> Almighty God, I praise you from the bottom of my heart for
> your incredible and glorious grace that has brought eternal
> victory out of mortal anguish. Thank you for paying the price
> to make it so. You are marvelous beyond my words and worthy of
> more praise than all your children's voices together can tell.
> My Hope will live forever because he is risen and reigning as
> Lord. To you be all honor, glory, and majesty forever, and
> ever, Amen!
> ~~~~~~~~~
> Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may
> bring forth.
> --Proverbs 27:1
> New International Version
> Don't you have your hands full with today? Don't you find
> yourself distracted from the urgent and important things of
> today by worrying about the problems of tomorrow and
> fantasizing about all the possibilities down the road? Isn't
> it a waste of time to be anxious about those things you have no
> influence over? So why...?
> God, give me the strength to seize the moment and live the
> life today that will please you and bless others. Help my
> heart feel the urgency of today and act with boldness,
> kindness, and salvation instead of worrying so much about what
> may happen. Give me the immediacy of the moment I see in your
> son's ministry. Through whom I pray. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is
> near.
> --Isaiah 55:6
> New International Version
> In truth, God is always close to those who genuinely seek
> after him. The real problem is that we drift away from him,
> lose interest, and leave his presence. So let's seek him and
> receive his grace and his help while we recognize that he alone
> is the one who truly saves.
> Father, I seek you with all my heart. While I seek to know
> about you through your Word, I long to know you and be known by
> you as a tender father knows his child and as a child feels
> complete trust toward his tender father. Be not only my God,
> but be real to me in ways that transcend explanation. Help me
> sense your nearness and to know your presence. Through Jesus I
> pray. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock
> Eternal.
> --Isaiah 26:4
> New International Version
> When we see mountains we feel small, knowing not only how
> much larger they are than we are, but also how much longer they
> have been here than we have been. But the Lord existed long
> before any mountain and will exist long after it has melted
> into nothing. The only rock of security, and all the forevers
> we have, are found in him.
> Eternal I Am, who is and was and will be forever, I trust
> that you are and will always be my God, my Redeemer, my Savior,
> my Shepherd, and my Father. I commit all my tomorrows to you.
> Through Jesus my Lord. Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts
> for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where
> there is no water.
> --Psalm 63:1
> New International Version
> Addiction has been defined as "God-hunger directed to the
> wrong source of soul satisfaction." Psalm 63 reminds us this
> is true. Deep in us is a desire to seek after God because he
> is not far from us and longs to be known by us (see Acts 17).
> But often when our soul-craving need for God is greatest, he is
> the last place we turn for satisfaction.
> Holy Father, fill my heart with longing for you and my head
> with understanding that it is your presence I crave. I confess
> that I have often sought relief for my hunger in things that do
> not satisfy. I pledge today to recognize all other sources of
> satisfaction to be temporary and false. I promise to pursue you
> and your will through your word and your Spirit until I rest in
> your presence and grace. In the power of Jesus my Lord, Amen.
> ~~~~~~~~~
> "I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior.
> I have revealed and saved and proclaimed -- I, and not some
> foreign God among you. You are my witnesses," declares the
> Lord, "that I am God."
> --Isaiah 43:11-12
> New International Version
> 1 Peter 2 reminds us that we are here as witnesses to
> "declare the praises of him who has called us out of darkness
> into his marvelous light." We have seen and experienced God's
> saving work. We are recipients of his blessing. We are the
> people who anticipate his mighty deliverance yet to come. How
> can we remain silent? How can we remain bitter, pessimistic,
> or discouraged? The God who made the tomb empty and made the
> corpse our living Lord is our God and he is mighty to save.
> He is our Savior!
> O Mighty God, I confess that I slip so easily into my
> day-to-day rut that I grow immune to the joy and excitement of
> your salvation. Give me eyes to see and a voice to tell of
> your glorious deeds, your mighty works, and your answered
> promises. I believe you are leading me to glory, so help me
> show and share that glory with those who do not know you as
> God, Savior, and King. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.
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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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