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Word for Today, Tue, 11 May 2004: Weekly Verses

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 11 May 2004: Weekly Verses
Dear friends,

Each day, God demonstrates His love to us, yet so many of
us fail to recognize what God has done, even when the evidence
is right in front of us.

If you can't see visible evidence elsewhere, perhaps it's
best that you start where you ought to be regularly anyway,
and that's right in God's Word.

Phil Ware provides both daily and weekly editions of
his verses collection, which comes with scripture verses,
thoughts about each verse, and a short prayer. There are
many ways to approach daily devotions, but all of them should
include Bible reading, thinking about what you've read, and
prayer. So on a regular basis, I include Phil's writing.
It's not the only way to study, it's only a tool, but if any
of you lack a regular discipline, perhaps these messages can
provide you with a basis for reading God's Word every day.

Isn't it great to be loved and accepted?

Yours in Christ,

Weekly Verses

May 10, 2004

These verses are taken from Heartlight Daily Verse, by Phil Ware


If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault,
just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have
won your brother over.
--Matthew 18:15
New International Version

The right thing is so hard to do sometimes. It is so much
easier to gossip, to mention another's wrong against us in a
prayer with others, to pass around innuendo. But only one
thing is the right thing to do! Go to the person who has
wronged you and try to keep the damage contained to just the
two of you.

Lord God Almighty, forgive my foolish and selfish ways.
Through your Spirit, help me to be as forgiving as you are.
Give me courage to lovingly confront those who have sinned
against me, but if I cannot bring reconciliation, help me to
forgive as you have forgiven me. Through Jesus, the atoning
sacrifice for sin I pray. Amen.


Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave you.
--Ephesians 4:32
New International Version

Be kind and compassionate, -- two qualities that seem to be
in short supply. Maybe its because we hold up the wrong
heroes, but these two qualities are often seen as a sign of
weakness rather than strength. To forgive as God forgave us
requires great courage and great strength. So let's be strong!

Holy God, there is no way I can adequately thank you for
sacrificing so much to forgive me. So this day, I pledge to be
more like you, to share more of kindness and grace with those
who have wronged me. Today, I ask you to help me release my
bitterness toward _____________ and I ask you to bless this
person with your kindness and grace. By the power of Jesus'
example I ask this. Amen.


Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave you.
--Ephesians 4:32
New International Version

Be kind and compassionate, -- two qualities that seem to be
in short supply. Maybe its because we hold up the wrong
heroes, but these two qualities are often seen as a sign of
weakness rather than strength. To forgive as God forgave us
requires great courage and great strength. So let's be strong!

Holy God, there is no way I can adequately thank you for
sacrificing so much to forgive me. So this day, I pledge to be
more like you, to share more of kindness and grace with those
who have wronged me. Today, I ask you to help me release my
bitterness toward _____________ and I ask you to bless this
person with your kindness and grace. By the power of Jesus'
example I ask this. Amen.


Charm is deceptive and beauty if fleeting; but a woman who
fears the Lord is to be praised.
--Proverbs 31:30
New International Version

So many things we honor and exalt in our culture are shallow
and temporary. The one thing that lasts in a beautiful woman
is not her charm or her beauty, but her godliness. Let's make
sure in our church families and our physical families that true
and lasting beauty is clearly valued and amply praised!

Holy God, please give us better eyes and more faithful
hearts that we may value in all people qualities that reflect
your character. Bless us as we raise our children that we may
instill in them a sense of proper values as they choose their
life partner. And dear God, please help us in our churches to
value and praise women for their holy character. In Jesus
name. Amen.


You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my
mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and
wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full
--Psalm 139:13-14
New International Version

I am made by God! You are made by God. Just as surely as
ANYone has been made by God, we have been made by God. He knew
us before anyone knew we were there. He had plans for us
before anyone planned our arrival. And he made us well! How
do we know? Look at all God has made.

God Almighty, my Savior and Redeemer, thank you for knowing
me before I was able to know. Thank you for choosing my life
and giving it to me. Thank you for giving me the gifts,
abilities and talents that you have given me. Now help me live
as if I was made special by you, because I am! Through Jesus I
pray. Amen.


As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is
formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of
God, the Maker of all things.
--Ecclesiastes 11:5
New International Version

I don't know. I don't know! That has to be one of the
hardest phrases for us to use. But when thinking about God and
his ways, that's really all we can say. We know about God only
what he in his grace has chosen to reveal to us. He is the
Mystery of mysteries. He is the supreme knowable Unknown. Yet
what we do know of him, what he has revealed to us in Jesus, is
not only mighty and awesome, but loving and merciful.

To you, O Lord God, I can only offer my wonder and awe.
When I consider the universe in which our tiny blue planet
spins its existence, I am humbled at your vastness. But at the
same time, I treasure your nearness. You are a good far above
all I know, but a God who is also near. Thank you for being
accessible but not penetrable. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.


The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will
take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he
will rejoice over you with singing.
--Zephaniah 3:17
New International Version

So God likes to sing too! He even likes to share his
lullabies with those he loves. Not only is God Abba Father, he
is also like a mother. He gently rocks and quiets his children
with his affectionate care.

O God, I pray that when the storms of life rage against me,
I will remember these words and find refuge, comfort and peace
in your sheltering care. Make me aware, O God, of your singing
in my life as you make your salvation more clear to me each
day. Through my Savior Jesus I pray. Amen.

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