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Word for Today, Tue, 11 Mar 2003: Changing Seasons

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Every week, I am encouraged when I read Larry Davies' Sowing
Seeds of Faith. I get a lot of good, practical devotional
messages besides Larry's Sowing Seeds, but I've connected in a
personal way with Larry. How I long one day to actually meet
Larry... perhaps it will happen yet... even if not in this life,
most certainly I will have occasion to worship the Living God in
heaven some day alongside a man who I count a friend, though
we've never met, face to face.

For Larry, apparently snow is melting and the sun is shining.
Well, that must be in Virginia! For me, in central New
Hampshire, we've had a brief melt of the record snowfall that
we've gotten this winter, only to have it make an icy mess
everywhere. Still, there is hope!

Is your life full of surprises and challenges? If it isn't, at
this very moment, something is bound to happen, sooner or later?
Are you emotionally, physically, and spiritually ready for
surprises and challenges? I thought I was. But the past year
and a half has attempted to shake every foundation I've ever

I've been a well educated, well employed software engineer from
1979, when I left Michigan Tech, where I studied Computer
Science, until the end of June 2001. Ever since then, the best
I've been able to do is write free lance software reviews for
computer online magazines, work part time as a software product
support specialist, and substitute teach in schools. Each job
I've done has been useful, in terms of either developing or
honing skills, but nowhere near adequate in terms of supporting
my family.

So I'm in the midst of changing seasons. Everything I do has to
be reassessed. I have a family to support, and what I've been
doing hasn't worked out for us. I'd appreciate your prayers.

The one thing that HAS remained constant is that I trust God to
be my eternal source of hope, my ever present help in times of
trouble, my solid rock. That's not rhetoric, my friends, that's
earthy, real faith. Many other things are shaky, but not the
realization of the fact that everything that God has done is
real. Even my present financial trials can be used by my God to
illuminate areas of darkness and bring hope.

Do I get discouraged? Sure, at times I wonder, when, how much,
what's the solution, am I listening and responding? I question
my choices, I question whether I'm listening to God. Each time I
go through that cycle, God reveals something else new and fresh
to me.

Is God faithful? Definitely. My family has not lost one single
meal, we have not yet lost our home, I've either found sources of
income or we've received help from friends or loved ones, just in
time to avert the next difficulty. It's not over, nor do I often
see instant fixes to these kinds of things (though there's always
that possibility). What I do see is that even in the midst of
difficulties, God's Word speaks clearly, perhaps more so than

"The Lord is my Shepherd"? Definitely. Please read Larry's
excellent message and identify with it, regardless of where you
happen to be right at the moment... in great times, in tough
times. God is the One who leads, guides, and directs us,
consistently, faithfully, without change. We change, yet God is
unchanging, and remains ever present. Do you need a God like
Him? I always have, but I can say so, emphatically Yes, more
than ever.

Your Brother in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Thank you for your many letters of support and encouragement
following the death of my cousin Carl. I will be mailing them to
his family. You are wonderful. May God continue to bless you.

Thank you for the financial support given to our ministry. Our
goal is to sign up over 100 Ministry Partners by June and we are
nearly half way there. Plus we have received several generous
contributions which allowed us to pay down our debt. Your support
is keeping our ministry aggressive and timely. One new partner
wrote: "Thanks, the devotions are great! Please know, however,
that you owe absolutely nothing for any financial support I give
you. The fact that you're giving hope to so many through Sowing
Seeds prayer ministry is enough for me. When I read prayer
requests like one woman's last week - such a cold flat tone and
almost sneering about people praying, yet she's reaching out and
she acknowledges God, both positives - why on earth would we not
want to support your ministry? We're blessed to be a blessing."

If you are interested in becoming a ministry partner click here:

"Spring, Snakes and Psalm 23"

Larry Davies

"Snow is melting, the sun is shining... spring is here at last!"
Are you ready? Spring may be about sunshine and beauty but for me
it's more chores and yard work. There are sticks and debris from
winter snowstorms to pick up. One spring day, I was outside and
the chores were nearly finished so I strolled around the yard to
admire the view. A sudden movement caught my eye. Slithering up
the steps toward the entrance to our house was the longest black
snake I've ever seen.

"Now what do I do?" The snake wasn't poisonous but I certainly
didn't want to annoy him. (Was it a him? Do you really think I
checked?!) Maybe if I wait he can slink off to hassle someone
else. But Nooo, this snake was obviously after something on the
other side of our doorway. I never saw a snake so aggressive. At
one point while slithering up the doorframe his head was over the
top of the frame while the tail almost touched the bottom making
him at least twenty feet long. (Would you believe 6 feet?) I
definitely had a predicament on my hands. Now what do I do?

Quietly and menacingly the snake draped his body over the top of
the doorway and waited. Seconds later, my wife, Mell appeared at
the same doorway. "Please, don't open that door, Honey!" I
yelled. She stared at me quizzically, glanced up, saw the snake,
screamed and ran off.

With the aid of a neighbor, I quickly moved the snake and uttered
a sincere prayer of thanks. It was frightening seeing that huge
snake draped over our doorway. Suppose my wife had actually
walked out the door and the snake dropped over her shoulders? (I
don't even want to think about it.) Suppose he had gotten into
the house? (We would have moved! Just kidding... I think?)

I write this because life can seem pretty humdrum at times, full
of daily chores. Then a sudden movement catches our eye and out
of nowhere comes a slithering snake of dilemmas. You wait hoping
he'll slink off and hassle someone else, but Nooo, this snake is
more aggressive. He's perched over the doorway waiting for an
unsuspecting soul to pass underneath. For example:

. You receive a call from the doctor's office. They want to see
you right away.

. A sleepy driver runs through a stop sign directly in front of
your car.

. The school office reports your child absent for the last three

. The manager calls you into his office to explain the meaning
of downsizing.

. Our nation is on the verge of war. Terrorism can strike
anytime... anywhere.

Do you remember this portion of Psalm 23? "You prepare a table
before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head
with oil." This passage seems to be talking about food but that
doesn't make much sense in a Psalm about sheep and shepherds.
Until one day I discovered David is really writing about snakes.
Did you say snakes? Yes, you heard correctly... Snakes!

In mountainous regions, a "table" describes a flat section of
land. Before entering a new "table," a good shepherd inspects the
ground for holes, potential hiding places for poisonous brown
snakes. Then he "prepares the table" by pouring thick oil in each
snake hole. The shepherd then "anoints" the sheep's nose and
mouth with the same oil making the surface too slippery to bite.

Good shepherds who lovingly care for their sheep do that... What
a relief!

We don't like to admit it but snakes do exist and they will
occasionally attempt a bite. God, our loving shepherd, inspects
the "tables" before us, providing safety and when an occasional
snake does break through we are anointed with the oil of comfort
protecting us from the poisonous bite.

Are there snakes perched on your doorway ready to strike? Have
they soured your disposition and challenged your faith? Get out a
Bible and read Psalm 23 again. Read the words slowly and think
about what it would be like for you to personally receive the
Good Shepherd's anointing oil of protection. "Wow! I feel safer
already. Do you? Now if only someone would clean up my yard!"

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join our
prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

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Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

Did you know? All money received from the sale of our books go
directly back into the Sowing Seeds Website or the printing bill?
When we say "Non-Profit" we mean... "Non-Profit!" Support us
today. Buy "Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's
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