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Word for Today, Tue, 11 Feb 2003: A Prayer Ministry Evolves

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I've been part of a few prayer ministries, and I first heard
about Sowing Seeds of Faith through another prayer ministry.

Today Larry shares about what happened when he shared his prayer

What might happen if you participate in a prayer ministry?

Your Brother in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Sowing Seeds Ministry has thrived for seven years with few
outside donations. We've managed, along with the help of a few
friends and the sale of books to keep the ministry active and
aggressive. We are now, however so large and our expenses are so
high we cannot continue without financial support. We need your
help. Please click here for further information on how you can
become a partner in a ministry that is reaching people all
around the world:

"Learning to Ask for Help Leads to a Prayer
Ministry" Larry Davies

One unique part of Sowing Seeds of Faith is our prayer ministry.
We receive over one hundred requests for prayer from around the
world every week through our web site. Four prayer lists are
sent each week to several thousand prayer partners who pray and
often send emails offering encouragement. I'm often asked:
"Larry, where did you get the idea for an email prayer

Some say problems have the potential to become opportunities for
growth. Well, I had a problem.

Several years ago, I encouraged visitors to our Sowing Seeds of
Faith Website to share their concerns through an interactive web
page, entitled "Prayer Needs." Over the next few weeks, I
received nearly one hundred requests for prayer from around the
world. For example, (Names were changed):

* Alice (Alabama) We are custodial parents of a seven-year-old
granddaughter. Now her unfit biological mother is going to file
to regain custody and we are devastated.
* Stephanie (California) I am a single mother raising a teenage
daughter who just turned thirteen. My church is not offering
much support. It's scary and very lonely sometimes.
* Larry (Canada) I would like to change but I have a hard time
obeying God's Word. I would like to serve him and find
happiness. I don't want to fall back to the world.
* Allison (South Africa) We have been trying to have a child for
almost five years. We have been through many doctors and
procedures. We conceived once and lost the baby ten weeks later.
We were both devastated.

I personally answered each request with encouragement and prayer
but every day three to four more letters would arrive. Soon the
requests for prayer became overwhelming. Increasingly, I was
feeling inadequate to meet all the many prayer needs.

* Nicole (California) I lost my Mom and have a broken heart. She
is with Jesus and I should be rejoicing but some days I hurt so
much inside. I want to feel joy again.
* Tracy (Peru) I am 33 and mother of a 12-year-old son. My
husband was unfaithful and I must file for a divorce. He has no
desire to continue being married to me. I am really struggling
with why this happened to me. I don't run around. I've been a
good wife.
* Patricia (South Carolina) My son is serving a fifteen-year
sentence for something he is innocent of. Please ask God to turn
his heart. Pray God's blessings upon him.
* Colleen (Colorado) My friend was badly injured in a terrible
car accident. He looks well on the outside but he's still having
memory loss, fatigue, mood swings, etc. He desperately needs

I wanted desperately to suggest words of hope articulating God's
love and grace but at this point the person needing help and
solid scriptural guidance was... me.

Several respected leaders asked Jesus to come and heal the slave
of a Roman officer who was near death. Before they arrived,
however, the officer sent friends to meet Jesus who said, "Lord,
don't trouble yourself by coming to my home, for I am not
worthy. Just say the word from where you are, and my servant
will be healed. I know because I am under the authority of my
superior officers, and I have authority over my soldiers. I only
need to say, 'Go,' and they go." When Jesus heard this, he was
amazed. Turning to the crowd, he said, "I tell you, I haven't
seen faith like this in all the land of Israel!" And when they
returned the slave was healed. (Parts of Luke 7:6-10)

On the surface, Jesus using a Roman officer as the main
character in a lesson about faith makes no sense: Unless that is
the lesson... For you see, it was the Roman Officer, not the
religious leaders who grasped exactly who Jesus was. "Just say
the word from where you are and my servant will be healed."
While the religious experts, the insiders were conducting
debates, a religious outsider; a Roman officer went from debates
to faith to action.

Bad News: I am the religious insider who neglected to trust in
God's authority. Good News: It's never too late to ask for help.
Boy, did I need help. In other words: I was at a turning point.

Next Week: Help for me and the hundreds of prayer needs arrived
from a unique combination of modern technology and the
old-fashioned resources of a committed local church. It's a
great story so don't miss it. Meanwhile, please sign up for our
unique prayer ministry that is changing lives all over the

February will be the last month you can buy, "Breaking the
Peanut Butter" at less than half price. Only $10 for a 331 page
hard bound book full of humor and solid Bible study. Larry still
signs every book. Click here:

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

How can I become a Sowing Seeds Ministry partner?

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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